
Coronavirus Diary






Vacuum Cleaners

: 34 degrees F this morning. In the moonlight, I can see frost covering the roofs across the street.

: Tater tots deserve more respect.

: I early voted today, so that’s out of the way. No line but a steady flow of people. A mix of …

: How in the heck do you sprain (or maybe pinch a nerve) an ankle while sleeping in bed? It sure makes …

: Happy Free Web Search Day Lets keep internet search free and open.

: Xtwitter is screwing around with the “Explore” function and they got it all messed up. …

: Nobody: What is your political affiliation? Me: I’m pro cephalopod.

: Seems like a lot of knife attacks are happening. Not just in Europe, UK but also China plus even in …

: Junk in, junk out file. I think Facebook Bot is Meta’s bot for collecting stuff for their AI …

: So Facebook Bot has been all over my blog. I think this is FB’s AI scraper bot. But I have a …

: We are using up Earth’s gravity faster than it is being replaced. Peak gravity. #aibait …

: Did I get this right, cats are eating Republicans in Ohio? Of course it would be in Ohio.

: I got the current 2024 Covid shot. Pfizer. I think my 5G reception is better than ever before. I …

: After Sept. 10th, 2024 all cat pics on XTwitter will be moved behind a paywall.

: At the risk of being politically incorrect, I prefer the Gothic arch over the Roman arch. Not that …

: I’m not sure Yahoo! Mail is even trying to filter spam anymore. Um, they could at least make a …

: Someone is planning on putting a Taco Bell in my town. shrugs Frankly I’d rather have a Waffle …

: We’re having some fun now: banning words, burning books, raising prices, reducing size of …

: It’s true, I miss a lot of the old analog tech stuff, but I don’t miss 8-Track tapes. …

: Review: Aldi BBQ Pulled Pork Aldi has a BBQ Pulled Pork entree which comes in a refrigerated pouch also in a tray in case it …

: Seen and Heard on the Internets: Now that many websites are blocking AI bots using robots.txt, the …

: Does this JD Vance guy really wear eyeliner or is that something made up on the Internets?

: Comcast “automated” help is worthless. Annoying and it has errors, lots of errors.

: With Biden out, Trump becomes the one vulnerable as being to old to be President.

: If you are running a “search engine” and you obfuscate, dodge or otherwise don’t …

: If I were launching a blogging platform today, it would have fine grained controls over who could …

: I just saw a news video of everyone at the RNC wearing ear bandages. This is a cult. They are …

: If you think if Biden steps down, that will automatically translate to support for Harris guess …

: I could be wrong, but I swear McDonalds dill pickle slices on their burgers are thinner than they …

: What we have is a coup d’ete against Biden from within the Democratic Party by a group of …

: The newly discovered caves on the Moon are secret bases for UFO aliens. #AIbotbait

: My prediction is with climate change and rising temperatures, alligators will migrate much further …

: I only heard an audio clip from Biden’s speech in Michigan but He had a good point: I voted …

: Democrats. The whole following thread is worth reading: 1/ “Here we are, hanging on for dear life, …

: Wow, YouTube has become almost unusable. There is so much misleading, clickbait content, misleading …

: Because of the 4th of July holiday, I will be eating fancier foods than normal (not a big leap). …

: I'm Backing Joe Biden The debate among Democrats on retaining Joe Biden for President is one of form over substance. It …

: I don’t understand the Democrats. I think a large part of the Democratic Party actually wants …

: AI is the new Cybertruck.

: We used to have Welcome Centers when you crossed the state line. Now we have fireworks stands. …

: After July 1st, evaporation will be available only to paid subscribers.

: Gravity isn’t real.

: Testing Vivaldi Browser as a RSS Feed Reader I’m experimenting with the RSS feed reader built into Vivaldi browser. It’s basic but it …

: Any recommendations for a good RSS feed reader for Linux? I have QuiteRSS which I barely used, but …

: The high temp today is supposed to be 91 degrees F. And the rest of the week right around 90F. I …

: Once again, it’s Frozen Pizza Friday. But now with an added tossed side salad coz healthy, and …

: If I were to do a cooking blog it would be about cooking with canned goods and combining canned …

: I don’t know how to do CSS. I don’t want to know how to do CSS. CSS should be as simple …

: I’m forcing myself to eat more tofu and plant based protein. That means I’m doing it …

: I suspect that cryptocurrency, blockchain and AI are all snake oils invented by cereal grifters to …

: “Don’t be evil,” until after the IPO.

: I’m a cereal mixer. I mix several different breakfast cereals in a bowl to to avoid cereal …

: We don’t need no stinkin AI. Bring back Clippy.

: What robots.txt needs is a one line way to ban all SEO bots and a one line way to ban all AI …

: I follow an account on Xtwitter that I really enjoy only I don’t know how long either they or …

: Pre-Pandemic, I used to be able to buy hard boiled eggs in a sealed pouch at the grocery store. …

: Serving Suggestion. From the Genius Food Mashup file; Philly Taco Wrap a slice of pizza around a …

: I had heard there is a pickle shortage in the US on the radio. I only remembered that when I looked …

: I had Stouffer’s lasagna, which was actually pretty good, and a salad for supper. I …

: Link: Google Search Says You Should Eat Glue, Use Gasoline in Spaghetti | How-to Geek …

: Hypertext Web Fiction: An Indieweb Publishing Medium? I’m enamored with the idea of hyperlinked web fiction, a form of publishing that really only …

: We need to come up with a better term than “content”.

: On Trying a Different Morning Coffee Good morning. I’m trying a different morning coffee: Aldi ground Breakfast Blend (medium …

: Those shooting stars you see on occasion are not meteors. They are old glass jars of Tang jettisoned …

: Word is, the next Middle Earth movie is about Gollum. This is a really hard sell for me. I really …

: I’m trying to eat healthier, so only organic, free range, paleo, Pop-Tarts from now on.

: Somebody said they consider continuous scroll to be a Dark Pattern and I agree.

: Wearing a tinfoil hat will protect you from deadly brainwave disruption radiation caused by the …

: I see so many neat personal websites, I need to remind myself to take some time out and sign more …

: I just logged in to my car dealership to schedule an appt for service. The software automatically …

: Brain worms explains a lot.

: Interesting: I got a referral from SwissCows search engine. I don’t remember ever seeing them …

: Question: Those of you who have weekly newsletter summaries, what day of the week do you find is …

: Going through a car wash, when the “Tri-Foam Spray” sign lights up, I always yell, …

: The first best thing about the morning: that first cup of coffee. The second best thing about …

: So far, the hardest part of starting a new blog on is selecting a theme. There are so …

: I just upgraded from regular Microblg to Microblog Premium and, no fooling, it has to be the easiest …

: I just saw this: in France, a vending machine for guitar strings in a train station. I don’t …

: Podcast Recommendation: Under the Influence with Terry O’Reilly A fascinating weekly look at …

: Fair warning, XTwitter is on borrowed time with me. I can no longer follow or unfollow people for …

: Kids and teens can’t wait to grow up and be adults. They think it’s gonna be cool. Well, …

: I have totally lost the plot as to when somebodies reply to my post gets added to the post page on …

: Review Vito and Nicks II Frozen Pizzas Friday is officially Frozen Pizza Friday (FPF) around here. Something I started during pandemic …

: Bluesky is a good source for cat pics. That’s all I use it for, cat pics.

: Advertising is about making you feel insecure and that you will only be happy if you use their …

: I still miss the White Castle that closed in Chesterton, Indiana. It wasn’t much but it was …

: I’m predicting that superhero capes will be the next Spring clothing fashion fad. Just imagine …

: AI ate my homework.

: Twin Peaks’ Agent Cooper: How TV’s strangest detective was born One of my favorite …

: “Every year, back comes Spring, with nasty little birds yapping their fool heads off and the …

: Some people are saying the 2024 solar eclipse is a government trick or something. I’m putting …

: Good morning. I’m marking time until the local Burger King opens.

: Yesterday, 30 March 2024, I heard one of my neighbors mowing their lawn. Just for the record: …

: Supply chain? Where did all the cat pics go?

: Lessons from the War in Ukraine One lesson from the War in Ukraine: The USA is not materially ready for a big war. Our post-Cold War …

: Bliss! I’m back to drinking my favorite tea, Yorkshire Red teabags, again. I’d bought a …

: I think XTwitter only has two advertisers left: 1. Oreo cookies, 2. some liver guy (I’ve no …

: I came across this map directory listing the locations of memorial benches. We spend a lot of time …

: I’m kinda bummed that I have no pie for pi day.

: There is no such thing as having to many books. You didn’t need to actually be move around in …

: Factoid: There are no boulders native to NW Indiana. Any boulders here have either been imported or …

: I strongly suspect that 50% of inflation is due to greed. Companies are cashing in for even larger …

: Coffee. Hot. Black. This is the only remedy for the hated time change.

: A few years ago Aldi had a frozen pizza very similar in size and weight to a regular Tombstone pizza …

: Good morning. It’s foggy outside and the fog smells of sulfur from the steel mill.

: We need more ways to consume mashed potatoes. Like mashed potato pizzas.

: Got a text from Comcast that I can expect Internet interruptions today as they upgrade some …

: I was just looking at the paid plans at Wordpress .com. is not for the individual blogger …

: I think I have all the stuff needed to make stir-fry.

: Native Comments on Blogs I’ve been looking for blog platforms that support both webmentions and native comments for …

: I’ve reached my limit on subscriptions. I don’t care what you are selling, if it …

: For lunch I ate a Cosmic Crisp apple and it sure was good. Cosmic Crisp, Honey Crisp and Granny …

: I’m pretty sure there is a US Department of Pine Cones.

: Electric vehicles would look better with tail fins.

: I just tried out Bluesky. Interesting. UI is very Twitter-like, so it seems familiar, only more …

: Washington DC Republicans are invertebrates! #supportukraine #stronglanguagewarning

: From the archives: People, the Analog and Shaping our Society. We’re in election year …

: My favorite part of watching (old) TV shows is when the hero just drives up and finds a parking spot …

: Supper tonight will include a side salad. That’s the only thing I know for sure. I’m not …

: So Trump is selling Trump ugly sneakers now. If you see anybody actually wearing them in real life …

: Just a reminder. in case you are boycotting Oreo cookies, that Hydrox cookies (made in USA) are …

: Maybe it’s my web browser. Maybe it’s XTwitter slowly breaking down. It seems I can no …

: Not to be controversial or anything, but you know those molded plastic chairs that are supposed to …

: I might be imagining this but I swear YouTube is slopping on more and more commercials and ads every …

: Okay, hot dogs, mac and cheese and a salad for supper. Let it be written. Let it be law. There, …

: Good morning. The best part of morning is that first cup of coffee.

: Trump's Crazy NATO Policy Trump encouraging Russia’s Putin to attack NATO allies, for any reason, is irresponsible and …

: It’s interesting watching different timelines on each social network wake-up and start getting …

: Self censorship: Silence like a cancer grows. - Paul Simon We can speak out. It’s not …

: Yesterday, I encountered The Mother of all Captchas. I can’t describe it, but I had to take …

: Does anyone know of a list of blogging platforms that support having comments?

: Two spaces after a period and before the next sentence. I make my stand upon this hill.

: RCA, Zenith, General Electric, Magnavox, Philco, Admiral, Emerson, Sylvania, and Panasonic, Sony, …

: Attention, please! Breaking tea news Now, do carry on. #TeaNewsNetwork #breakingteanews

: And the furnace quit and it’s winter. Also, middle of the night. Grumble, grumble, grumble.

: According to the adverts on XTwitter: everyday clothing in The Western World is now a T-shirt with …

: I just followed the #mojeek hashtag on Mastodon so I could can see what users are saying.

: So over on XElon, lots of women are suddenly following me. Funny, I never had that happen in real …

: I sometimes wonder, if the circumstances were right, would Microsoft get back into the smartphone …

: I there a way to turn off all posting from your blog to the MB social timeline?

: Looks in refrigerator - supper will somehow include hot dogs.

: I thought things would never get weirder than the late 1960’s and most of the 1970’s. I …

: “Federalism is the best curb on democracy. [It] assigns limited powers to the central …

: Due to popular demand - Me - Frozen Pizza Friday will, once again, be observed today. That is all.

: This does not surprise me. It confirms what I already suspected. Half of recent US inflation due to …

: On one of my social timelines a guy regularly posts old automobile ads which I enjoy a lot. Strange …

: I just heard Apple Vision Pro starts at US $3,500. I got this bridge, in Brooklyn, that I can sell …

: I just stocked up on food essentials - again. Snow tonight, maybe. Snow tomorrow with high winds, …

: My current problem with writing long form blog posts is fear of repeating myself. If I don’t …

: The problem with being stuck indoors for days on end by the weather is that one starts wanting to …

: Can you dine in a restaurant while wearing Apple Vision Pro and not get soup and everything else …

: Although it can’t replace search engines, there is a case here for human curated search …

: This morning the temperature is -3 degrees Fahrenheit (-19 C), and dropping. Windy too. I think …

: Perfect timing: my watch battery dies right when a snow/ice/wind/subzero cold storm moves in so I …

: Just my opinion, but cars made today all look the same. Boring. I think this is partly because cars …

: “Our Enemies Will Vanish”, by Yaroslav Trofimov sounds like a good book. I just ordered …

: I’m Blockchaining AI with Multimedia Cat Pic NFT’s and razzle dazzle.

: New Tears Eve supper will be a frozen pizza! I bought a fancier pizza than I usually get because …

: 2024 Big Important Things Wish List The US should start phasing in bans on single use plastics. We …

: I’m getting tired of US Senators and Congresscritters holding stuff hostage. We had some dink …

: A lot of people I know are coming down with Covid-19 and others are coming down with some sort of …

: Today is Frozen Pizza Friday a weekly habit/celebration I started during the Covid lockdown and it …

: No amount of browsing on Amazon is as exciting as paging through the old Sears Wish Book catalog …

: Random: If we could get corned beef and cabbage in microwaveable pouches, that would be cool.

: Take a look at photos of living rooms from before the television era and you will see we arranged …

: I just ordered an air fryer. (Insert rationalizations here.) We’ll see how this goes and if I …

: It’s painful watching the slow death spiral of the social network formerly known as Twitter. …

: Black Friday and Thanksgiving leftovers ,,, Pfft. These must not interfere with Frozen Pizza Friday …

: Mastodon just keeps getting better. It’s not the software, it’s about finding the right …

: I’m not looking forward to 2024 as an election year. It will be like crawling on broken glass. …

: On AI Conspiracies and Disinformation I’m betting that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be better at creating crazy, convoluted, …

: Today must be telemarketer day as I’m suddenly getting a lot of calls, some robo and some …

: Anyone remember Girder and Panel sets? This let you build a city of International Style skyscrapers. …

: Daycares in Finland Built a ‘Forest’, And It Changed Kids’ Immune Systems …

: Pro Tip: Places for Americans NOT to visit for vacation or work - North Korea, Iran, Russia, …

: Vivaldi integrates Mastodon in its desktop browser.…

: Why colds and flu viruses are more common in winter | CNN…

: I was never a fan back in their heyday, but the lyrics are really beautiful. Listening: Bon Jovi - …

: From my misspent youth. Listening: Little Feat - Down on the Farm - YouTube

: How to Weave the Artisan Web | Whatever…

: Yet Another Study Shows U.S. Broadband Users Are Being Ripped Off By Local Monopolies | Techdirt …

: I guess this is a shopping weekend. I dimly remember when rural county seats had a Woolworth’s …

: Listening: Nico Santos “Play With Fire”…

: I went to the supermarket at 6:00 AM and there were only, five other customers in the store. Pure …

: The Internet Archive just put 565 Palm Pilot apps in your web browser …

: I logged in to Mastodon on my phone browser and it looked and worked pretty good. I’m not a …

: Our stockpiles of weapons are hollowing out supplying Ukraine. Peacetime procurement is not going to …

: A SUV is really just a station wagon.

: According to the (eOS) “App Lounge” rating, the Mastodon Android App is …

: The trending term Ukraine War live updates has disappeared from Twitter. So has the report. Also …

: Twitter keeps showing pics of pizzas on my timeline and it’s weighing on my mind.

: 2024 Elections: So Trump says he’s running. This means a Trump vs. DeSantis Bedlam Iron Cage …

: Another mention of by Dave Winer in re. two way RSS. Interesting.

: Just vote, because it is your duty as a citizen.

: Clocks Status: Smartphone and Computer - they take care of themselves. Analog wrist watch and analog …

: The Bronze Age was way better than the 1970’s. Just saying.

: Early voted today. Trying to keep the barbarians away from the gates.

: Just a reminder on imperialism: it’s 2022 and Russia is still an empire and acting like one. …

: I think America can learn a lot from Ukraine about actually running passenger trains. Stations and …

: My electric razor quit, claiming it needs charging, leaving my face only half shaved. Today could be …

: I don’t do self-checkout. I walked into a Wal-Mart that was only self checkout and abandoned …

: Tonight I shall dine on: a couple of frozen burritos with a can of chili dumped on top. Haute …

: I got the updated Covid-19 vaccine booster shot and the flu shot today.

: If you are not going to call the holiday “Halloween” then I’m not decorating or …

: This sounds very cold. Freedomites - a Canadian religious cult that bombed and set fire to public …

: I’m pretty sure every country that shares a land border with Russia has a claim against Russia …

: I wonder when China is going to want Vladivostok back?

: Wow, Hydrox Cookies are back and made in the USA by Leaf Brands. They also have no animal fats or …

: I’m going to buy this book. ‘Feminist icon’ Miss Marple returns in 12 new authorised mystery …

: PSA: It’s frozen pizza Friday.

: I swear the whole world is becoming more like the show Twin Peaks every day.

: I had chicken stir-fry. I can tell you that chicken stir-fry is better than hotdog stir-fry. In case …

: Definitely worth reading: Why Does a Librarian Own a Social Media Site That’s Been Around for Longer …

: In case you missed it. We’ve started Indexing the Analog. Things like collecting typewriters, …

: Climate change: Everybody worries about the polar bears but nobody is worrying about the abominable …

: I’m certain Cryptozoology and Cryptocurrency are siblings.

: Today’s Pointless Bird Site Thread: Age of Consent. As near as I can figure it people are …

: I may have to commit a wiki soon.

: Zombie movies are too much like real life these days.

: I grew up watching Roger Moore play The Saint on TV. Later I found that one of my favorite actors, …

: I just upgraded Ubuntu Linux to 22.04.1 LTS and everything seemed smooth. So far so good.

: Amazon you already have your robots crawling everywhere on the web. You might as well notch it up a …

: Today i learned about corpse roads and some few still exist.

: I’ve got the song Hold My Hand by Hootie and the Blowfish stuck in my head and it won’t …

: Here’s the deal America: let’s tear down all the good looking old buildings, your entire …

: US Passenger Trains: Let’s set some goals. 1. Get most long distance trains up to at least 110 …

: If you could revive one vintage desktop operating system which would it be: Commodore Amiga OS or …

: Prediction: Next Big Thing in the blogosphere will be Federated blogs. I have no idea how that will …

: It’s too bad we don’t have a way to tax non-search engine bots on the internet.

: Methinks, there are some messages being sent to China. Germany flies 13 planes to Australia for …

: I’m ordering microwaveable refried beans (also some black beans) in those pouches from Amazon. …

: Olden Days: Gasoline was like 0.29 cents a gallon. They pumped the gas for you, washed your …

: For a search engine that does not really exist yet Apple’s Applebot is sure fast and busy.

: I’m surprised there isn’t a digital garden plugin for WordPress.

: This is well worth the read: A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital Garden by Maggie Appleton.

: Keeping My Notes Online I've spent the last few days making a thing to keep my notes online and public. This is partly why …

: I can confirm that the #Indieweb suite of plugins work on ClassicPress CMS. I thought they would, …

: New website is 3 days old. It has no incoming links. Googlebot has visted. Somebody has already …

: has a plugin to convert a WprdPress install to ClassicPress. I’m not sure all …

: Started during the Pandemic Lockdown and rolling on from shear inertia: It’s Frozen Pizza …

: I searched for WordPress plugins for “quotes” thinking about quote-of-the-day. All the …

: Tonight’s supper: 2 little veggie burgers, some sort of vegetable, probably green, maybe …

: What do people do when they can’t connect to the internet? Talk to each other? Read books? …

: Storm went through. Comcast internet out for next estimated 12 hours. On emergency bridge. Life …

: Time to go buy a new domain.

: I’ve been hunting for an online notes solution for a long time. @ChrisAldrich has me …

: I just remembered that I bought some chocolate ice cream. Muhahahaha!

: Supper is looking more and more like healthy, nutritious, free range, corn dogs tonight. Or a couple …

: You have two choices in tablets with cellular: 1. Apple’s Iron Walled Garden tablet that costs …

: I’m organizing my tech news into a folder on QuiteRSS feed reader. So far: Bleeping Computer …

: I’m thinking of murder mysteries. It’s 2022, does anyone still have a butler?

: I still want at least 8 major English language web search engines with their own indexes. At least …

: I got a haircut today. As I watched large chunks of my hair hit the apron thing I noticed most of it …

: Huge mega cities get super hero’s like Super Man and Bat Man. But what kind of resident super …

: Today: Submitted a URL to two small directories for inclusion. Maybe. One had a reCaptcha that did …

: it’s quiet. I think everybody is melting. What a world. What a world.

: I got my 2nd Covid booster this evening. (4th shot total). I’ve had 3 Pfizer shots so this …

: I keep running across people who are members of Kinda nice. Part specialized micro …

: Yikes! Prices: Aldi brand steak sauce (like A-1) $1.09. Real A-1 brand $4.95 at Aldi. You can save a …

: [Channels of Visibility]( Actually I'm testing linkblogging using Quill and The question being will Quill and MB …

: First Impressions: Mataroa Blog Hosting These are my impressions about the hosted blog service Mataroa is a minimalist type of …

: I’m sitting here, pining for the Bronze Age.

: Lizard people armed with French baguettes are coming to take away our pickup trucks.

: Hey I just discovered that there is an official Micro Blog app for Android! I totally missed that. I …

: If /e/ foundation made an /e/OS tablet I would purchase it. If they made a 4G tablet with US …

: I was delighted to find a FOSS Internet Radio app via F-Droid for my /e/OS phone last night. This …

: I just joined Tumblr. After listening to this podcast about Tumblr becoming a better Twitter than …

: Thank you so much for the page obscuring, pop-up asking me to sign up for your newsletter. Of …

: The more I use it the more I like Quill for posting to

: I have finished my morning ration of coffee and have started on tea. Black tea. Hot.

: Slo-Web Search Engines on Speed Dial It occurred to me that I have not been using or keeping up on the best of the Slo-web* search …

: Video: The Early Internet is Breaking Interesting video, The Early Internet is Breaking, about what has been lost from Web 1.0 and …

: Tonight’s meal will be frozen Chimichangas microwaved to perfection, refried beans and Spanish …

: I’m disappointed that Ubuntu does not have the Pale Moon web browser in their software …

: The good part about 3 day holiday weekends is it gives me time to build web things without …

: I like Times New Roman as a font on web pages. There I said it.

: If you have not tried Marginalia Search you ought to. It’s for non-commercial, text heavy …

: Fighting Blog Proliferation So I'm dealing with my tendency for blog proliferation again. I thought about starting two new …

: This is the stuff that makes me rant: Go to Alternativeto and read most of 130 blogging sites that …

: This is the stuff that makes me rant: Go to Alternativeto and read most of 130 blogging sites that …

: I don’t care if 30% of traffic is mobile I still prefer blog themes that have a sidebar. You …

: In case you missed it: Website Promotion Guide for Static Personal Sites

: Is anyone else on getting a high volume of traffic from China? I am, to the blog here. …

: In case you missed it: What if You Combined a Webring with a Blogroll?

: In case you missed it: Website Promotion Guide for Personal Blogs

: In case you missed it: I Made a New Webring for Retro Websites and Others

: Testing Article Posting from Quill Disregard this is a test posting from [Quill]( to Browser spell …

: Testing from Quill

: I just visited The block editor is the default. Went all evil Web 2,0. They still …

: Has anyone been using Quill to long form post to and how is it working for you?

: Over on my Wordpress blog I’m trying the plugin WP Dashboard Notes to keep reminders for …

: Blogging Platform Follies Say what you will, with a sniff of derision, about and being old fashioned …

: So I took my own advice and added a guestbook to the blog here. As an experiment if nothing else. …

: “Butterflies are self propelled flowers.” – Robert A. Heinlein

: Marketers are apex predators: From ‘carp’ to ‘copi’: Unpopular fish getting …

: Should Blogs Have a Guestbook? Seems like most retroweb (think Neocities) websites have a guestbook. This got me thinking about …

: I think this might be my “old and cranky” day.

: I like phones with an audio jack. Wired ear buds are simple and cheap. If I forget them I can get …

: I hate Wordpress widgets. And I don’t think they are keen on me either.

: My Retroweb Project List My Retroweb Project List I’m working on making a proper webring again except I’m …

: What the #retroweb #yesterweb #indieweb revival needs is a modern webring host. One with the tools …

: Dang. Long form blogging requires all this typing, spelling, grammar and shit.

: If Mars type aliens invade in their saucers to steal our women we can discuss it. But if they come …

: Surfing the Web Files: Over the last couple of days I’ve surfed on a couple of webrings and …

: It’s amazing how much of the Web 1.0 infrastructure has fallen into ruin or disappeared. …

: Bread with lots of seeds in it seems to be the new “big thing.” I am officially neutral …

: In 100 days Russia’s reputation has decended from being the 2nd most powerful military power …

: I checked website traffic stats and was pleased to see my first referrer of the day came from …

: I just had Sweet Potato chips for the first time ever and they were really good. Will buy again. …

: Traffic Circles (in America) are a conspiracy against our freedom to run stop signs. Just sayin.

: Subscription Fatigue: Every damn software program, app, service, newsletter, news site and streaming …

: I watched the RAF flypast for The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on Big Jet TV. It was a grand good …

: Random: Mexican re-fried beans are far better than any crypto-currency.

: I miss Eudora

: It’s not even 6:00 AM and I’m hearing lots of emergency sirens in the distance. This …

: I never want to hear or read the names Johnny Depp or Amber Heard ever again.

: Notice how Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has been real quiet and not in the news since he …

: Supply Chain and Offshoring File. I heard this on the radio. HIBT Lab! Armbrust American: Lloyd …

: So how is that supply chain where everything is made anyplace but North America and only by one or …

: This might make me rethink my commitment to stay on Twitter. Musk says he would reverse Twitter’s …

: Advertising: three things that we should have never allowed to advertise in America. Lawyers …

: Some truth here: The Anglosphere is saving Ukraine while the EU is saving itself USA, UK, Baltics …

: Video: Military enlistment (and draft) office in Russia being torched with Molotov cocktails. …

: Okay, so today I’m going to take everything oh so seriously. Seriously. Except for Giant Land …

: Mmm. Morning coffee today is Sumatran dark roast.

: An eight layer phone menu tree ending with a voice mail is not a substitute for a real live human …

: From C-Span: Trevor Noah reminds us about freedoms we too often take for granted. Watch the video. …

: Read: Good Article. Meet the publisher bringing JRR Tolkien and military manuals to Ukraine’s …

: I’m completely giving up blockchain for the month of May. My blocks can roam on their own. …

: I love this: Dream On - Postmodern Jukebox ft. Morgan James (Aerosmith Cover) Of course I love the …

: Holy Texas Tea Batman, it just cost over $73 to fill up my medium sized pickup truck!

: Putin’s long table looks like cheap Ikea furniture.

: I keep getting SMS messages purporting to be from the USPS. Each has a link they want me to click. I …

: I’m not quitting Twitter because I have friends on Twitter. I’ll only leave if it …

: The first cup of coffee in the morning just might be the best part of my day.

: I’m watching the flow of refugees from Twitter go past my window on Mastodon. Just a reminder, …

: Looks like there is an exodus underway. People leaving Twitter and signing up at Mastodon.

: Early voted today. Primaries. No line, I was the only one there.

: I remember this. Old Skool D&D: How to run an old-school open world D&D campaign like Gary …

: I just bought the complete DVD set of the 1960’s Roger Moore series “The Saint”. I …

: In case you missed this: Low Friction Introduction to Digital Privacy This is a great guide. Easy to …

: Good article. Ukraine mobilized its reserve, 3rd Tank Brigade. Taxi drivers, retired teachers, …

: Enough with making every darn thing a subscription already.

: The Voice Australia @TheVoiceAU has gotten pretty lame since the 7Plus TV network took over. Youtube …

: After a couple of weeks of use my new Windows 10 started displaying adverts. It was an app put there …

: Weird. Surreal. From the Nevernever and Post Modern Jukebox. Video Killed The Radio Star - The …

: Comcast I shouldn’t have to login to check for internet outages in my area an address or zip …

: Okay all you typewriter collectors, here it is: The Lego Typewriter. (Line forms on the right.) …

: Polish sausage and sauerkraut in the slow cooker.

: Rumor: Russia is calling up 60,000 reservists.

: Reading Twitter comments about a video of a fire fight in Ukraine: so many people don’t know …

: My long time USPS and UPS delivery drivers have retired. :-(

: News Site: “You have ad blocker. Please turn off.” Me: “I don’t mind you …

: Estonia has the right idea. You have to mobilize the entire population. …

: People keep saying the USA should send M-1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine. The M-1 tank weighs almost 20 …

: Today is National Burrito Day per Twitter, so it must be true. Burritos are an all time favorite …

: The Internet of Things is mostly horsepucky. My dishwasher, refrigerator, vaccum cleaner and …

: The media expends a lot of time and ink about Putin’s daughters and whether he’s married …

: My idea of a high tech doorbell button is one where the button is backlit.

: That’s it. For my everyday tea I’ve settled on Red Rose Original tea. @RedRoseTeaUS I …

: This is a good summary of the military situation in Ukraine. Worth reading. …

: Overshadowing all other news today: Aldi had those chocolate mini-donuts and Cosmic Crisp apples in …

: Interesting article. The Art of War: How the Surrealists Helped Upend Camouflage and Redefine Modern …

: My Linux laptop has arrived. It’s a Galago Pro from System76 running Ubuntu. I got Vivaldi …

: Russia’s largest search engine, Yandex, warns it might not be able to pay it’s debts. …

: Russian Diplomacy: “When the only tool one has is a hammer, one tends to treat everything as …

: 3 GOP US Representatives left off burning Golden Books just long enough to vote against a …

: Putin has cornered himself.

: Russia expected the Ukraine invasion to be a cake walk. All they have succeded in doing is exposing …

: Looking at news portals to get an overview of the Russian invasion of Ukraine: Yahoo! News is …

: Hmm, Putin says he wants to get rid of Nazis in the Ukraine. The only Nazis I see are sitting in the …

: Last night I had to use my new Acer Windows 10 laptop on an important Zoom meeting and the …

: Ukraine: What are Russia’s Attack Routes? In case you wondered.…

: My favorite privacy search engine Mojeek has added search choices. These are buttons on the bottom …

: Somebody from China has figured out how to game Twitter. My timeline is now filled with “You …

: I really hope @e_mydata can expand their offering of phone models in the US. Especially …

: The other part of the USA cell phone problem are the 3 major cell carriers: Verizon, AT&T and …

: It’s a shame Windows Phone, BB10 and webOS phones failed. While none was privacy oriented at …

: Yeah, RSS is going to save me. I can’t keep up with my timeline and I know I …

: It’s Frozen Pizza Friday. Tonight it will be a supreme pizza, because I shoveled lots of snow …

: Hot dog stir-fry is legal, right?

: I’m stunned. The #Scorpions have a new single “Rock Believer” out from their new …

: Putin’s nightmare is he has to play whack-a-mole with uprisings in one ‘Stan after …

: I don’t care if it’s 2022, I still hate vinyl house siding.

: Repeat: New Rule: All flat surfaces must contain an advertisement.

: Brilliant Marketing Idea #1: Pop up ads on the LED screen in your car! You can thank me later.

: Git ‘er done file: Got my 3rd Covid vaccination shot today.

: Somehow, somewhere, people have come to think that they are, individually, in charge of gov’t, …

: Well darn. If Amazon had a Fire Tablet with 4G connectivity I would have bought it.

: I just started book four of a detective/mystery series. The series seems to be spiraling downward …

: Got my flu shot today.

: I can remember when the cereal maker was “Kellog’s of Battle Creek.” not …

: Old Person’s Thoughts: Kids are back in school and the neighborhood is so quiet and tranquil, …

: I wonder if the annual flu vaccination shots are available yet?

: Sorry Walmart, I don’t use self-checkouts unless you are going to pay me to do the work. If …

: And my iPad is dying. Won’t let me connect to WiFi. Works on cell data. I don’t have …

: It’s going to take years to work out our supply chain dependencies on China. That is, if …

: Americans, as a rule, are crap at taking care of what we have built. Be it a county court house to a …

: It’s amazing how many businesses around here have big “Help Wanted” signs out.

: All surfaces should be covered with either a corporate logo or an advertisement by Labor Day 2021.

: All internet memes should be taxed. Non-commercial dog and kitty memes would be exempt.

: I could be wrong, but the way I understand high speed rail works in Italy is the gov’t owns …

: Hindsight is 20/20. I wish we had not sold off Conrail. We would then have had an expanded track …

: Solving passenger rail in the US is like trying to untangle the Gordian Knot. But first we need …

: Tonight for supper: hot dogs with some sorta pasta salad on the side. Take that, Michelin Guide.

: I went to the grocery store for the first time in a year. It certainly made ordering stuff from the …

: It’s been quiet on the search engine front. Too quiet.

: The new version of Vivaldi browser has: email, calendar, translations, an extra way to switch …

: Sausage Wars. EU wants to ban British sausages, known as Bangers, from Northern Ireland. …

: Either a small coyote or a fox just ran past my house at about 5 AM. Not something you see in a …

: Humankind has had many Ages: The Stone Age, The Bronze Age, The Iron Age, etc. Now we’re in …

: It’s Frozen Pizza Friday!

: Books: My most recent series read, “The Rivers of London” series by Ben Aaronovitch. …

: I’m out of books to read. It’s rough I can read faster than authors can write. I have a …

: I have yet to see (or hear) a cicada. But I saw a stink bug if that helps.

: TV in doctor’s waiting rooms seems to all be made-for-healthcare channels now. Wherein they …

: Welp, I’ve read every one of Jim Butcher’s, Dresden Files novels and short stories to …

: Q: Do I even want to know what the hell an NFT is? A: No.

: Got notice that my ver. of Windows 10 had come to end of life. Upgrade needed. Upgraded. Smooth. …

: If you have a self-hosted Wordpress site there are simple plugins available to block Google’s …

: Finally. I got my car plate renewals in today’s mail. My plates expire in 2 days. I sent my …

: When I test a search engine my first test keyword I search with is “webrings” to see the …

: All you people whinging about Covid vaccination passports: where were you when the government …

: Interesting. I’m now following fictional characters from the urban fantasy series: “The …

: I took my mother in for her second vaccine jab yesterday. Fortunately, the hospital had wheelchairs …

: I don’t like Spring that much anymore. Real estate taxes, income taxes, vehicle registrations, …

: Once upon a time, back when toaster waffles were invented, some company came out with toaster corn …

: I just had my second covid vaccination shot. Feels good to get that behind me. I’d love to …

: A red letter day. I managed to hire someone to do landscaping around my house. This means I …

: Coffee. French Roast. Black. Now.

: I ran across this: It’s crowd sources so I added and to …

: “Battle Ground” by Jim Butcher, #17 in the Dresden Files, has a fan made video trailer. …

: I did an OTA system update of my /e/ OS phone for the first time. I had my fingers crossed because …

: I just activated the Search plugin on my blog. Was easy, and works like a treat and I …

: When I get an idea for a new blog, it always sparks off an internal debate: 1. should it just be a …

: One thing I like on Mastodon is “Tech News Bot” which gives a nice stream of breaking …

: Now that there are grownups in the White House and I’m no longer doom scrolling, my Twitter …

: I caught Googlebot and Applebot on my directory both at the same time. Crossing the streams? I …

: I’m back to syndicating to Mastodon instances. I can’t remember why I stopped. …

: Supper was burritos with canned chili poured over the top. #burritodefenses

: Siteground has done away with C-Panel. Their new in house “panel” has only 1/10th the …

: I joined a Discord channel thing. I survived. I think it’s kinda like a cross between forums …

: Bookmarked: Here is a good rundown of search engines that have their own index, including some new …

: My Covid Lockdown 'The Voice' Australia Addiction Wow. I really like Aussie Delta Goodrem’s cover of ‘Down Under’. You can see it on …

: Must order groceries today. I wonder if they still have unfrosted cinnamon Pop-Tarts? These were the …

: Supper: non-GMO, free range, spicy black bean burgers and organic steamed sweet potato chunks. Shoot …

: eOS deGoogled Privacy Smartphone in the US Review The two biggest problems with smartphones are: Privacy - smartphones and their apps reporting where …

: Early in the pandemic, that initial lie by US Gov’t health professionals, that masks were …

: One of the best follows I ever did on Twitter is @Roman_Britain . Between Likes, RT’s and …

: Cheerios are anti-right angle.

: If you are a Vivaldi browser user on you can use Vivaldi’s “Notes” …

: I get my first Covid jab today. I guess this means I should put some trousers on.

: It’s inevitable, your kids and your grand kids will go through a phase where they think they …

: Random: Archaeologists dig and date things by soil layers. Somewhere down there is a whole layer of …

: Watched: Video FAQ on Using a deGoogled Phone Here is a good video on what it’s like to use a deGoogled phone . It answers a lot of common …

: Testing Gluon on eOS.

: My US e foundation phone arrived. Activation and setup was fast and a breeze. Everything works. So …

: No block chain or Higgs Bosun was used in this message.

: What a great father/son project during lockdown: build a Dark Ages Anglo-Saxon house in the back …

: I completely missed this. Amusing and moving at the same time. Well worth watching. WINNER of …

: Sundays are pretty slow for Apple News app. Mine is full of articles 4 days to a week old. MSN News …

: Capital letters, quotation marks and paragraphs have become optional just like stopping at stop …

: I got notice there is a software update available for my car. They sent a PDF with instructions on …

: I just got done listening to this interesting podcast on Byobpod which explains the basics of how …

: In case you missed it, this dropped on YT about 4 days ago and it is amazingly cool. 50 years since …

: Looking at the Covid19 vaccine news: more finger pointing than actual jabs.

: I’m working up some sympathy for the hedge funds. Bwahahahaha.

: I may look scruffy due to covid19 lockdown. But I still look better than the people being booked …

: This video discusses potential wars that may be brewing for the 2020’s and 2030’s. I …

: Waiting for 8 AM when the stores open. Furnace quit in night. Thermostat says low batteries. My …

: Odd Musings About the French Language I completely failed when I tried to learn French many decades ago. So I had to laugh when I stumbled …

: Two things combined here: music reaction and this sea shanty thing which I’m seeing/hearing …

: /e/ OS Smartphones Coming to the US in February 2021 In an important update from /e/ Foundation founder Gael Duval, we learn that eOS smartphones with …

: 3 Reaction Videos to Amanda Gorman's Poem "The Hill We Climb" Poet Amanda Gorman wrote an amazing poem ‘The Hill We Climb’ for the Biden inauguration. …

: Somebody has combined Google Street View with the Bernie Sanders pic, so you can put Bernie …

: Predictions: 1. Bernie Sanders parka is selling like hotcakes. 2. Within 24 hours copies of Michelle …

: Seeing Fmr Presidents getting together. They are members of a very exclusive club. They all have …

: I loved the old Supermarionation (puppet) shows Fireball XL5, Thunderbirds and more as a kid. Now …

: Gah! I’ve been doing nothing but doomscrolling since Jan. 6th and neglecting reading, writing …

: I’ve watched a couple of young people react to the Lord of the Rings movies. People who have …

: Random: Trump moving to Florida. That makes him a Floridaman.

: First use: Presto Pizzazz Plus rotating pizza oven. Tried it with a frozen pizza tonight and much to …

: Russians. Espionage. Nogoodnicks.…

: Over 7 billion people on the planet and we have only 2 major mobile operating syatems: Android and …

: My oven just quit. Sure, sure let’s wait till the middle of a pandemic surge to crap out. …

: I wonder if Trump has pre-printed, fill in the blank, pads for pardons?

: Where is Giuliani skulking these days? Somebody keep watch on Giuliani.

: So now our main worry is that Trump does not get us into a war or drive the US off a cliff in the …

: On what is happening in the USA: Here is the perspective of a South African. There is a lot of truth …

: In the days after 9/11 the Feds were kicking in doors all over and arresting anyone remotely …

: The State of New York is sending National Guard troops to Washington DC, joining Maryland and …

: It’s not clear who exactly, is in charge of the USA right now.

: The leaders of this coup attempt should be sent to Guantanamo Bay detention camp.

: I’m feeling a lot better knowing that Democrats will gain control of the US Senate. Normally, …

: No good deed will go unpunished: FDA Will Charge Charlotte Distillery $14,000 For Making Hand …

: We are fools. We should have built the precious wall around Washington D. C. Keep all the …

: Read: "Battle Ground", Dresden Files #17 by Jim Butcher “Battle Ground”, Dresden Files #17 by Jim Butcher - Actually Dresden files #16 and #17 …

: I’m not normally into Metal music, but I just discovered, listened to the band Unleash the …

: Here is your feel good story for the day, about a little girl who made a fairy garden and a neighbor …

: The holiday season must be heaven for cats. They get a tree to lay under/knock over/otherwise mess …

: Currently Reading: Battle Ground, Dresden Files #17 by Jim Butcher.

: Pandemic Chronicles: Somehow Friday nights have become frozen pizza nights. I’m not …

: Somebody, please sue Ohio.

: From the Prepper File: It’s come to this. DIY home haircut trimmer delivered. I’m not …

: I’m thinking we need to shorten the transition period between election day and the day a new …

: Corona Vaccines: the next question is, how long does the immunity last?

: Several weeks later, I’m still watching reaction videos. I enjoy seeing a new generation …

: I must have been sleeping in class, again. I see we have plugins now at! Anybody using …

: I’m glad this week is almost over. I’ve been obliged to attend meetings and run public …

: I found out last night Covid, or close calls requiring self isolation with Covid contacts, has …

: Times I should not interact on social networks: 1. Before first cup of morning coffee, cos I’m …

: Why in the heck do I have to keep reentering my Outlook PW in my iPhone about every 3 days?

: Wow. Typepad is refusing new paid signups and referring people to Bluehost! That’s just weird.

: The shopper for Instacart reports no cans of corned beef hash of any brand at store. Sent photo of …

: What worries me about starting a new blog on Wordpress is will they abandon the classic editor and …

: Everyone else is having deep thoughts about the future with Biden. Me: “I wonder what happens …

: I’ve just been scrolling my Twitter feed and watching video clips of people cheering, banging …

: Update: I’m out of oatmeal cranberry cookies. They weren’t all that good but I’ve …

: I think I found a new author to try out: Stuart Dybek: bungee jumping through the trapdoors of time …

: I baked a pumpkin pie yesterday. It was the premade frozen kind so all I had to do was bake it per …

: It appears many Center-Left people are also buying guns. I don’t think this is isolated …

: It’s darn hard to design a town center when nobody knows what the heck retail is going to look …

: I see fake wood trim is back for upper end car interiors. It does look a bit better than the fake …

: Got a car that has Apple Carplay for the first time. I still have to connect. If this will give me …

: If we tear down all the statues where will the pigeons go? #lossofhabitat

: Also this: Vivaldi Browser Now Has a Cool Built-in Arcade Game In case you needed an excuse to try …

: I totally missed this when it came out: The Vivaldi Browser Now Has a Built in, Er, Word Processor?! …

: I just got my copper phone case I bought from Aeris Copper for my iPhone. Copper kills germs …

: I early voted this afternoon. I’m glad I got that done.

: I don’t think it’s up to Trump or any sitting president to decide who wins the election. …

: He’s right, … It is the technology that’s to blame. Same with IoT, my toaster and …

: I think the next presidential debate should be moderated by a retired USMC Drill Instructor, …

: Credit card due to expire. Get replacement in mail. Go online to activate per instuctions. Fill out …

: Early voting starts here on Oct. 6th. Shortly thereafter I shall vote. I’m not voting by mail …

: I think we should have a flat US Federal income tax of, say $750. No exceptions. Of course this …

: $750. If you ever wanted an example of how the system is rigged to screw the middle class this is …

: I think I’m running out of mystery novels to read. This scares me. The last few that …

: Trick or Treat: All the towns around here are waiting to see what the other towns are going to do …

: I can’t believe we are seriously talking about abandoning the peaceful transfer of …

: Today’s Craving: Cornbread. You know, way back when, you could buy toaster cornbread right …

: Current Rabbit Hole: Reaction videos on Youtube. Reason: Bored. Rationalization: It’s …

: It’s been a year and I’m not renewing my subscription to The Correspondent. It was worth …

: Apple needs to return the fingerprint reader to the iPhone. For myself, I turned off Face ID on my …

: I just updated to iOS 14. I’m told I can pick my default browser, something I never thought …

: Predictions: If Trump is not reelected: He will give himself a blanket Presidential pardon for …

: List of states I will not move to: California, Texas, Florida, Alabama, Missouri, Ohio. I reserve …

: Long article but well worth reading, discussing where the US population will migrate to due to the …

: I just checked “The New Avengers” DVD price on Amazon: US $120 for 1976 season, used and …

: Books are good. I like books. They are fortified with vowels, a good source of words, ideas, worlds …

: We’re in a perfect storm. Seems like everything is going wrong in the world at the same time. …

: Microfibers: it’s not just our polyester fleece zipup that is shedding micro-fibers into the …

: I can hear the squeak of the unoiled swingset in the park going on for hours. Swingsets are like …

: History will record that the last great triumph of American civilization was the 50 cent greeting …

: They are remaking the TV series, All Creatures Great and Small. Why? Why not just rerun the …

: It’s 92 F, humid and intensely sunny. There is a 10 mph breeze which helps but it is hot. And I’m …

: My 2016 Subaru Forester is at the dealer fixing two recalls from before the Covid lockdown, so …

: I think all political Party conventions should be subdued like this DNC one is. It focuses the …

: One lesson from this whole Trump presidency and Covid 19 crisis: we need to figure out a way to make …

: I don’t know if we can resurect the USPS in the 70 some remaining days before the US election. …

: The US Postal Service (USPS) is a “government corporation” that is supposed to be run …

: Kamala Harris. Good, I’m glad it’s somebody younger, qualified but younger, because the …

: Okay, so maybe the pyramids of Egypt were not built built by aliens, but I know a couple of highway …

: Search for “water enhancer” on Amazon. I didn’t know they were a thing, but …

: Do we understand that carrying firearms in a peaceful demonstration is not wise, nor is it normal?

: Somebody told me Twitter is considering charging a fee for use and wanted to know if I would pay. I …

: Pfft. To be an anti-vaxxer is so 1990’s. I want to know, is are you pro Alternating Current or …

: Why the Left Needs a History Lesson It’s a shame when the Left gets things wrong. When you get it wrong, you undermine the legitimacy of …

: Read: The Pitkirtly Mysteries by Cecilia Peartree I just finished reading a series of 20 (so far) cozy mystery novels that make up The Pitkirtly …

: Just looking through Twitter, there is a whole lot of totalitarian thinking going on there and it …

: With the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, we may have to tweek the Green New Deal (GND). Let’s Make …

: Personally, I like the slow and dumb zombies over the faster than goose shit swarm zombies. How …

: Remember the dateline in newspapers? It seems to have fallen out of favor but I wish newspapers and …

: Everything is keto diet these days and I have no clue what that means. But “Kato” was …

: Ebooks and the Balkanization of Publishing: A Rant The problem with ebooks, online book stores and ebook platform readers is it’s creating a …

: Crime TV: Murder by the Lake. Series: German with subtitles. Murder by the Lake streams on Mhz …

: 9 out of 10 horses recommend oat milk for your morning cereal.

: It’s Monday the 1st. Per the USPS, the 3-Day Priority Mail envelope will take 5 days to be …

: Isolation Department Report: New Norelco shaver blades delivered. Small, rotary, self distanced, …

: My neighborhood is overrun with packs of feral children, and dogs. I think somebody has been dumping …

: I’ve been sort of quiet (at least for me.) I can only say “Trump is a Fink,” so …

: Trump reminds me of Benito Mussolini. Just saying.

: People who have been safely sheltering at home are protesting, demanding to go back to work. …

: Hair Report: My hair now looks like that of most of my professors at Uni way back when. Growing on …

: I just ordered hand sanitizer from APR Bio-Tech. The thing that caught my eye was it continues to …

: It’s not called Spring anymore. It’s Pressure Washing Season (PWS cos everything has to …

: With so much Wrongness about I had the urge to “do the right thing”. So I had Coco …

: It seems The White House has a Blockade Keeping States and Hospitals from Getting PPE Deeply …

: We need a trickle down economic method for bailout money for big business and too big to fail banks. …

: It’s fun to see people channel their stircrazyness into something fun and creative. (Sound …

: eBooks I Bought Last Night A Meditation for Murder by Robert Thorogood. Death at Wentwater Court by Carola Dunn. Footsteps in …

: Bestest: Chocolate cake without frosting. Moist. Dark. Good: German chocolate cake. It will do: …

: All my PPE orders are due in: Real Soon Now.

: Everytime Trump says or does something I want to facepalm. Except we are not supposed to touch our …

: I don’t care if the airlines survive. We’ve bailed them out how many times since 9/11? …

: And it’s snowing.

: GOP Congressman: Lawmakers Must “Put On Our Big Boy and Big Girl Pants” and Let Americans Die. Talk …

: I’m having trouble buying ebook fiction to read. I’m just not going to pay $13 for a …

: Global supply chain things we overlooked for lockdown: chocolate cake delivery.

: One month later. Is this the guy we want in charge of the economic recovery?

: I think we can safely say, the White House response to coronavirus is going nowhere. …

: Temp got up to around 60 degrees today and instead of wanting hot drinks, I got this sudden craving …

: Over the last week I learned: Aldi delivers in my area. This is a complete game changer for me. I …

: I’m down to my last 3 apples. There on, it’s canned fruit and frozen berries.

: Face mask factory starts up in Indiana. Cleanxa is making personal use washable masks, face shields …

: I just pre-ordered a book, local history, from Powell’s. Amazon is delaying new books because …

: Cummins Filter Technology Tested on N95 Masks

: Meanwhile, in the US, paddling deeper up Shit Creek. That pretty much sums it up.

: I wonder if local plumbers have started stocking bidets - the kind you add on to a toilet? Now would …

: I’m getting sick of hearing the phrase, “in these challenging times”, especially …

: Pot dispensaries are legal in Michigan. Also in Michigan, all grocery stores are out of Oreo cookies …

: You used to be able to buy bread dough. I think it was frozen. All you had to do was let it thaw and …

: With barbershops closed, I’m going to look like a damn hippie when this is all done.

: I went to the other grocery store in town today. This one part of a locally owned chain. This …

: It’s important to support local food joints so I got supper from a locally owned drive thru. I …

: Like: My favourite film aged 12: Where Eagles Dare This is one of my favorite movies too: it has …

: I can’t see how we can ease up on the shelter at home restrictions, like sending people back …

: Went to the store today. The place was pretty well stocked although I didn’t go down the …

: Breaking News: Powell’s Books rehires over 100 employees after surge of online orders

: Fun Old Movies for Lockdown I have 3 lists of old classic movies that people of a younger generation might have never seen. The …

: To all the far-right politicians, billionaires, pundits and talking-heads that want the elderly to …

: Trump, Invoking Cold War Authority, Enjoins GM To Build Ventilators | NPR About time.

: Many people out walking their dogs or airing out the kids. Everyone keeping nice social distance. …

: Billionaires Want People Back to Work. Employees Aren’t So Sure Pay no attention to the stack of …

: Fog is rolling in. I like fog when I don’t have to drive in it. Except I always expect Basil …

: Free hosting for teachers for 6 months. “We’re now offering teachers 6 months of free hosting …

: There is something wrong here: we can’t produce enough masks and protective garments inside …

: With everybody shut up inside who’s going to spot the UFO’s?

: DOJ wants to suspend Constitutional liberties Power grabs. Power grabs are not a substitute for …

: I understand that many US rural hospitals were financially stricken before the coronavirus. Not one …

: Coronavirus Journal 3/21/2020 Coronavirus Journal 3/21/2020 Moved boxes to storage to make more room. Unloaded the tubes of sand …

: Of all the various talking heads on Twitter, talking about coronavirus, Mark Cuban …

: In case you missed it: Useful Links, for Those Stuck at Home During Coronavirus Links to news …

: I just double checked. I have plenty of Scotch.

: We have leaned down the supplychain, government (Fed., State, Local) and our medical system far far …

: I’m waiting here for the repairman. A spring on my garage door decides to break right in the …

: Snapshots: School closings left local dairy with huge inventory of half-pint cartons of milk. So …

: Hmm, somebody in Germany is viewing every single page of my blog. 300+ pg. views so far. Either …

: Walmart online has canned rattlesnake meat. Please form an orderly line, limit one per customer. :-)

: I should start a daily journal/blog during this coronavirus thing. The problem is I know it will …

: Food for thought here on how Big Tech platforms can help out in this time of crisis. Extraordinary …

: Parenting advice:… Yes keep them alive, feed them occasionally.

: This is the Spirit: Czechs sew to combat virus mask shortage Never give in. Never surrender. …

: Apparently, Roller Derby is still a Thing. Videos on Youtube I thought it died in the 1970’s. …

: Roche Begins Delivery of COVID-19 Test Kits

: Claymation Cat Slaughters Hordes of Demons - Video | GeeksareSexy.

: China tries to keep up with demand for masks. It’s hard.

: New Urbanism and Self Isolation Things are shutting down. The situation is fluid and each day the restrictions tighten. But I live …

: The problem with Twitter on Sunday mornings is the posting rate is so slow you start seeing re-run …

: Completed: My 2020 US Census form online. It was simple and fast. Yay!

: Two recipes for hand sanitizer from Wired. One is a spray formula and I like that.

: From Twitter: I take it everyone is on lockdown. Watch! You won’t regret it. We can find beauty in …

: Trump, You’ve been in office for 3+ years. You can’t blame Obama now. The buck stops …

: Seattle Symphony on Twitter yesterday: “Starting tonight at 7:30pm PDT we are offering video …

: I was rather proud of my neighborhood POA (HOA) at the meeting tonight. Unprompted the board …

: Indiana Gov. announces steps to protect public from Covid-19. It looks like the States are not …

: I take it that besides the travel ban from Europe and talk about aid to Wall Street types, Trump …

: Did Trump Administration Fire the US Pandemic Response Team in 2018? | Snopes These were the people …

: Trending: #staythefuckhome

: Electrolux Silverado Vacuum Cleaner Before I can tell you about the Silverado, we need to clear up the confusion about the Electrolux …

: This is weird from just reading the news: in the US the private sector seems to be doing more to try …

: Pantry full. Freezer full. I just got done sorting excess canned goods into boxes and I’m …

: The Danger of Publishing on Amazon A couple of weeks ago I read a book on prepping for voluntary self-isolation called “The Wuhan …

: The sun is right at an angle where it hits my eyes and makes me sneeze. Damn sun.

: “Every year, back comes Spring, with nasty little birds yapping their fool heads off and the …

: If they were inventing Daylight Savings Time changes today, The Man would require you buy some …

: What else can I rant about?

: Testing timeline feed #3

: Testing timeline feed #2

: Testing timeline feed #1

: I forgot to buy oatmeal.

: Grocery Store shopping today. My hoarding: 4 cans of Bean with Bacon soup 2 cans of SPAM. (But …

: Coronavirus and Our Medical Capacity: Some Numbers Yes I know it’s a Twitter thread but …

: It’s hard to blame people for trying to stockpile needed goods. People are only trying to make …

: Who’s in charge of this pandemic, anyway?

: Ebay has recently started trying to show me a CAPTCHA after I login to confirm it’s me. Except …

: Review: Eco-conscious kitchen trash bags by Hippo Sak If you are looking for more eco-conscious trash bags, I’ve been very happy with Hippo Sak. …

: Liked: This rag-tag group of DIYers has an answer for rural Pa.’s internet problem | WHYY

: Joe Biden: the Safe Harbor After almost 4 years of living everyday on a Trump roller coaster and now the shit hitting the fan …

: Coronavirus: We don't make that here anymore. This: Not Enough Face Masks Are Made In America To Deal With Coronavirus | NPR. And note: Germany …

: My TriStar Vacuum Cleaner The TriStar MG-2 is a minimalist’s dream in it’s simplicity. And there is a certain …

: Bookmarked: Making your own hand sanitizer is a cinch | Boingboing

: Don’t forget extra vacuum cleaner bags in your self isolation prep. It sounds silly, but think …

: Collecting Vacuum Cleaners Intro So why do I collect vacuum cleaners, of all things and what do I collect? I hate housework, …

: Cheers for the Mimi Uploader App for iOS I used the Mimi Uploader app for for the first time and I was very pleased as I uploaded …

: Standby for Action! Gerry Anderson’s Stingray | 1964, Youtube 1:20 min.

: Coronavirus: States Should Not Wait for Washington. Act Now. Trump Calls Coronavirus Democrats’ ‘New Hoax’ Alrighty then. I’m hoping the state governments …

: Burrito security. Cc. @cheri

: Congress will decide to devote money to the coronavirus emergency in 2 - 3 weeks. This means we have …

: I have a pen and #2 pencil ready to fill out my census form whenever it arrives, so that town, …

: A peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a big mug of tea as a chaser, was a pretty good supper …

: I’m pumped, I got the conversation.js working with a little coaching from @manton. Thanks …

: An emergency situation like the coronavirus outbreak shows the weakness of our “just in …

: I just got the Mimi Uploader app for my phone. This is just the ticket.

: Surgical Masks and Me I just ordered standard surgical masks, the pleated kind, from Amazon at an outrageous price. …

: Now would be a real good time to manufacture N95 respirators (face masks) in the USA, from USA …

: I just tried oatmilk for the first time. I may like it better than soymilk.

: In case you missed it: the old Independent Web is still alive and kicking. #indieweb #discovery …

: Coronavirus: 10 Italian Towns in Lockdown. Worse, the virus is in Iran, Lebanon and Egypt and …

: I was craving ice cream the other day. But it is winter. It was 11 degrees F last night. Maybe ice …

: Read: The Wuhan Coronavirus Survival Manual: How to Prepare for Pandemics and Quarantines (nCoV-2019, Covid-19 Edition) by Cat Ellis Read: The Wuhan Coronavirus Survival Manual: How to Prepare for Pandemics and Quarantines …

: I’ve watched this act from Britain’s Got Talent 4 times now and I can’t get over …

: … And I’ve seen your flag on the marble arch Love is not a victory march It’s a …

: I just installed Gluon for on my iPhone and I really like the looks of it. There is also …

: Interesting: New cruise ship scheduled to visit Great Lakes in 2022 | NWITimes

: Generation Gap: Erasing cursive a mistake? Local, state leaders push for return / waves cane /

: Per CDC: Expect Coronavirus to gain foothold in US and Others

: Following: a blog by my friend and neighbor Jeff Freeze. I didn’t even know …

: Interesting: What’s inside presidential candidates’ transportation plans? They weigh the major …

: I still wish browser spell check worked with the web version of

: The only thing I’ve succeeded in doing today is take a nap. Naps count, right?

: I think I’m becoming addicted to tea.

: Any recommendations on privacy based email hosts? Preferred with calendar included.

: These Fire tablets from Amazon are not half bad if you are on a budget. Since they are using a …

: After reading Is Your Antivirus Software Spying on You? | Restore Privacy, I finally dumped AVG Free …

: Read: The Case of the Missing Finger by Cheri Baker Read: The Case of the Missing Finger by Cheri Baker I found this book to be a real page turner. …

: Brand New for bloggers a: Blogs Linear Ring. It’s open for any bloggers …

: I just bought a refurbished Filter Queen vacuum cleaner as part of the collection. ETA soonish.

: Breaking: Guinea Pigs Rescued by PA State Police …

: Also, a large percentage of UFO sightings seem to occur while people are walking their dogs. I think …

: Somehow, I ended up on the MUFON site and discovered a UFO report from a small town in my county. …

: I fixed the damage I caused on my MB blog one day, the next I broke my directory script on my other …

: More goofy dog pics improves Twitter. Just saying.

: I should do something soothing, like read a murder mystery.

: When I see the same promoted post on Twitter for the second time, I quit scrolling the feed and …

: Yes! I did fix my MB theme problem, although I may be stuck on Typewriter theme for the rest of my …

: Oh, I think I might have fixed my theme problem. Testing.

: Browser Mystery: I put an HTML webring code on the footer of my MB hosted blog and both FF and …

: In case you missed it: How Many Bing Using Search Engines Can We Handle?

: On the HTML front: I just downloaded BlueGriffon WYSIWYG editor. (Win, OS X, Linux). I needed it on …

: I’m toying with the idea of, once again, starting a retro 1990’s style webring hosted on …

: I activated the replies page on my blog with the Typewriter theme. It works okay. Needs pagination. …

: Hah! Amazon just delivered the complete boxed set of Star Trek: The Next Generation on DVD. …

: Site Search Placement Experiment. I’ve started an experiment with my hosted blog with site search. Previously, I had …

: This blog has joined the Hotline Webring (code in the footer) because I still like webrings and I …

: Pro Tip: Don’t try to put a site search form in the MB blog header and have it look half way …

: I just joined the Mastodon instance.

: Read: Google’s ads just look like search results now | The Verge. Methinks Google is getting a …

: Thousands of WordPress Sites Hacked to Fuel Scam Campaign | Bleeping Computer.

: Following: Art is My Religion the personal blog of writer Rich Novotney as he discusses art of the …

: “Baby Jabba” is trending on Twitter. Heh.

: I really prefer blog themes that have a sidebar for my own blog. And a sidebar that I can add …

: the Underappreciated Blog Host Vivaldi has upgraded it’s community portal at At the community portal you can get …

: Spelling: Okay, I’m sick of this whole “ie” and “ei” spelling thing in …

: I’m all for electric vehicles. I’m all for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. I’m not so …

: There are way to many video streaming services.

: The good part about nasty Winter weather days is I have an excuse to stay indoors and do Web things

: Ritz Crackers are made in Mexico. WTF? Can’t we even make our own crackers in the US?

: Earth: planet, infested with humans and Baby Yoda dolls.

: Running Linux on your smartphone: everything you need to know in 2020 | Tuxphones Running Linux on your smartphone: everything you need to know in 2020 | Tuxphones This is a good …

: If you have a monopoly or a near monopoly you ought to be taxed like a monopoly. Without loopholes.

: Last night I had a dream about ghosts. Today, I bought 2 ghost story anthologies. #winterreading

: Somebody should test all the paywall online newspapers for how easy it is to cancel a paid …

: I think all my posts are on 10 - 30 minute delay before they hit the MB timeline.

: Tonight (Fri) Rain 1 - 2 inches. Sat. Rain. Half inch. Wind 20 - 30 mph. Sat. Night Rain turning to …

: If you ate too much at First Breakfast, it’s okay to skip Second Breakfast. Right? #hobbitlife …

: After reading all the ugliness on your normal Twitter timeline you should be able to switch to an …

: We Need More Passenger Trains of Any Sort I’ve heard all sorts of conflicting opinions on how to revive passenger rail in the US. I …

: How to Donate to Australian Bushfire Relief The Australian wildfires have already burned an area larger than Switzerland and they are just at …

: I have a theory that #indieweb #webmentions like we see on Wordpress, help excite Googlebot. …

: a First Look is: 1. A web based feed reader, 2. Sort of, a social network, 3. A blogging platform …

: USA Leaving Iraq Would be Good Getting kicked out of Iraq is the best thing for the US. First, we should never have gone in. …

: On Jan. 2nd Apple News app quit updating the news. An auspicious start for the new year.

: There was a thread here on a few weeks ago about having group authored and or family …

: For 2020 I intend to use an infinite scroll of blockchain in order to higgs boson my deep state …

: It got cold outside here, so this is a good night for using the oven to bake a frozen pizza! Pizza …

: I hope everybody has a Happy New Year.

: Branding Works in Mysterious Ways Background: For many years I’ve listened to Old Time Radio (OTR) shows streamed over the …

: Googleblog vs. Vivaldi Browser Mystery Interesting. I just clicked through to …

: Merry Christmas. Worth repeating: from the archives

: As someone in his 6th decade, I’m warming to the idea that the older generations need to step …

: Okay so which Generation was it that wore ultra baggy jeans with their bottom, half or all, sticking …

: I’m all for a Green New Deal, except I would break it up into a series of stand alone …

: I see a lot of the Democratic Presidential candidates proposing lots of well meaning Fed. laws. …

: Bought apples: Golden Delicious - which I’ve not had in a long time, Macintosh - again, been …

: This is cool. With b2evolution as a blog script you get as many blogs as you want with webmentions …

: I watched the first, 2hr, episode of Lexx TV series. I’ve never seen it before and it was fun, …

: This. Amazing for Wordpress and Syndication Links now supports per-post syndication to …

: I just set up b2evolution CMS/blog(s) ver 6.11.4. It has the ability to send and receive Webmentions …

: Within one hour of being out this morning I saw two Nissan LEAF cars. Seeing any kind of electric is …

: I love the idea of wikis. My problem is I have no idea what I would use a wiki for.

: Vivaldi browser to make user agent changes Read the link for the full story. Partly, due to old bad …

: I ran across a cryptozoology site. To my surprise, Bigfoot has been sighted in dozens of states way …

: Will Google Keep Supporting Chrome Browser? I’m wondering how long it will be before Google will abandon further development on the Chrome …

: I should be writing long form posts. But the problem is that come evening I’m too tired.

: If I banned everything from China it would take care of half of my bot problem.

: Courtesy, allows two strangers, who may not even like each other, to communicate peacefully and get …

: In case you missed it, there is a new forum about web directories and curated methods of discovering …

: I should go out to a meeting tonight but I finally got warm and comfy in the Ultimate Command …

: Populism of the Right and Left Let’s be clear: Populism is a reaction by a certain group, when they become convinced that the …

: I see no sign of the swamp draining. To my eye, the swamp is spreading.

: Tim Berners-Lee has launched Contract for the Web This seems like a positive step.

: Apple needs an iOS thing that automatically diagnoses which part of the Internet is not connecting: …

: Two Amazon vans plus a UPS truck stopped on my block at the same time, all delivering stuff from …

: Adventures in Digital: My 88 yr old mother just got a new microwave. Her old one was 50 years old …

: I just installed the Fraidy Cat browser extension for Vivaldi browser and I’m liking it alot. …

: Like: Narwhal Microblog Plugin for WordPress: Quickly Posting Notes to your IndieWeb Site by Chris Aldrich Like: Narwhal Microblog Plugin for WordPress: Quickly Posting Notes to your IndieWeb Site by Chris …

: Study: Asian carp crowding out native fish on Mississippi River - AP. There has to be some way we …

: Why I Won't Watch the Trump Impeachment Although I’ve caught bits of the Trump impeachment hearings on the radio (NPR) in the car, I …

: Green Dragon Apples I saw them in the store for the first time so tried a couple. Very sweet. Too …

: I just got reminded why I don’t like Blu-Ray: it’s because all the Blu-Ray players suck. …

: Where can I buy a Linux Computer? Most people who want to use Linux take an old Windows computer and install Linux on it. That is …

: I’m finally going to buy a Blu-ray player. I’m looking for simple, quality, durable. …

: Okay #nwindiana who’s the joker that ordered snow, wind and cold all at the same time?

: This is a good Twitter thread about using Web Panels in Vivaldi web browser. One use I can see for …

: PinePhone: Everything You Need to Know About This Linux Smartphone | OMG Ubuntu

: Hillary Clinton had her “vast right wing conspiracy,” and Trump has his “deep …

: Pinebook Pro vs. Chromebook At US $200 the Pinebook Pro looks like a really good (and cheap) alternative to a Chromebook. The …

: Privacy search engine DuckDuckGo has a couple of privacy newsletters. I’ve only subscribed to …

: Top 10 Cloud Storage Linux Providers Decent list.

: First Impressions Ubuntu Linux 19.04 It’s been awhile since I used Ubuntu Linux, one thing Ubuntu has going for it is a lot of …

: Any suggestions on a good category name for just longer posts other than “Longer Posts”? …

: These 5 alternative social networks are the cure for Facebook fatigue - Fast Company Hm, one of …

: I just blocked NYTimes on Twitter. All their stuff is behind a paywall anyway. I used to be a …

: I just wasted 45 mins. trying to turn on the backlit keyboard. Turns out, my new computer does not …

: It never fails: everytime I get a new computer and sit down to configure it, either the Wifi goes …

: Dell bets big on Ubuntu Linux laptops for developers | ZDNet

: A couple of weeks ago I updated my iPhone XR to iOS 13. Noticed things like Mail started to get slow …

: Gah! Installed routine updates on Linux laptop. Restart. Now laptop won’t connect to WiFi. I’m on …

: It’s not just the Federal Gov’t that can do things to help prevent climate change, US …

: Autumn: the leaves turning and falling. Now what we need is a good, sustained, 40 mph West wind to …

: Sometimes I miss film for cameras. I miss the smell of fresh film, the foil wrappers or the little …

: The questions are more important than the answers.

: Is it my imagination or have many map-centric websites (ie weather sites, etc) moved away from …

: Procrastination Files: Two things I really need to work on… Real Soon Now. Good, secure, …

: Retailer: If your shopping cart locks up twice when I try to place my first order with you, …

: People keep posting stuff on the Internet.

: Imagine if the US Government went after the users of Ransomware with the same zeal they went after …

: Indiana was the nation’s 10th largest wine producer until Prohibition wiped it out. Production …

: Could Apply to Social Networks So let us begin anew – remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and …

: Trump, Syria and the Kurds You don’t know how much it pains me to even partially agreed with Trump, but he is right on …

: Q: “Why do superheros wear spandex all the time?” A: Heck, if you had the body of a …

: Reading: Inspector Gamache series by Louise Penny. Smart plots, with great characters and setting. …

: Watching: Murder by the Lake Watching: Murder on the Lake Mhz Choice. German with English subtitles. Not great but watchable. …

: Man, Google is getting hammered, daily in the tech press. They were the warm fuzzy darlings 15 years …

: There is frost on the rooftops and in patches on the lawns this morning. Hopefully, that will kill …

: Well I finally turned on the heat in the house today. It’s been 58 degrees F inside for the …

: Why Use a RSS Feed Reader? First: What is RSS all About? I have done the newsletter thing before I started blogging. Back in …

: Halloween Candy: at my local Jewel store many of the old standbys were MIA, Junior Mints, …

: I just bought Halloween candy. Man, this suff is expensive. If the size of the bars gets any smaller …

: I early voted. Easy, no lines, fast. The new voting machines were a little confusing but they leave …

: New statue of Tuskegee airman. This is what I want to see more of. Let’s honor minorities …

: Godzilla car horn - Boingboing. You’ll thank me for passing this along - someday.

: I have 3 laptops: Mac, Linux and Windows. I find I’m using the Linux machine the most. Part of …

: Ton Zijlstra makes an astute observation on Google Chrome it’s not a browser, it’s …

: Jason Weisberger (@jlw) Tweeted: I miss Buffy.… I miss Buffy …

: Straws are a distraction - Boingboing. Tells how the plastics industry shifts the blame on you the …

: A Lord of the Rings Guide to the Cotswolds | 6 Places That Inspired Tolkien Nice article, …

: Climate change is changing the flavor of French wine - National Geographic

: There are 7.7 Billion people in the world and we only have 2 major phone and computer operating …

: I just found out I can post links to Apple News stories directly to my iOS app. This …

: No Need To Cut Back On Red Meat? Controversial New ‘Guidelines’ Lead To …

: I’ve never seen “Stranger Things” if I pop for a Netflicks subscription is it …

: I’ve been reading the Bruno Chief of Police Series by Martin Walker. They are traditional …

: This must be the time of year the stink bugs come out. #invasivespecies #thankyounewworldorder

: On Waiting for the Librem 5 Linux Phone OTA updates for the OS are essential for a smartphone. This makes it likely that I will go with the …

: Unfortuntely, Microsoft was ahead of it’s time with the late Microsoft Phone. Now is the time …

: Today The Correspondent launched. As a supporter, I was able to login and establish my account very …

: Just had 6” of rain here in 48 hours. Neighboring towns got 8”. All the ditches are …

: Only the beautiful, hip, popular people get strawberry jam at McDonalds. It’s grape jam for the …

: My WiFi connection just stalled. Fortunately, this old iPad has 4G LTE as a backup, because …

: This newfangled keyless entry/ignition for cars is not an improvement. It’s just another …

: I want to see this movie: Here is The New Trailer For The Midway Movie I was never happy with …

: Electric cars only solve one problem: tail pipe emissions. We will still have problems of over …

: I’m too long in the tooth to pass myself off as a student at Crumpledbeercan University but I …

: I’d like to start opinion blogging about politics and international current affairs. The …

: Most of the plastics in our fresh water come from our laundry per American Scientist. Our washing …

: What is it with automobile drivers these days, ignoring the stop arm on school buses? Drivers seem …

: Oh great, another invasive insect from China that is eating our trees and grapes. Thank you New …

: I could not find graph paper in any of the stationary isles of the pharmacy or dollar stores close …

: My Rules: The only proper use of no-follow in links is when linking to anything owned by Google or …

: Thinking about colors and web design, if I had my way, all links would be old school blue like the …

: Reminder to Self: An Emu is a goofy looking bird, not the name for some color only women know about.

: Huawei Opts for Linux on Its Laptops Not surprising. More people should use Linux.

: Perversely, the whole ban against Huawei from using US tech is more likely to promote Linux and …

: Brexit - I have no clue. Trump - I have no clue, other than he likes baiting the opposition. …

: I really hope e Foundation can get a good phone out for USA customers in the next few months. I like …

: The new Land Rover Defender is out and coming to America. I like the looks although I wish it were …

: Reminder: The Correspondent starts publishing 30 September 2019. Just in time for the full blown …

: Windows users: just in case you want a WebKit based browser on Windows you can try Midori web …

: Android users: Vivaldi has released a beta of their first mobile browser The news is on all the tech …

: QuiteRSS: Desktop RSS Reader First Impressions Previously, I had been using an online RSS reader service. But I’ve hit the limits of the free …

: Today, I start searching for a good Linux based RSS reader.

: Librem 5 Linux Smartphone Shipping Schedule (Click it, it’s a link.) Hrrm, looks like it could …

: Gnome Web Browser Gnome “Web” browser f/k/a “Epiphany” is going to be the supplied default …

: Bicycles, Scooters and the Centuries Old Fight for City Streets Long article but extremely …

: Alternative Operating Systems – TechRadar. Beyond Windows, macOS and Linux. Sorry to see OS/2 …

: Indianapolis rolls out the red carpet for transit. I think Bus Rapid Transit is a good option for …

: Linux Laptop Buyer’s Guide 2019 – Forbes

: In re. Trump et al. Yes, we are now this desperate – Youtube.

: School is back in session, like a giant incubator vat for mutating bacteria and viruses. All of …

: Plastics: What’s Recyclable - NPR. Nice guide.

: Librem 5 August Update Looks like they are making huge progress! Couple of things from looking at …

: Liberals and the New Reign of Terror humourless void Watch the video: Piers Morgan is not wrong Liberals have become illiberal. This is …

: Can a Librem 5 Linux Phone Replace My iPhone? I’ve had a Librem 5 Linux phone on pre-order since 2017, and they hope to finally ship it in …

: Notes from the Center: re. Climate Change: While I don’t like factory cattle farming, …

: For the record: I’m not a fan of stucco as an architectural material.

: The World War II warbirds are back. Every year they fly out of the county airport and pass overhead …

: Take note: In case you missed it, the Tea Party is dead. Trump undoing Tea Party era spending …

: Cool: I just spotted a biplane flying overhead. That’s not something you see everyday.

: St. Paul Places Poetry at Residents’ Feet I like this idea, of stamping poetry into sidewalks. Short …

: Comcast internet is down today for about a third of my neighborhood. Without internet, I forgot to …

: Reforestation - Afforestation and Climate Change Ethiopia bids to break tree-planting record to tackle climate change I’ve started reading up …

: Journalists investigating Russia targeted by cyberattacks: ProtonMail

: Reading through the Archaeology News at is so peaceful. No Trump, political, Brexit …

: Short Review - The Dark Iceland Series by Ragnar Jonasson Reading: The Dark Iceland Series by Ragnar Jonasson. Mystery/Crime/Thriller Normally I avoid Nordic …

: I just got the MMR vaccination. I’m too old to have gotten it as part of standard childhood …

: Democratic Front Runners Update By John C. Dvorak, July 12, 2019 I don’t generally agree with …

: Putting pigs in the shade: the radical farming system banking on trees | John Vidal | The Guardian …

: Like: New England Is Crisscrossed With Thousands of Miles of Stone Walls New England Is Crisscrossed With Thousands of Miles of Stone Walls By the middle of the 19th …

: Does anyone have any pointers to good, useful online resources (forums, blogs, groups newsletters) …

: Old news but worth repeating Former Mozilla exec: Google has sabotaged Firefox for years

: Dear Democratic Presidential Candidates: Social networks are not the real world.

: What the Declaration of Independence Said and Meant What the Declaration of Independence Said and Meant by Randy Barnett ( The assumption of …

: I know it is no longer fashionable to have statues of great people in our public spaces in America. …

: Random Soft Drink Observations 3 July 2019 Diet Orange Crush does not have the bite I remember from regular Orange Crush. That was decades ago …

: Sorry, I just don’t see the British going for MLB. They already have cricket, which does not …

: Recycled Paper Roulette Buying recycled paper products locally has become a challenge. Local supermarkets that 10 years ago …

: I’m becoming addicted to the Apple News app.

: Hotels/motels a lot of things like soap bars don’t need to be wrapped in plastic, paper will do. I’m …

: Traveling with an iPad Air 2 and an iPhone is a pretty effective, light weight, combination. The …

: I can now state, IMHO, that Nescafé Classic dark roast instant coffee tastes better than Tasters …

: “If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different …

: From the Archives: Using Webrings for Defining Sub-Communities on Um, I forgot I wrote …

: This sounds good: Vivaldi to give abusive sites the middle finger with built-in ad blocking

: The Best Review of the Danger Man 1960's British TV Series - Ever. I stumbled across one of the best reviews/essays for a TV series collection on DVD that I have ever …

: How to Start Your Own Webring on Starting Your Own Webring on You need a ring host. I have used recently …

: The, “It’s Interesting to Me File”: I’m surrouded by train tracks here but …

: I have not synced my iPhone with my car yet. I know it works but I generally don’t answer …

: PinePhone $149 Linux smartphone could support Ubuntu, Sailfish, Maemo, LuneOS and more - Liliputing …

: FDR's D-Day Prayer On the evening of D-Day, 6 June 1944, President Franklin D. Roosevelt addresed the American nation …

: June 6th 2019 will be the 75th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings. Here is a post …

: Just for the record, I’m pro Bakelite.

: Singer Leon Redbone, has died. Bob Dylan was a fan.… RIP.

: Notes from Iowa, 01 On a trip to Iowa, well off the Interstates. All two lane highways here. Here in the Heartland, it’s …

: Google reportedly pulls Huawei’s Android license - The Verge…

: No matter who gets elected President in 2020, we are in for Big Government.

: Creepy. Google is using Your Gmail Account to Track Your Purchases …

: If you have trouble remembering what you ate for supper last night, it wasn’t epic.

: Sorting Out the Democrats for President Democratic Presidential Candidates: I think we’re up to a gaggle of 20 at last count. …

: Brinksmanship and the Potential for War with Iran Brinkmanship with Iran is a dangerous policy. One would think we have had enough of getting …

: A lot of people have become disillusioned with the traditional political elites and parties of both …

: Supreme Court says Apple will have to face App Store monopoly lawsuit - The Verge …

: e Foundation to Release OS on Refurbished Phones EU will get these first. e Foundation announced last week that they would be releasing refurbished …

: Disgruntlement File: McDonald’s seems to have discontinued the Triple Stack McMuffins. They …

: Fixing the turn signals on my 2010 Ford Transit Connect is going to cost US $1200.00 because Ford …

: Watching: The Undertaker on Mhz Watching: The Undertaker Mystery series, Swiss in German with English subtitles. Approx. 60 min. …

: Acquired: Ruined by Design by Mike Monteiro 📚 Acquired: Ruined by Design by Mike Monteiro As part of the Indieweb Book Club for Ruined by Design …

: My 2010 Ford Transit Connect had to be towed into the dealer this morning. Low miles on it, but I …

: Scale: the Problem of Replacing Single Use Plastics Two things about fast food, single use plastics: 1. I think the corporate world is sufficiantly on …

: Magellan (TV Mystery series, French) I’m on Season 2 of Magellan. Weird French mystery show. They keep changing Inspector …

: Windows 10 will soon ship with a full, open source, GPLed Linux kernel | Ars Technica …

: At current count, it’s going to take 20 minutes just to read the list of Democrats running for …

: Darling lets you run macOS apps on a Linux computer. (Just like Wine lets you run Windows apps on …

: I signed up for the [Librem One] privacy apps suite. Mainly I wanted a VPN, the Social and Chat apps …

: My rule for setting up new phones: keep apps to an absolute minimum of what I actually use. And …

: Free Software Directory maintained by the Free Software Foundation. A Directory of free software …

: IPhone face recognition does not like me wearing a hat. This is going to be a problem.

: Gmail’s automated spam-filtering is making it much harder to run an independent mail-server …

: e Foundation's Eco-System to De-Google Your Life I’ve mentioned other efforts to De-Google your phone (link at bottom) and I should mention …

: In case you missed it: there is a new/forthcoming suite of apps linked to cloud services that …

: Librem One: Escape Google Increase Privacy is starting a campaign to create a suite of online services and apps to help you regain some …

: Delta Chat is a Whatsapp or Telegram type messenger that is based on email so it works across all …

: Todays Mail: Notice from my health insurance about switching to new company to manage …

: Mail a Letter Online you send them an email, they print it, stuff it in an addressed envelope, affix …

: I think I’m one of a small minority of people that have never watched Game of Thrones. …

: Dawn. I’m sitting on the front porch, just out of the rain, listening to the bird sing and …

: War Plan Red: The U.S. Contingency for War With Canada & The UK This seems quiant today, with …

: I firmly believe in Capitalism, but a well regulated Capitalism. Unregulated Capitalism leads to all …

: Mornings on the Internets are best faced with coffee and a stout club.

: Right. I spent a good good chunk of the afternoon after recieving this e foundation newsletter …

: Wikipedia: Zombies Ate Burns Harbor, Indiana I’m saving an old post of mine from a personal blog I had on Blogger, preserving this for …

: The real world is way weirder than anything out of fiction.

: Bees living on Notre-Dame cathedral roof survive blaze All Creaures Great and Small…

: New Life for Webrings Webrings might have some life left in them if a new generation adopts them. Here is a new …

: 📚 I recommend the books by Eric Sloane. Particularly the Early American history books about wood, …

: Murder In, French TV series I’ve been streaming the French murder mystery series “Murder In…” each …

: CIA spy Virginia Hall is about to become everyone’s next favorite historical hero Sounds like …

: Back in the day, we used to get only blurry-cam photos of UFO’s, Bigfoot and USSR tanks. Okay …

: ‘The Municipalists’ Is the Urban Planning Sci-Fi Novel You’ve Been Waiting For

: looks interesting if you want to keep up on the latest on Linux on phones news.

: Is the EU Democratic? Structure: The EU Commission: Commissioners, one per state, are appointed by each member …

: Om Malik: The Scourge of Robocalls The last paragraph is spot on. My thought: Who shall guard the …

: Google and the Android Monopoly This remains a problem: Google has locked up all the Android smartphone OSM’s with contracts …

: In reply to Charlie: Webrings If you are looking for something old school as a webring host try …

: Big Cats in Gloucestershire?

: I need to mess with the CSS on my hosted blog soon. I want linked text to be readily …

: With phones, having the choice between only two operating systems, iOS and Android, is not a real …

: What the Heck is Populism? What is populism? Is all populism the same? Is all populism bad? Is populism a symptom of …

: Back to privacy search engine as my default for a couple of weeks as part of my ongoing …

: “Video Killed the Radio Star” by Walk Off the Earth featuring Sarah Silverman I like the …

: 📚 Dresden Files Series Books 1 - 15, by Jim Butcher a Quick Review 📚 I just got done binge reading all 15 books of the Dresden Files series by author Jim Butcher. …

: Ever get confused about where your search results are coming from? Search Engine Map will show where …

: Staycation over. Spent the last week not doing much except reading for pleasure. It’s been a …

: 📚 Currently reading “White Knight”, Dresden Files #9. By Jim Butcher. These books are …

: Does popcorn count as a Whole Grain? Asking for a friend.

: I have no opinion on Cardi B. I don’t feel compelled to have an opinion on Cardi B, for or …

: Got the early spring fertilizer and crabgrass killer down on the lawn. This year I’m switching …

: 1st Year Anniversary on I have hit my 1st Anniversary on “On This Day” has started to show posts …

: Twitter Survival Guide: Don’t click on “Promoted Tweets”. Most of the time, these …

: Political Correctness does not seem to be totally compatible with comedy, free speech, art, …

: This. The EU has bigger problems to deal with than Brexit And this is only part of the problems. …

: Trump is creeping me out.

: B2evolution version 6.11.0-beta adds Webmentions support for Indieweb. This is a great addition to …

: Bulova Should Bring Back the Tuning Fork Accutron Watch I’m not talking about the name or the logo. I’m talking about the Accutron watch with a …

: Things I learned on Twitter file: Actress Honor Blackman was a motorcycle dispatch rider during …

: Anyone who thinks there is one simple answer or solution to each of the great problems facing our …

: Stop words when I shop for a watch (meaning I quit looking at it): rose gold uni-sex carbon fiber …

: I’ve been trying to remember how I first heard about and – nothing. I …

: “Stranger Things” TV series looks really good. I don’t have Netfix so I’ve …

: Finished reading: Murder on the Orient (SS): The Agatha Christie Book Club 2 by C. A. Larmer 📚

: Finished reading: Summer Knight (The Dresden Files, Book 4) by Jim Butcher 📚

: It’s tax time. Needed to print out hard copies of PDF tax docs emailed to me end of last week. …

: Finished reading: Grave Peril (The Dresden Files, Book 3) by Jim Butcher 📚

: Okay, so I’m sitting here wondering if vampires can withstand the sound of bagpipe music.

: Listening/Watching: Max Raabe & Palast Orchester - Dream, a little dream

: I spent some time last night reading reviews of the iPhone XR and inspite of all the slobbering …

: Un-Business Cards or Calling Cards I have business cards, they advertise the business I’m a partner in. They don’t …

: Interesting. This, The Justwrite Post came up on my Twitter feed. Fountain pen users might be …

: For the last couple of years about the only thing I write in cursive with a pen are checks. …

: Jinhao X750 Fountain Pen: First Impressions I wanted a cheap fountain pen to carry everyday because pens I carry have a habit of getting lost. …

: Testing Omnibear.

: Watches, notepads, fountain pens, business cards, journals - I seem to have this need to get my …

: Posted earlier: Automatic Wrist Watches Because analog time is more better than digital time.

: Automatic Wrist Watches I’ve stated before that I have set aside smart watches and gone back to an analog timepiece. …

: I am over my limit for feed to follow on Inoreader free. I may have to either pay or move to a …

: Currently reading: Murder on the Orient (SS): The Agatha Christie Book Club 2 by C. A. Larmer 📚

: Like: Normal Horoscopes by @kicks who finds really neat stuff, weird but neat, while dancing at the …

: From the Archives: Let Us Build a New Web We needn’t wait around for somebody else to do it, …

: Currently reading: Fool Moon (Dresden Files Book 2) by Jim Butcher 📚

: I hate time changes.

: Things I Learned Today: There is such a thing as Womens Rugby which I think is cool. Mainly because …

: Currently reading: Storm Front (Dresden Files) by Jim Butcher 📚

: “The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them: …

: Fountain Pens A few years ago I got into fountain pens and experimented with them for awhile, then cleaned them up …

: When a major company like Automattic sends you to Github to update to the next version of Simplenote …

: I don’t have cable at home and rarely watch TV anyway. I had to be in a place that had Fox …

: Oatmeal, it’s for supper too.

: Migration Adjustments Moving back, full time to hosted blog from self hosted Wordpress, went far smoother than …

: Lots of news about Amazon getting deeper into the bricks and mortar grocery business. I have not …

: If there was a web based version of Pile of Index Cards personal database it would be a great …

: Acquired: Olympia SM-3 Refurbished. 1950’s

: Changed Theme Kewl. I was getting bored so I just switched my hosted theme from Marfa to Typewriter, …

: Does anyone have recommendations on where to get business cards online?

: From earlier: I am Starting Pile of Index Cards System Call it a personal database or a commonplace …

: Our local White Castle shares space with a gas station. A few weeks ago I noticed both were closed …

: I am Starting Pile of Index Cards System I’m going all in and trying the Pile of Index Cards system as part of my Commonplace book. By …

: Things to look forward to file: Will this next batch of Olympia typewriter ribbons arrive with all …

: I’ve finished all 3 seasons of episodes of Agatha Christie’s Criminal Games and …

: DuckDuckGo site search box for Just a re-reminder for users: you can get the customizable code for the DuckDuckGo site …

: Some supplies to use with typewriter: 2 part carbonless copy paper and 3 part carbonless memo forms.

: In case you missed it: People, the Analog and Shaping our Society

: I’m thinking. I’m thinking pizza sounds good for supper tonight.

: People, the Analog and Shaping our Society The inspiration for this post comes from Smokey: On the World Our Lives and Personhood But instead …

: Ruminating on a Better Commonplace Book Online This blog was intended to be a Commonplace book for me online. Recently I learned about Pile of …

: According to Twitter, this is my 10 year anniversary on the bird site.

: I really like the idea of Levenger’s Shirt Pocket Briefcase which lets you take notes on 3 x 5 …

: Correct spelling is prior restraint on our freedom of expression.

: The Analog Revolution will be won in text: typewritten, handwritten, fountain pens, pencils and fat …

: Front of card. Back of card

: The Postal Tweet Recipe with Typewriter Looking for a use for your vintage typewriter or fountain pen? Use it to send snail mail tweets. …

: If your newsletter signup overlay is obscuring your content before I have even have a chance to read …

: Poor old, it started out as a funky website for weather geeks with good forecasts. …

: I feel sorry for the people of Venezuela. I’m sorry they have a bad government and that things …

: Following: Middle Earth and J R R Tolkien blog by Michael Martinez - essays and FAQ’s on …

: Following: Aaron Parecki - Indieweber, founder, coder, Loqi’s dad.

: Acquired: Adler Tippa S Ultra Portable Typewriter This Adler Tippa S Ultra Portable typewriter came in over the weekend. The plastic bodied …

: Slipping Back into Analog I think it was about 9 months ago, I set aside my Android watch and had a new battery put in my old …

: I might have to watch the lads on The Grand Tour tonight.

: I am not watching the academy awards show tonight. All the actors I remember are either dead or …

: Maybe the best 1.5 minutes you will ever spend on Youtube.

: Like: PoIC: Pile of Index Cards system This is really a commonplace book done with index cards. New …

: So I’m thinking: there are infinite things/uses I can do with typewriter + index cards + index …

: Wow, real typing paper has all but disappeared. It’s all copy paper. Not a big selection in …

: Added a Typewriter page to the blog. It includes a quick list of resources for getting started.

: IndiewebCamp, Austin is happening tomorrow. Register here

: Independent Web is Greater Than The Indieweb Here is how I define the Independent Web: You are an individual, small group of individuals, maybe …

: Oh fudge! I just wrote most of a really long article and then realized it was redundant. I hate it …

: Following: Tantek Celik - Indieweb, founder, web standards. Has a deep understanding of how …

: Following: Greg McVerry - Indieweb, educator, always in motion. Fun experiments in Indieweb.

: Following: Chris Aldrich - Indieweb, web theorist thinker. Always interesting.

: Update on Related Posts on This is a followup of Adding Hosted Related Posts and you should read that first for …

: New: Creating Following Page on I’m rebuilding my Following page (aka Blogroll). After dithering between trying to do it on …

: Following: jenett. simply. personal. Joe Jenett. Indieweber, fellow web directory driver, explorer.

: Following: Life in the Forest of Dean Eddie Eldridge. great gardening tips, local web directory …

: Following: Plank Road Stories blog about YA novels co-written by an old friend.

: I put a new ribbon on the Olivetti 35i today. I’m so glad I bought latex gloves, because those …

: Acquired: 1950's Hermes Rocket Typewriter The Hermes Rocket is a very compact and light weight Swiss made, ultra portable typewriter. All the …

: Acquired: 1960’s Olympia SF De Luxe ultra portable typewriter I wanted an Olympia. I wanted an ultra portable. I saw this Olympia SF on eBay for a good price and …

: And another one: Hermes Rocket 1950’s More info here.

: New arrival: 1960’s Olympia SF De Luxe ultra portable. Details here

: Following: Kicks Condor Indieweber, web directory driver, web interlinking theorist, explorer, …

: Following: Musings of a Gen Joneser a personal blog by David Yamada.

: Hmm. Two more typewriter shaped eBay packages have arrived at my local post office this morning. …

: I guess the good news is we have a chance to elect a US President in 2020. The bad news is we have …

: My Typewriter Wish List These are high on my list. Olivetti Lettera 22 - serviced or refurbished. Hermes 3000 - …

: Ordered: Various typewriter ribbons, some decent cotton bond typing paper and envelopes. Because one …

: Acquired: 1970's Olivetti Lettera 35i Typewriter At the bulky end of the ultra portable typewriter spectrum (as near as I can tell, since I …

: This typewriter just in, an Olivetti Lettera 35i from the 1970’s. Made in Mexico. You can read …

: I saw John Wayne was trending on Twitter so I clicked through and read about 5 tweets. It appears …

: Rut-ro, Reorge! There is a package arriving from an eBay purchase today. I wonder what that could …

: State of Emergency I was not a big fan of President Obama’s time as President. He did too little to undo the …

: I wonder if any of the successors to the old major typewriter manufacturers kept their old tooling …

: Adding Hosted Related Posts Anyone familiar with Wordpress knows about the Related Posts feature as part of JetPack. This places …

: Feature Wishlist 17 February 2019 Webmentions received from non-MB member blogs and Twitter and published on MB hosted blogs …

: Anyone have odds on if Trump will sell advertising space on his Wall?

: Hipsters. cc. @JohnPhilpin

: Like: Update to the Syndication Links plugin for Wordpress for Custom Endpoints Also great guide on …

: Late 1940's Royal Quiet Deluxe Typewriter and Me My 1940’s refurbished Royal Quiet Deluxe came in today. It’s a wonderful machine and it …

: Acquired: Late 1940’s Royal De Luxe Typewriter.

: I got a text from Fed Ex yesterday informing me of a signature required delivery today. This can …

: Adding Hosted Comments to a PAGE on Adding Hosted Comments to a PAGE on Sometimes we create PAGES on a blog that contain …

: Typewriter Scouting Report 14 February 2019 Today I found a used typewriter stand at a local office furniture store, $25. Made in 1961, almost …

: Typewriter Collecting Thoughts Well, it’s started. My habit, when I start a new venture, is to jump in with both feet and …

: I’ve been experimenting with my posting routine on For longer posts Simplenote and …

: First typewriter for the collection. 1950’s Royal in excellent condition found at antique …

: Currently reading: The Typewriter Revolution by Richard Polt 📚

: Upcoming Movie: TOLKIEN First Trailer Released a film about the author’s early life. Looks …

: Okay, okay, I’ll run for President, but only if the Democrats can’t find anyone else to …

: Guide: Adding Hosted Comments to Posts This is my crude guide to adding third party commenting to Right now only has …

: Watch: Agatha Christie’s Criminal Games - Murder Party Sn 2, Ep 4. This episode was less …

: Hotdog stir-fry. Wat?

: Okay, typewriter collectors, what are good online sources for typewriter collecting information and …

: Watch: Agatha Christie’s Criminal Games - Mrs. McGinty’s Dead Sn 2, Ep. 3 The acting is …

: Watch: Agatha Christie’s Criminal Games - Murder is Easy Sn 2, Ep 2. Charming, but the plot …

: I’m still dithering about how I want to do categories on Make one …

: IntenseDebate: Migrating Comments from Wordpress to I messed up. Reading the instructions more carefully on IntenseDebate I thought there was a way to …

: This is the Web. It’s not all connected by gossamer threads spun by spiders. The Web is a …

: Here at the Popular Front for People Eating Doughnuts we are busy pairing the best coffees with …

: Watch: Agatha Christie's Criminal Games: Hickory Dickory Dock, Sn 2, Ep 1. Watch: Agatha Christie’s Criminal Games: Hickory Dickory Dock Sn 2, Ep 1. Watch this series if …

: Finished reading: The Night She Died - Inspector Thanet Mysteries #1 by Dorothy Simpson 📚

: Upcoming Film: Lancaster Skies My first post got eaten so I’ll try this again. Upcoming Film: “Lancaster Skies” …

: Interesting. I think ate a post of mine. That almost never happens.

: Like: Return to the Open Web! vs Join the Open Web! Like: Return to the Open Web! vs Join the Open Web! It makes me wonder how we can bring others …

: Starbucks and Me I refer to Starbucks as “Fourbucks” because everything seems to start at about that …

: There is no way to save a half written draft of a post in So today’s task is find …

: Fonix werked for me.

: Yesterday, it got up to 54 degrees F. with rain here. This morning it is 9 degrees F. Happy Midwest …

: Self Hosting Your Cloud Storage Cloud Storage. I have my cloud storage all mixed up in 4 cloud providers: Dropbox, Box, Google …

: I just got an email from Inoreader. New pricing and service levels. 150 feed cap for …

: and Maintaining a Following Page I’ve been pondering on how to make a blogroll/following page on and sort of …

: Stock Themes and templates in Is anybody using the new Arabica template on By accident I switched to it for a little …

: Government meetings done. Box wine time.

: I should start taking more photographs and posting them. I keep forgetting that my phone is a …

: I should keep a log of changes and experiments when I am doing them on this blog. Maybe that’s …

: Zoinks! A refurbished iPhone X is still $769. That’s a heck of a lot of money for a …

: Signed up for IntenseDebate which lets you sign in with your ID and login which is …

: Some Contact Solutions for Some email contact resources for We don’t have CGI or Php for contact forms on …

: Crossing the Rubicon file: Canceled my managed Wordpress hosting with Laughing Squid. They contract …

: Okay this is scary: somehow my analog quartz watch gained 15 minutes without my noticing it. Very …

: Stuff I Still Need to Do on This Blog Stuff I need to work on: Contact - this could be either a contact form or encrypting my email …

: Stepping Away from Facebook I just deactivated my Facebook account. I did not delete it (yet) I figured I would see how this …

: Generation Gap: When I think of “The Avengers” I’m referring to John Steed and …

: Currently reading: The Night She Died by Dorothy Simpson 📚

: Has anyone tackled putting contact forms on yet?

: SubToMe Subscribe Button on SubToMe has a universal subscribe button (code at the link) that you can put on any …

: Markdown Cheatsheet

: Bookmarks on Quill do not work.

: Indiebookclub works great with You probably knew that but it’s the first time …

: Also with, Articles (long form posts) do not work. That’s a real bummer. …

: really only works with for Notes. The rest of the Post Kinds don’t …

: I really like this distinction between categories and tags. This is the first real answer I have …

: Testing a note from Micropublish.

: Finished reading: Case of the Vanishing Beauty by Richard S. Prather 📚

: Migrated, Merged and More to come. I’ve merged my blog and my Wordpress (main blog) together on the …

: Testing Quill Editor Okay I'm testing the [Quill]( online editor.

: I went out. I did not see my shadow.

: I’m kinda laughing at myself right now. I thought once I knew what the new features were for …

: iPhone X and Wordpress Gutenberg Both Ditched Me I was just thinking how iPhone X models left me behind as an iPhone user and how that is similar to …

: New Custom templates, categories, new theme, and more We are launching several major new features for blog hosting on today. Any one of these …

: Read: Can the Green New Deal Boost Federal Transit Funding? - CityLab The gas tax hasn’t budged since 1992, and highway trust fund is running on fumes. Could a Green New …

: Like: 2018 in Review: A Breakout Year for DuckDuckGo and Internet Privacy We’re honored to share that 2018 was DuckDuckGo’s best year yet 👏. From where we stand, it was a …

: Like: Search Engine A comprehensive overview of the history of search engine technology companies. Read about …

: Like: Should Apple have its own search engine? | Macworld The company’s stance on privacy is at odds with the way the biggest search engines operate. …

: I don’t have a huge driveway but it does tend to drift over. The best investment I ever made …

: For Micro Monday I recommend @adders Who always finds interesting stuff.

: The cool thing about Hogwarts is they got to study really interesting things. In real life we got …

: Random Monday Morning Thoughts - Stuff going through my head. How many Pages can a hosted …

: 4 Hosted Comment Solutions The following are four remotely hosted comment solutions that have caught my eye. - …

: Read: The Agatha Christie Book Club by C. A. Larmer Read: The Agatha Christie Book Club by C. A. Larmer 📚 Another contemporary cozy mystery. No smarmy …

: Remember, good website design dictates that 95% above the fold should be advertisments. And the page …

: Like: How a Vermont social network became a model for online communities Vermont social network Front Porch Forum has become a useful online community for the entire state, …

: 2 Blog Migrations The first migration I have to do is this blog. That will be soon. I need to get this migration done …

: You can Import Wordpress Comments into Disqus Just a quick note: You can import your Wordpress comments into Disqus. Good to know. If I ever had …

: Maybe if we made the wall out of recycled plastic? /snark

: Piltdown Man is in My Head Do you ever get a song in your head and it just won’t go away? Well this is what keeps …

: Today's Project: Backup all Pages A platform move for this blog is coming. Wordpress is frozen on ver. 4.9.9 which is fine by me, but …

: Using Webrings for Defining Sub-Communities on The subject came up via John Philpin and Gray Areas. And using a webring to denote sub-communities …

: A Closer look at B2evolution Features I wrote a review of B2evolution CMS, but I didn’t get into too much detail. I’ve taken a …

: Hardy Boys Book Collection Is In The Hardy Boys 1 -58 collection I bought on eBay has arrived. These are from the 1960’s to the …

: We need to get rid of both the Democratic Party and the GOP. I propose the Eat Doughnuts Party (EDP) …

: I’d really prefer that we spend a little money walling off the Great Lakes from Asian Carp …

: Read: Deadly Secrets, Mapleton Mystery #1: By Terry Odell Read: Deadly Secrets, Mapleton Mystery #1: By Terry Odell. This was a good page turner with …

: For Micro Monday I would like to recommend @dejus who always has neat building projects and photos …

: It’s going to be cold tonight about 1 degree F. Glad I don’t have to be outdoors tonight …

: My Blog Migration Shortlist as of 20 January 2019 Sometime in 2019 I will move this blog to a different platform. Here is my current shortlist. …

: Read: Involuntary Turnover Kat Voyzey Mysteries, #1 by Cheri Baker Read: Involuntary Turnover Kat Voyzey Mysteries, #1 by Cheri Baker Straight up, I enjoyed this …

: Is Internet Retail and Amazon Really That Different? I keep hearing people flip out about Internet retail in general and Amazon specifically, killing Big …

: Kobo Clara HD eBook Reader 2019 a Review I got my Kobo Clara HD ebook reader a couple of days ago. I’m nearing the end of reading my …

: Read: Death of a Maid by M. C. Beaton Read: Death of a Maid by M. C. Beaton, A Hamish Macbeth Mystery Book 22. I never really tire of the …

: Watch: The Brokenwood Mysteries - Series 5, Ep. 3 Watch: The Brokenwood Mysteries - Series 5, Ep. 2 This episode really brings back the quirkiness of …

: Watch: The Brokenwood Mysteries - Series 5, Ep. 2 Watch: The Brokenwood Mysteries - Series 5, Episode 2. You will really want to visit New Zealand …

: Watch: The Brokenwood Mysteries: Season 5 Ep. 1 Watch: The Brokenwood Mysteries - Season 5, Ep. 1. This is a fun series. Seasons 1 - 3 were the best …

: Read: Death of a Ghost, M. C. Beaton 📚 Read: Death of a Ghost, (Hamish MacBeth Mystery Book 32), M. C. Beaton. The Hamish MacBeth novels …

: Ebooks, eBook Readers and Me My recent decision to try a Kobo ebook reader and the research I did as part of that decision made …

: Switching to Kobo for eBooks Last night I ordered a Kobo Clara HD ebook reader. The confirmation email told me to expect delivery …

: The Internet Never Sleeps.

: Time to check Facebook so I can be lectured at by memes.

: Bookmark: Disqus Alternatives and Similar Software - Popular Alternatives to Disqus for Web, Self-Hosted, Linux, Wordpress, Windows and more. Explore 25+ …

: Webmentions on B2evolution's Todo List Just a quick bit of good news: per Francois Planque,  B2evolution maintainer, in a comment: …

: Current Mood: Hehe, I feel like a little kid waiting for Santa to arrive. No pressure, I’m …

: B2evolution PHP CMS - Blog Script: A Tire Kicking Review I installed B2evolution on a subdomain using C-panel one click install. Flawless. (The point of …

: Serendipity PHP Blog Script: The Tire Kicking Review I have a couple of new blog projects and a couple of eventual blog migrations coming up in 2019 and …

: My Micro Monday recommendation is @DiplomaticDiva Always gracious and she has a wonderful eye with a …

: I need to look into I need to really try and understand - to wrap my mind around it and how it works. …

: Blerg-snot, blogs pox!

: 2019 Prediction: I shall fall prey to blog proliferation and buying more domains. Doom.

: b2evolution and Serendipity blog scripts look interesting Might install b2evolution on a subdomain today and test. No Indieweb but it actually lets you import …

: First Breakfast of 2019 will be: “Paleo toaster waffles.” Paleo means they are made with …

: It’s December 31st and it’s raining instead of snowing. /end report.

: Family Lore, Memories and a Wiki I have a project I’ve been thinking about, off and on for about 9 months: I want to write down …

: The downside of getting old is, one by one you are forced to give up your favorite vices. The upside …

: After all the fattening holiday food, I guess it’s veggie burgers for supper tonight. /sigh/

: Like: On the Care and Feeding of Your Favorite Blogger Editor’s Note: The following post was originally written on Twitter by @SuperWendy. I edited …

: Read: The Danger of Medium · Adam Tinworth Source: The Danger of Medium · Adam Tinworth

: Bookmark: Displaying Webmentions with Posts · Amit Gawande I have been using Blot, a simple blogging platform with no interface, for quite some time now for …

: The Case for Moving Your Social Network to This is a continuation of a series. You may want to start with the first post: Populism and Today’s …

: I just sent out a few invites to the holiday giveaway it really is too good a deal to let …

: Like: New Directory Launch Announcement Launched: Hyperlink Node Directory This started out as a thinking out loud type post a few weeks …

: Yum. Seattle’s Best: Post Alley coffee this Christmas morning. It’s a step up from my …

: My 2019 Bucket List for Despite Gutenberg, it looks like this blog will remain on Wordpress for awhile. There is nothing …

: Bidding Prayer: Nine Lessons and Carols, King's College, Cambridge “And let us at this time remember in his name the poor and the helpless, the cold, the hungry …

: Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Solstice, Peace of the Season to everyone!

: Best Wordpress Free Countdown Clock Plugin? Has anybody tried any of the free countdown clock plugins for Wordpress and If so, which ones are …

: Bookmark: a curated indieweb directory Bookmark: No review yet, that will come later. Just getting the word out about …

: On Leaving Facebook I’m finally laying the groundwork to either quit Facebook althogether or make my account …

: Wordpress, SEO and There is a lot of discussion about adding categories and/or tags for posts on hosted blogs on …

: A Christmas Carol: My 2 Favorite Movie Adaptations I think the movie “A Christmas Carol” aka “Scrooge” at times, may be the …

: Bookmark: Google Shut Out Privacy and Security Teams From Secret China Project Google executives ignored internal warnings about their censored China search plan and threatened …

: Christmas, Chicago Television and Childhood Movie Reflections Around Thanksgiving, I started seeing a fair amount of traffic to my WGN-TV Family Classics Movie …

: Like: How can I remove Google from my life? | The Guardian Geoffrey writes from his Gmail address to ask how he can stop Google from intruding into almost …

: Search Engine (US ver.), a Review I thought I should post a quick review of the US version of a neutral and privacy based …

: Like: For the First Time in More Than 20 Years, Copyrighted Works Will Enter the Public Domain | Smithsonian A beloved Robert Frost poem is among the many creations that are (finally) losing their protections …

: Like: Manton Reece - More movement away from Facebook One of the reasons I remain so confident in is that it was built for moments like this, …

: Like: Doc Searls Weblog · Google vs. Bing The difference between Google and Bing in this case is consistent with something I’ve noticed …

: I’m thinking it’s better to know you don’t know what’s going on, rather than …

: My Micro Monday recommendation is @vasta .

: Very weird things happening to my MB timeline. Posts disappearing, others moving around. Strange.

: In case you missed it: Noir, Hard Boiled Detectives and OTR The half hour format makes these really …

: Noir, Hard Boiled Detectives and OTR I’m a big fan of Old Time Radio (OTR) and hard boiled detective shows. If you want to hear all …

: Web Browser Collecting I used to collect browsers way back when, I don’t anymore although I do check out different …

: My favorite corned beef hash quote: “Wolfe scowled at her. I could see he was torn with …

: The Correspondent Makes Their Kickstart Goal I was heartened to see The Correspondent has made their starter goal. I donated a coouple of weeks …

: Tour of Known, As I got to the sidewalk a black limo glided up and a couple of educator types got out, armed with …

: “It was a blonde. A blonde to make a bishop kick a hole in a stained-glass window.” ~ …

: Reading: After chaos, the EU's plan to censor the internet takes a huge step backwards / Boing Boing After chaos, the EU’s plan to censor the internet takes a huge step backwards Source: After …

: Like: Leaving Apple & Google: next /e/ release and what features are in the pipe – /e/ Leaving Apple & Google: next /e/ release and what features are in the pipe We’re working …

: Like: Add Mojeek To Your Browser Find out how to add Mojeek to your browser Like: Add Mojeek To Your Browser Just about every …

: Bookmark: Projects · Explore · GitLab Framagit Bookmark: Projects · Explore · GitLab GitLab is an alternative to Github which is now owned …

: Blog Engines and Indieweb Controlling Upstream All this Wordpress 5.0 Gutenberg stuff got me thinking. With Wordpress it seems like the Indieweb …

: Like: Owning Your Content - Words On the term “Content”:   STOP using THEIR words to describe OUR work. OUR soul. OUR …

: Testing This is a test post.  This is a link. I’m seeing if I can use a simple WYSIWYG editor. I …

: For the Union Dead | Don MacDonald Finished my drawing of the Memorial to Robert Gould Shaw and the Massachusetts Fifty-Fourth Regiment …

: Like: Google relents and transfers to DuckDuckGo DuckDuckGo, the privacy focused search engine, has acquired from Google. Responding to …

: A Look at Known: social publishing and Indieweb Publish blog posts, photos and media to your own site, and syndicate it to your social networks. …

: Like: Mumblings - My Wishlist Like: Mumblings - My Wishlist Wow. Good, thoughtful, constructive list. Well done Simon! …

: My Gutenberg Migration Planning I have several blogs: 1 x hosted blog plus 2 x Wordpress blogs. After the Holidays, …

: For Micro Monday I want to recommend @jgmac1106 who never sits still. Ever. And @c another person …

: Gutenberg Phase 2 Plan Themes are Next #Indieweb To recap, Gutenberg Phase 2 will: Be outside of post_content. Focus on customization. Upgrading …

: Oh great. One of my smoke detectors is chirping. Either it needs a new battery, is malfunctioning or …

: Bookmark: Migrate your WordPress site to ClassicPress – ClassicPress Migrating your WordPress website to ClassicPress is easy and only takes a few minutes. Follow the …

: Spell check (that automatic red underline of missspelled word) has quit working in Wordpress Classic …

: Wordpress Gutenberg Gloom Thinking out loud: The more I learn about it the less it sounds like I would be able to live with …

: A pall of Gutenberg Gloom has fallen over the blogosphere.

: Like: Following People or Feeds in the #IndieWeb #mb #DoOO #edtechchat #literacies I am scrolling through history (h/t to Kevin Marks for reminding of the ccurated posts by danah …

: Like: If Gutenberg Breaks my Blog Where to Move? In sort: there ain’t shit out there.   Like: Brad Enslen Micro Blog - If Gutenberg Breaks my …

: Like: On Blogs in the Social Media Age - Study Hacks - Cal Newport Twitter Defector Earlier this week, Glenn Reynolds, known online as Instapundit, published an op-ed …

: I don’t check on Facebook very often but I just did and straight off I see an sponsored ad …

: If Gutenberg Breaks my Blog Where to Move? Wordpress Gutenberg - In spare moments I’ve been looking at other blog CMS platforms to …

: Vacuum Cleaning Tips and Hacks General Vacuum Cleaning Tips Vacuum carpet several times from different directions. This removes …

: Web as Social Network: Creating the Blog Network This is Part 3 of a series. Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. In Part 1, I mentioned RSS feed readers …

: Reply: 'Baby, It's Cold Outside,' Seen As Sexist, Frozen Out By Radio Stations : NPR Reply to: ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside,’ Seen As Sexist, Frozen Out By Radio Stations …

: Web as Social Network: Three Best Blogging Choices This is Part 2 in a series. Part 1 is here. In Part 1 I made the case that Facebook and Twitter had …

: Wow, housekeeping type sites are so slick and glossy, but the newsletter signup covers half the …

: Unbreaking the News News as we know it leaves us cynical, divided, and less informed. We’re building a movement for …

: New Christmas lightbulbs up outdoors. Now I have to wait for dark to see if they work and how they …

: Like: Using Inoreader as an IndieWeb feed reader It may still be a while before I can make the leap I’d love to make to using Microsub related …

: For Micro Monday I’d like to recommend @jenett and @kicks fellow travelers in Total World …

: Well that’s enough Wordpress excitement for one day.

: Bookmark: De-google-ify Internet Bookmark: De-google-ify Internet What we have here from France, is a campaign to provide free, open …

: Saurekraut and Polish sausage in the slow cooker. Doing something a bit different: cooking both …

: Bookmark: WordPress 5.0: A Gutenberg FAQ – Matt Mullenweg We are nearing the release date for WordPress 5.0 and Gutenberg, one of the most important and …

: Friday Music Break 30 Nov 2018 Time for your 3 minute break from the keyboard. You know the drill. Rev up for the weekend. Hint: …

: Like: Wordpress RSS Feed Retriever Plugin Like: WordPress RSS Feed Retriever Plugin I like this plugin. With 3 blogs it’s hard to alert …

: I like tea.

: Populism and Today's Social Tech vs. Blogging The Problem: Populism and Toxic Social Networks   Social media platforms are the perfect places …

: Thursday Music Break 29 Nov 2018 Hey I’m a DJ! Time for your 3 minute music break. Go! You have to click to find out the song. …

: Like: Tab Cycling in Vivaldi | Vivaldi Browser There are a lots of ways to switch tabs in Vivaldi without using point and click. Read on for the …

: I really think hosted Micro.blogs need an on-blog comment system so non-blogging friends can …

: Wednesday Music Break 28 Nov 2018 Time for your 3 minute music break. It’s hump day, time to crank it up a bit. Air guitar …

: Ukraine-Russia sea dispute amounts to “might makes right” as far as Russia is concerned. …

: Like: Top 10 folk tales in fiction | Books | The Guardian Folklore continues to inspire writers like Neil Gaiman and Sarah Perry – as well as online …

: Tuesday Music Break 27 Nov 2018 Time for your 3 minute music break. Chair dancing allowed. I’m not revealing the song you have …

: Watch: Grand Tour Season 3 Trailer Watch: Grand Tour Season 3 Trailer. Once again this looks like fun.

: My Android Phone Liberation Plan I have an Android phone. For the most part it gets the job done, except it’s always reporting …

: Webring experiment ends. I had created two blog oriented webrings as an experiment. It’s been over 6 months and no …

: For MicroMonday I’d like to recommend @johnjohnston and @hope .

: Monday Music Break 26 Nov 2018 Music Week: Time to take a 3 minute break from your computer. Chair dancing allowed. I’m not …

: I used the term “hyperlink nodes” because it sounded better than “clumps of …

: Like: European privacy search engines aim to challenge Google LONDON — In the battle for online privacy, U.S. search giant Google is a Goliath facing a handful of …

: The weather today is just nasty. It’s a good day for indoor projects and writing.

: I should be writing a brilliant post but I can’t think of anything to write about.

: $5.9 TRILLION on Middle East Wars since 2001. So here we go: America has spent $5.9 trillion on wars in the Middle East and Asia since 2001, a new …

: Like: More power to Quick Commands | Vivaldi Browser The latest update to Vivaldi browser makes new additions to a flagship feature, Quick Commands. Find …

: ‘Blockchain.’ Now I sound cool, with-it and hip. I’m in the know. People look at …

: Bookmark: New Clues Bookmark: New Clues This has been around for awhile but this is the first time I’ve seen it. …

: Search Engine: neutral + private - US Version Source: European Search Engine: neutral & confident - US Version This is a quickie, first …

: Bookmark: Introducing the Mycroft Mark II Pre-Order - Mycroft This flexible device will voice-enable your life. Use Mark 1 to answer questions, control your IoT …

: Like: Mozilla - *privacy not included 70 connected products rated on their safety and security Like: Mozilla - *privacy not included Good …

: Nationalism, Populism and the EU I have maintained for years that the European elites are way to far ahead of the common people in …

: Bookmark: Why Europe Will Never Build Its Own Digital Giants The larger problem, it seems has much more to do with the general distrust for disruptive …

: Cool Tag Cloud and Bloggy Planning I’ve never been big on the tag cloud displayed in the stock Wordpress widget. I’ve …

: Fair warning: I use capital letters. Frequently.

: Like: The Correspondent Like: The Correspondent I just donated. This has already been done in The Netherlands. Raising money …

: For Micro Monday I’d like to recommend two people @Ron and @JohnPhilpin . You get two …

: Like: Why is Mojeek Different? Like: Why is Mojeek Different?   Good essay. It explains why Mojeek is different from other …

: My Weekend Meals Last night, Fri., Spaghetti and meatballs. I use Dreamfields pasta, it’s the only higher in …

: Bookmark: SubtoMe Wordpress Plugin Bookmark: SubtoMe Wordpress Plugin. This is pretty slick. It makes subscribing to your blog’s …

: Like: One-Line Languages Like: One-Line Languages Really interesting post with a lot of stuff I hadn’t thought about. …

: In Case You Missed the Posts at 16 Nov 2018 Since I’m splitting my posting time between here and blog I thought I would post …

: Bookmark: Search Engines Still Dominate Over Social Bookmark: Search engines still dominate over social media, even for millennials New research …

: Back in the 1990’s it was all about “finding our inner child.” Well we found it. …

: Is Blogging Just About Money? It would seem blogging is just about money. At least that is the sad message I get from top …

: Like: How to Truly Optimize Any Blog for Web Search Like: How to Truly Optimize Any Blog for Web Search   IMHO this is the real deal for solid, …

: Like: Can blogs rebuild America? Like: Can blogs rebuild America?   I’m not talking about all of us launching political blogs. …

: Bookmark: Webrings are Not the Answer Bookmark: Webrings are Not the Answer | by mariteaux   Somebody else has reservations about …

: I think shifty used car salesmen have taken over corporate America.

: I keep thinking that the news can’t get any weirder, meaner or nastier and then a week later …

: Looking at my analytics, one of the patterns I pick up is that most of the traffic from China, …

: I should be writing something, commenting about something, snarking on something but my mind is …

: Okay, and the GDPR banners are also getting annoying. I have them on some of my own sites and …

: While I’m complaining about stuff: 1. I don’t like, 2. I hate autoplay 3. …

: I would have gotten more done today if I hadn’t fallen asleep at the keyboard this morning.

: In reply to: Distributed Digital Transformation In reply to: Distributed Digital Transformation | Ton Zijlstra Source: Read: Distributed Digital …

: I hate chat rooms. For explaining anything complex it’s like trying to talk to somebody from a …

: My vote has still not been counted. Here is the story from one poll worker Up until now election …

: Findx the EU Indie Search Engine Shuts Down RIP Findx. I came across the announcement just now while investigating why searches were not working …

: Wow. @manton has just rolled out two major features facilitating interaction between and …

: I find the timing of this whole migrant caravan a bit suspicious and a bit too organized.

: Great Tweet and sadly all too true.

: Google Chrome’s Users Take a Back Seat to Its Bottom Line | Electronic Frontier Foundation Google Chrome is the most popular browser in the world. Chrome routinely leads the pack in features …

: Test #indieweb Post Kinds plugin problem? This is a test so disregard. My last post shows no Title on my blog even though Post Kinds …

: Google, the Social Silos and the Web Traffic Future The video below is of interest to SEO’s, webmaster’s trying to create their own …

: Like: 11 Things Not to Buy Before Black Friday Like via 11 Things Not to Buy Before Black Friday | Some good advice here.

: DokuWiki: First Impressions I’ve been installing and setting up a DokuWiki. My hosting ISP provides automatic install for …

: In Reply to: Directory Features In Reply to: Directory Features. Kicks Condor. I’ve worked out a search index that’s entirely done …

: Halloween 2018 After Action Report Weather: Mild high 50’s F., no rain, no wind. Takeaways: Grandmother directing her …


: Bookmark: Federated Wiki Bookmark: Welcome Visitors A nice light wiki founded on two principals: mixed content and profligate …

: Who's going to start #Indieweb hosting? After Gutenberg drops and we see the damage to Wordpress and after Known blogging platform reaches a …

: Software: A Brace of Banner Makers I went looking for banner maker software the other day. First I looked at free online banner makers, …

: In Reply to: Deplatforming and making the web a better place In Reply to: Deplatforming and making the web a better place Yes. This is one part of the process …

: a fun niche search engine. The Wiby search engine is building a web of pages as it was in the earlier days of the internet. …

: Thought for the Day / My Favorite Heinlein Quote “A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a …

: You can tell a website is Old School when they fill out the Description meta tag completely. New …

: Webmastering and Showbiz and HTML Glory I always looked at being a webmaster as being like the owner, programming manager, DJ of a radio …

: Supper: Two spicy black bean veggie patties, lots of broccoli (bleck) some left over mac and cheese. …

: Bookmark: 5 Major Crops In The Crosshairs Of Climate Change : NPR Bookmark: via 5 Major Crops In The Crosshairs Of Climate Change : The Salt : NPR So what will …

: People are always posting photos of their cats, dogs and kids (pretty much in that order of …

: Bookmark: Pine64 is Working on a Linux Smartphone Running KDE Plasma | It's FOSS Bookmark: via Pine64 is Working on a Linux Smartphone Running KDE Plasma | It’s FOSS …

: Nostalgia: Extreme Tracker is Still Functioning Blast from the past: while digging up directory sites I found that the hosted stats provider Extreme …

: Shifting discussion around Just a quick note: I’m going to shift future directory related posts to blog. …

: Like: Tim Cook privacy: Apple CEO calls for comprehensive data laws in America - The Verge Like via Tim Cook data privacy speech: Apple CEO calls for comprehensive data laws in America - The …

: Like: The Right Finds the Perfect Weapon Against the Left - Bloomberg Like via The Right Finds the Perfect Weapon Against the Left - Bloomberg To put it simply, the …

: English Strong Ale I’m drinking a bottle of home brew English Strong Ale I made back in 2011! This is really very …

: Share buttons on posts, do they ever get used? Setting up another Wordpress blog caused me to examine features which visitors use and ignore here. …

: MS Outlook (web) for my Hotmail account keeps nagging me to authorize notifications every time I …

: This little directory followed me home … can I keep it? It’s a sorta selfdogfood directory called I hope this …

: Aldi had chocolate cake Twinkies on sale. It was hard but I resisted.

: Early voted today.

: I’m really enjoying the recap posts. I may have missed some, but the idea is cool. And helpful …

: Like: Blog discovery for the future? Like: Blog discovery for the future? There is a great discussion going on there with Dave Winer, Don …

: Directory Seeding: How Much is Enough to Start? Gah! I’m in a bit of a quandary about seeding this directory project: how much is enough to …

: Malwarebytes has gone off at least 4 times today blocking websites. 3 of those for Trojans. I think …

: Like: Large Majorities Dislike Political Correctness - The Atlantic Like: Large Majorities Dislike Political Correctness - The Atlantic What a person is saying, the …

: “Conservative, n: A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the …

: Logo Fail This is how Wordpress plays “Joy Whack a Mole”: Me: Yay, I made a neat new logo. …

: Listening: Illinois Street Lounge | SomaFM Listening: Illinois Street Lounge | SomaFM Classic bachelor pad. Got the Lava Lamp going. 😎

: For Micro Monday I’d like to recommend @grayareas

: Watching: Murders at Barlume - MHz Choice Watching: Murders at Barlume - MHz Choice Light, comedic Italian mystery. As a mystery sort of …

: I just edited a template and did not break the Interwebs. Fear my powers!

: Like: Framasoft ~ Portal Homepage Like: Framasoft ~ Portal Homepage A network dedicated to globally promoting “free” and …

: Reduced Posting | Working on Directory Project Despite my earlier protestations, I am working on a web directory project on a different domain. …

: I kinda miss 1965.

: The Internet has Talk Like a Pirate Day and a few other select days. I think we need a Marketing …

: I just checked Amazon for retro analog alarm clocks. From the reviews, everything is junk.

: Bookmark: dokuwiki [DokuWiki] Bookmark: dokuwiki [DokuWiki] Another wiki server script. Doku looks to be even bigger than PmWiki …

: Bookmark: PmWiki | PmWiki / PmWiki Bookmark: PmWiki | PmWiki / PmWiki This is an interesting script. I have not installed it or tried …

: Bookmark: WikidPad - wiki notebook for Windows/Linux/Mac OS Bookmark: WikidPad - wiki notebook for Windows/Linux/Mac OS This installed just fine on Win 10. The …

: Bookmark: findx — keep searching, in private Findx - a privacy-by-default search engine. No logging. No tracking. Transparent algorithms. Hosted …

: ‘Broadsword Calling Danny Boy’ by Geoff Dyer review – on Where Eagles Dare | Books | The Guardian A mini-celebration of the cult film has some funny and brilliant sentences about Clint Eastwood and …

: Like: Andrew Keen: How to fix the future | NEXT Conference Like: Andrew Keen: How to fix the future | NEXT Conference This is quite good. I cannot really …

: Like: Exclusive: Tim Berners-Lee tells us his radical new plan to upend... Like: Exclusive: Tim Berners-Lee tells us his radical new plan to upend the TBL is fighting back …

: Bookmark: Solid - Own and Control Your Private Data Bookmark: Home | Solid (From the Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Inrupt.) Solid empowers users and …

: Bookmark: Inrupt Bookmark: Inrupt It’s time to reset the balance of power on the web and reignite its true potential. …

: Bookmark: the federation - a statistics hub Bookmark: the federation - a statistics hub The Federation refers to a global social network …

: Like: bellingcat - the home of online investigations Like: bellingcat - the home of online investigations These are the folks that identified one of the …

: Unfinished Business File: In all these decades since the 1960’s, I still want a Lava Lamp.

: Vivaldi 2.0 Released - Now with sync! Vivaldi 2.0 is out! This is a major update and I like it. You can see all the details at the link …

: Battle of Arnhem Bridge - 74 Years Ago “Out of ammunition. God Save the King.” Last radio message heard, Arnhem Bridge, 20 …

: Payday, Clark Bar, Mounds, Almond Joy, Chunky, Heath Bars, Charleston Chew, Turkish Toffee, Jaw …

: I keep hearing my mother say to me, “if you don’t have something positive to say, then …

: Autumn is in the air, weather temps are cooling which means soon it will be Oatmeal Season! Yum.

: When you are wearing brand new sneekers, you run faster. ;-)

: I see no reason not to name 2 people for Micro Monday. @eli who is a very nice person who I find …

: Bought: Essential Phone Yesterday, I bought a new Essential Phone from Amazon for US $335. I guess it boils down to two …

: Like: Why I’m done with Chrome – A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering Like: Why I’m done with Chrome – A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering This is quite an …

: Bookmark: WikiMatrix - Compare all Wiki Scripts Bookmark: WikiMatrix - Compare them all This is a handy site that lets you look up all the features …

: Bookmark: Million Short Search Engine via Million Short - What haven’t you found? This is a search engine that lets you dig deeper …

: This is neat. Sphider is a search engine intended for site search. However, you can set it to crawl …

: Hard to believe I downloaded a text editor, Notepad ++ and a free WYSIWYG Composer on the same day. …

: Highlights of Web Directory Building Past I’ve built a lot of different niche web directories over the years. Frankly there are some …

: Like: Leaving Apple & Google: /e/ first beta is here! – Hacker Noon Like: Leaving Apple & Google: /e/ first beta is here! – Hacker Noon I just reread the above …

: The Smartphone Scams The smartphone scams. Android won’t let you uninstall any of the core Google apps. So they are …

: Aw, Come on Let Us Track You, Sucka. I got an email from my auto insurance agent, saying I can get a discount by letting the insurance …

: I saw a Chrysler K-car today. It was boxy, smaller than most mid-sized cars these days but has more …

: Like: Forget the new iPhones, Apple's best product is now privacy Like: Forget the new iPhones, Apple’s best product is now privacy   I have to admit, from …

: Like: > news portal Like: > The UK’s #1 news portal Don’t let the “UK” in the …

: Bookmark: Epic Privacy Browser, a secure web browser that protects your privacy | a free VPN privacy browser via Epic Privacy Browser, a secure chromium-based web browser that protects your privacy and …

: Right, time to get to work. 1. Pay bills, 2. paint the board that replaced The Great Rot board …

: That first sip of morning coffee tastes even better at 05:00 then at 06:00 or later.

: Upcoming Linux Alternatives to Android and iOS We are down to just two operating systems for mobile phones (tablets too) Android and iOS. Android …

: The Great Rot, above the garage door, has been removed and repaired. Yea!

: What are the Good Independent Unbiased News Websites? Let me define this: Independent means not controlled by corporate or political masters. Unbiased …

: A carpenter is coming to start fixing The Great Rot. I hope this doesn’t cost too much.

: For Micro Monday I would like to recommend @amit a man with great insights into tech, web, social …

: Ideas for Websites in Addition to Blogs This is a follow on of: Let Us Build a New Web, so you might want to start with that. Here I want to …

: Like: Privacy Possum Browser Extension Privacy Possum makes tracking you less profitable. Like: Privacy Possum. Firefox and Chrome. …

: Bookmark: Managed Mastodon Hosting Ridiculously Cheap has fully managed Mastodon hosting starting at 5 Euros a month. Over the long run this is …

: Bookmark: Lunascape Orion Triple Browser Lunascape is the first web browser with 3 rendering engines: Trident (IE), Gecko (FF) and Webkit. …

: UK, Mojeek, Search Engines and Essential National Infrastructure The Europeans won’t come out and say it but the fact that Google, the dominant search engine …

: Like: Danielx on by Kicks Condor Like: Danielx on, an interview. This. I can’t do this but Kicks Condor can. And …

: What is the name of the new cheapest iPhone model? I think it has an X in it. :-)

: Search Engine and Directory List from 2001 Here is an interesting artifact from the Web 1.0 past. A list of known search engines and …

: Watched: Last night I watched newest episode of Inspector Montalbano on Mhz Choice Wonderful. The …

: I am inclined to think all this SSL stuff is BS for websites that are not selling anything. It is …

: Let Us Build a New Web @simonwoods made a great point about (re)building the web and search. I’m convinced the best …

: In Reply to: Kicks Condor - Caesar Naples of being Brad Enslen Source: Kicks Condor - Caesar Naples You know, nobody has ever seen Kicks …

: We need OEM phones running Sailfish OS and . If it works this …

: All this iPhone talk really makes it hit home: we have no choices. It’s either Android loaded …

: I guess new iPhones are being announced today. I hope some of them have a fingerprint scanner at …

: In Reply to: Manton Reece - The way out In Reply to: Manton Reece - The way out I think Manton nailed the big picture on this one pretty …

: Using a Web Directory Script for Your Bookmarks If you have serious bookmarks scattered about on various browsers and bookmarking services and want …

: 7 Human Edited General Web Directories 2018 Yahoo!, Dmoz, Looksmart, Snap/NBCi,, at one time there were a lot of First Rate web …

: Bookmark: Beaker Browser Beaker is a new peer-to-peer browser for a Web where users control their data and websites are …

: Supper recipie: Nuke a couple of hotdogs to taste. Heat can of chili. Pour hot chili over hotdogs. …

: Like: The mysterious case of missing URLs and Google's AMP | Like The mysterious case of missing URLs and Google’s AMP | At least …

: Read: Google AMP Can Go To Hell | Polemic Digital Read: Google AMP Can Go To Hell | Polemic Digital IMHO Google is like a virus, it’s wormed …

: An Indieweb Web Directory My random thought for the day. These can be dangerous. Hold my beer. What would happen if you …

: Hm, interesting. Facebook has a bot checking on the Homepage URL you have listed in your About …

: Like: Independent and Unbiased Search Results Mojeek is a crawler based search engine with its very own index of web pages, so we are not reliant …

: Registered a new domain. And the crowd goes wild. Yea!

: I was thinking I need a PA that will work for food. Then I remembered what I eat and that …

: I hate it when I’ve written a really long long post and then realize I need to scrap half of …

: Privacy Search Engine, a Review I have been using privacy search engine for about 3 weeks as my daily driver on all …

: Like: I don’t hang out on the internet | Like via I don’t hang out on the internet |

: Noted: Jacqueline Pearce obituary | Television & radio | The Guardian Noted Jacqueline Pearce obituary | Television & radio | The Guardian I really only know her from …

: I could have had something good for supper. Instead I went with something healthy.

: I think I Just Dodged Directory Bullet No. 2 I’ll be the first to admit, I’d like to run either a search engine or a directory of my …

: Starting: Testing Search Engine I’m going to start using as my default daily search engine for the next 3 weeks …

: How the Searchking Search Engine Worked 1997 - 200? had two divisions: 1. A search engine, 2. remotely hosted web directories (think …

: I think Cortana is the daughter of whatshisname the MS Word paperclip guy.

: Like: How to Sanction Google for their Aggressive Behavior | Michael Martinez Like: How to Sanction Google for their Aggressive Behavior | Michael Martinez   An excellent …

: Slow Coffee - Single Serve Coffee Making without the Keurig I used Keurig single serve coffee machines for many years. I went through a lot of machines, some …

: I went to the store Thursday. I may have forgotten to buy ice cream. A major omission for Labor Day …

: Like: Fogknife : Rejecting the “Post-web era” while embracing The Future My response to Nick Montfort’s recent article asserting that the era of the open web as the …

: Interesting: Facebook has a crawler bot.

: Bookmark: 10 Tab Management Tricks | Vivaldi Browser Bookmark: via 10 Tab Management Tricks | Vivaldi Browser These come straight from the users. If you …

: The Internet still amazes me. When I was a kid you still had to book a phone call to the UK through …

: These Indieweb Folks Just Might Be on to Something This blog is just a couple of months old and same for the domain. I was looking at my Comments admin …

: Bookmark: Yahoo plans to scan users' email for data to sell to advertisers / Boing Boing Bookmark via WSJ: Yahoo plans to scan users’ messages for data to sell to advertisers / Boing …

: When the Social Silos Fall #search engines #social networks #silos #indieweb I hear a lot of people wanting the social network …

: Like: GitHub - dylanbeattie/rockstar: The Rockstar programming language specification But why? Mainly because if we make Rockstar a real (and completely pointless) programming language, …

: Like: LG G7 One announced: Android One flagship - The Verge via LG G7 One announced: Android One flagship with solid specs and ‘exceptional’ price - The Verge I …

: No power no internet. Bored. Limited to phone and iPad both have LTE. Listened to a great micro …

: No power all afternoon. Just came back on. Now internet out.

: The Bluejay blasts out it’s alarm caw. Seconds later, a Cooper’s Hawk glides by just …

: Review: Asus Vivobook Thin and Light 14" Laptop Computer A few days ago I bought a Windows laptop, my first Windows 10 machine and my first Windows computer …

: It might be my imagination, but it seems like Facebook is sending me more notifications when friends …

: Bookmark: NewsGuard Browser Extension Aims to Alert You to Fake News Sites Bookmark: via NewsGuard Browser Extension Aims to Alert You to Fake News Sites If this works …

: Bookmark: How to Set Up Sync in Vivaldi and Synchronize Your Browsing Data Bookmark via How to Set Up Sync in Vivaldi and Synchronize Your Browsing Data It’s still …

: New Guestbook I added a Guestbook Page (under About) using a Wordpress plugin I found Gwolle Guestbook. What I …

: I think @manton fixed the web app problem in Android and Firefox. Auto spell suggestions now work …

: I’m using Win10. I will have to wear dark sunglasses, turn up my collar and pull my hat down …

: Playing on the Wayback Machine on I just found my first real directory/portal. This …

: What I like about this McDonald’s is they play Classical music.

: Updated: On Blog Design Post I updated my On Blog Design post to include many links to give examples as they exist on this blog …

: New Windows 10 laptop on order. Linux laptop still in hospital. Ongoing problem with Macbook being …

: Still working with support on ticket for Linux laptop. We are sudo-ing our head off in between store …

: In Reply to: Ticker Tape Parade | Kicks Condor In reply to: Ticker Tape Parade. What no black background with with neon green text? 😀 Seriously, I …

: Oh Fudge! My fancy schmancy Linux laptop just locked me out. Reboot gives me command line. Support …

: How to Make a Niche Search Engine in Minutes Previously we discussed how to make your own blog search engine for free. Why can’t you use …

: Bookmark: Web Directory Forum A project of Web Directory Reviews Org, the topics under discussion include directory reviews, …

: Like: Indiepaper, an open alternative to Instapaper and Pocket | Cult of Mac Indiepaper is a read-later service built for the open web. Save your articles, and … Source: …

: I’m waiting for the Gutenberg editor to come out on Wordpress. I’ll try it when it does, …

: Also on I like that bots are identified as such. I had a polite bot stop by and let …

: On “Tech News Bot” is pretty darn good. If you are new there and looking …

: Like: افكار و احلام » Can We Ever Reset the Field? Like: افكار و احلام » Can We Ever Reset the Field? Lots of valid points here. And they are so well …

: On Blog Design Some quick thoughts nowhere near complete. It’s sort of a rule in room design, that it is hard …

: Branding Fail: Crest Pro-Health Advanced toothpaste. There are now so many types of Crest Pro-Health …

: Creating An Exit Page on a Website Today I made an Exit page. So many people end their visit by hitting the Back button on their …

: I don’t see and Mastodon as being an either or choice. For now I like being a …

: Like: The un-celebrity president: Jimmy Carter shuns riches, lives modestly in his Georgia hometown - The Washington Post The un-celebrity president: Thirty-seven years after leaving office, Jimmy Carter shuns riches, …

: Like: I am completely baffled why some people seem to be choosing Mastodon over | Bruce Godin Like: I am completely baffled why some people seem to be choosing Mastodon over

: Bookmark: Mastodon, Twitter and publics by Kevin Marks Bookmark: Mastodon, Twitter and publics A thoughtful analysis of Mastodon social network.  

: In Reply to: XXIIVV Webring by Kicks Condor   Source: XXIIVV Webring I like it. It’s unconventional and neat. I think with a ring of …

: Current Syndication Scheme for this Blog 8/18/2018 Syndication (crossposting) to: Facebook: (change) - I no longer post to FB and quit that long before …

: Now I did it. I’ve hit Peak Timeline, I’ve followed enough people that I’m missing …

: Sorry Chevy, but the new Suburban in black with super dark tinted windows, looks like a hearse.

: Interesting. Over on my Wordpress blog, Bing has now crawled deeper into the posts on there and …

: From my experience, you really have to immerse yourself in for a month before you start …

: Bookmark: Micro.Threads Fetch recommendations from threads at Explore links from Discover. Source: Micro.Threads …

: Bookmark: ADN Finder Bookmark: ADN Finder This is a social network username directory. If you know your friends username …

: School is back in session. The little kids are all wearing backpacks that are almost as big as they …

: Like: A Chesterton Tribune Editorial The Boston Globe has invited newspapers across the country to stand up for the free press today with …

: Like: Maersk Supply Service AHTS Selected to Deploy World's First Large-Scale Ocean Plastic Cleanup System – gCaptain Maersk Supply Service has signed on to support The Ocean Cleanup, the Dutch non-profit that is …

: Like: New WordPress policy allows it to shut down blogs of Sandy Hook deniers | TechCrunch WordPress has taken down a handful alt-right blogs, according to several complaints from affected …

: In reply to: Blogs in the Wild   In reply to: Blogs in the Wild I think the Indieweb is aware of the search problem but they …

: In Reply to: Difficult or Silo? LEECHING AND LINKING IN THE HYPERTEXT KINGDOMi Replying to: Difficult or Silo? Heh, …

: I wish I Could Code a Parallel Search Form Once upon a time, when there were actually a bunch of search engines to compare results from, we had …

: Like: Difficult or Silo?   Like: Difficult or Silo? I want to respond to this but I’ll wait for …

: New Aperture Wordpress Plugin for Indieweb I just installed the new Aperture Wordpress plugin. I’m not real clear on what it does but it …

: Vacuum Cleaner Buying Guide This is the infamous vacuum cleaner post I have been promising to write. I just bought a refurbished …

: Every time you publish a new blog post, the world is never quite the same afterward. It’s like …

: Bookmark: Ringlink download | Download Ringlink for free. Ringlink is a CGI Perl program that provides the tools necessary to …

: Bookmark: The Orca Ringmaker - PHP Web Ring Creation and Management A self-contained PHP/MySQL script for creating and managing a full-featured webring Bookmark: The …

: Coroner's Report: Webrings are Dead, Part II This is Part II of my series on the Death of Webrings. Part I is here. For this article I am going …

: My approach to long form blogging: 1. try not to sound like a moron, 2. quit trying to write like a …

: Sunday morning and is hoping. Some facinating discussions going on. It is exciting to see …

: Bookmark: Lucky Tackle Box | Monthly Fishing Bait & Tackle Subscriptions Boxes – LUCKY TACKLE BOX Lucky Tackle Box is the most popular monthly fishing subscription box that introduces fisherman to …

: My blog has a bot infestation.

: Like: How 2,000-year-old roads predict modern-day prosperity - The Washington Post Economists find a striking correlation between the density of ancient Roman roads and levels of …

: Like: Best Free RSS Reader-Aggregator | Gizmo's Freeware Introduction The “best” feed reader is largely a matter of individual preference. There …

: Trimming my Twitter Feed I purged about 40 people or blogs I was following on Twitter. I want to reduce the echo effect and I …

: Like: Scripting News: Smarter search for the open web Google started out ridiculously smart, but it’s been stagnant for too long. They clearly need …

: Oh fudge! No sooner than I shoot off my mouth about the death of webrings than I think of another …

: Musings on Building a Search Engine If I were building a search engine… You need to start building your own index of the web. …

: Like: Shakespeare Insult Kit Just follow these simple instructions to create the perfect shakespearean insult: [Via] Like: …

: Coroner's Report: Webrings are Dead, Part I The finding of the Coroner’s Court is that 1990’s style webrings are officially dead. …

: To do list: Internal Ads, More Directory Listings, Housekeeping To Do’s Internal ads: I need to look into ad or banner system plugins for Wordpress. I …

: Next Up: Search Engine Test 2018 UK based is the next privacy search engine I am going to make my default and use for a …

: Qwant Search Engine: My Daily Use as Default Results My experiment with Qwant search engine is ending early. On July 20th, 2018 I started using it as my …

: Like: Best Browsers of 2018 | Expert Reviews Like: Best Browsers of 2018 | Expert Reviews.

: Okay I take back my hate post on emoji. Partly. They look much better on a Mac than on Linux. They …

: I am in no way a Minimalist.

: Free Kindle Bookshelf Added | Take a book For my own amusement and because the Wordpress plugin was free, I made a little bookshelf of free …

: OStatus Plugin for Wordpress Test I just installed OStatus plugin for Wordpress. It’s a bit short on details as to how it all …

: Google releases Android 9 Pie with new navigation, personalization, and "digital wellbeing" features The latest version of Google Android is the first to include native support for phones with display …

: I keep asking myself, “How do I sell my friends on Facebook, on moving to” I …

: can be a Twitter replacement and do it much better, but I don’t see it as just a …

: I think I’m going to add a page of free public domain Kindle ebooks I have enjoyed on …

: Good old “trial and error” if you and your website survive it, it gets the job done.

: Directory Theory: Why Web Directories Should have Search Backfill I always have thought web directories should have backfill from a search engine when you search …

: Add URL to Gigablast Yesterday I noticed that there is an Add URL form at Gigablast search engine. So I took a few …

: How to Make Your Own Blog Search Engine This is so simple, I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before. You can make a decent …

: Bookmark: Blogspot Blog Search Blogspot search allows to to look for blogspot blogs in this Blogspot blogs search engine . To help …

: I get a lot of traffic from Twitter. What happens if all the major social networks lock out …

: Having a World War II, B-24 Liberator and a B-17 Flying Fortress bombers fly by over your house …

: Is Quietly Building a Blog Social Network with Reader? Is quietly building a blog based social network with Reader? I have no inside …

: Inner conflict: I want a nap or “I can sleep when I’m dead!”

: Like: HrefHunt! LEECHING AND LINKING IN THE HYPERTEXT KINGDOM Source: HrefHunt! Cool! Kicks Condor’s …

: Like: Competing With Google Isn’t Scary When You’ve Done It Before - Bloomberg Opera’s co-founder says launching a web browser to compete with Google, Microsoft and Apple isn’t as …

: Like: Are you a search engine or a filing cabinet?|Write into life On first encountering the web in 1996, like most people I was fascinated by two key questions: how …

: Bookmark: Official Blogger Blog: It’s spring cleaning time for Blogger Source: Official Blogger Blog: It’s spring cleaning time for Blogger I’ve been reading a lot …

: Wordpress Gutenberg and TEOTWAWKI Announcements are starting to appear in my Wordpress dashboard. That means the hammer is about to …

: How to Make a Webring Landing Page on When I find an interesting new tool, I like to think of all the ways I can use it. When I found out …

: How to Add a Blogroll in Wordpress How to Add a Blogroll or Micro Link Directory in Wordpress Blogrolls fell out of favor in the …

: New Blog Directory Soft Launch - Open for Submissions I’m doing a soft launch of my new blog directory. It is ready for submissions by bloggers. If …

: Widgets are the cupholders of blogging platforms.

: I’m busy procrastinating.

: The Weirdest Most Basic Blog I Ever Saw Memories File: The most basic “blog” I ever saw was a simple .txt page. Entries were …

: I just realized, I’ve been so busy with either meatworld, blogging or webmastering stuff the …

: How to Let Visitors Search All Your Blogs on (and elsewhere) I just added an Advanced Search to my hosted blog. I have 2 domains for two blogs one on …

: Test.

: Just saw a deer wander through my front yard.

: I bet people go into the Admin panel of Wordpress and just never come out. :-)

: I forget can we put HTML in the text box of a Page on or is it markdown only?

: I just got an email from August 1st Facebook changes how they let you syndicate to …

: On How I Dodged My Own Directory Bullet Yesterday, like Snoopy, I almost got the Sopwith Camel, out of the barn to get ready for one last …

: I can hear the small pack of feral kids chanting in the park. Lord of the Flies time. ;-)

: Why Decentralized Search is Good, Especially for Blogs In a previous conversation, I made a rough list of types of blog search directories and search …

: Poll: How do you find new/interesting blogs? I’m curious, how are you finding new and interesting blogs? Are these places doing a good job …

: Reply to: Chris Aldrich Replying to Blog Snoop Memo In reply to: Chris Aldrich replying to the Blog Snoop Memo. Chris, Cow Paths: Yes we have this …

: First Impressions on Cool! and webrings are made for each other. Both and appear …

: If you ever want to lose a few hours down a rabbit hole just go to Fascinating.

: Bookmark: Web-Site-Ring: Web-Related Things A weblog listing old websites, Bible verses, and, on occasion, other web-related resources. Updated …

: Bookmark: The 16 best free blogging platforms | Creative Bloq New to blogging? These are the best blogging platforms for you. Bookmark: The 16 best free blogging …

: Pruning Old Blogs File: 1. Moved content from old Blogger blog to new blog. 2. Cancelled domain …

: Webmastering: What to do with two old web pages? I’m deconstructing my old blogs. I have tow old static movie list pages I want to keep. I …

: I found vintage Sci-Fi/Fantasy Directories Still Around! I know I do go on about old web directories. Eventually I’ll get it out of my system. For a …

: Memo: Announcement: The Future of Blog Snoop Blog Directory I’m hitting a fork in the road with this site and the experiment of using a blog as a directory of …

: Zoinks! The town wide garage sale starts today. There will be strangers in the ‘hood today.

: Sometimes forks in the road are good. It’ like choose your own adventure.

: I think I just rescued my Dropbox account from termination for non-use. :)

: Like: An Interview with Vivaldi's CEO Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner - gHacks Tech News Like: An Interview with Vivaldi’s CEO Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner - gHacks Tech News Great …

: A Note About Simplenote For decades I’d write notes to myself on the backs of old envelopes. These immediately got …

: I’ve started a list on Simplenote of all the neat features provides. So when my …

: Switching back and forth between Linux and Mac laptops is playing bad with my muscle memory for …

: Trying Quill for posting. Why haven’t I tried this before?

: Lesson Learned: If you are running #AVG Antivirus for Android on your phone and it starts nagging …

: New Webring for Weblogs: Blog Lane | Brad Enslen Blog Lane Webring: Gettiing on a webring is like turning onto a previously unexplored street and …

: In reply to: The Awesome Directories by Kicks Condor In reply to: The Awesome Directories. Kicks, I think I have an answer to your linkrot concern. Not …

: I think all my web work yesterday and today was housekeeping stuff mostly on Wordpress. Oh I did …

: My experimenting with webrings continues. I’m not sure they are still viable in 2018. But I …

: The thing I hate about rechargable drills is I use them so rarely that when I finally need it the …

: Like: The web’s transition from nomadism to feudalism This comparison by designer Alexander Singh of the development of the web from home pages to massive …

: 3 Traffic stat providers for your hosted blog I’m going to focus on hosted blogs, but these three providers will work for …

: Interesting. Looking at my stats from on Wordpress, something from M.I.T., …

: “Because Twitter is no longer about us — it’s about them talking at us.” …

: Bookmark: List of uses for | Chris Aldrich Bookmarked: For the list of uses for Chris Aldrich wrote the list as part of a …

: Bookmarked: Top 6 Free Online RSS Readers Need to keep up with the most recent posts from your favorite sites and blogs? Try one of these top …

: Updated my post: and WordPress blogs living in harmony to add links to the WP plugin I …

: Joined Indiewebring on my hosted blog. Without a hitch. :-)

: Bookmark: a directory for short form podcasts Niche directories are not dead! Bookmarked: is a directory of …

: and Wordpress blogs living in harmony I’ve got these two domains: (here) and (now a (MB) …

: Like: Suck it up! Can pasta straws really replace plastic ones? | Life and style | The Guardian Straws made from sugar, wheat, bamboo and pasta are vying to replace the now-reviled plastic ones. …

: Test.

: Bookmarked: Google’s iron grip on Android: Controlling open source by any means necessary | Ars Technica From the archives: Android is open—except for all the good parts. Source: Google’s iron grip on …

: I’m starting to think the EU’s nasty attitude towards UK leaving is mostly fear combined …

: Weird Android Tales 2018 I have a Nokia 6.1 (US 2018) phone running AndroidOne. No complaints except the camera locks up …

: Federal Government Should Not Be Funding Local Projects You are a local town council. You need to put in something like sidewalks or a new sewer or a trail. …

: Ways to link and Wordpress blogs together? I’m trying to figure out how to have both a and Wordpress blog on different …

: Testing: Qwant Search Engine, Day 1 Yesterday I started my 30 day test of Qwant search engine as my default search. I did a few test …

: Bookmarked: Math Union Study Devalues Citation Statistics (and PageRank) – SEO Theory You’ve heard it a million times. You’ve probably blogged about it enough until you’re sick to your …

: Vivaldi the Browser You Should Try Vivaldi is my browser of choice for all my computers, Linux and Mac. (Sorry, I don’t have …

: Like: In Praise of Email | Dan Cohen Remember a decade or two ago when it was our national pastime to complain about email? More …

: Bookmarked: WordTsar – A Wordstar clone Wordstar was the second word processor I ever learned and used. Certainly the first I used in …

: Like: Webmentions: Enabling Better Communication on the Internet · An A List Apart Article Breaking down the walls between the internet’s many social silos, Webmentions offer a new level of …

: Notes: Things to think about for blog 7/19/2018 Wiki plugin - potential uses. research needed. Knowledge Base plugin - potential uses, better than …

: Like: Vivaldi now includes Qwant, a search engine that respects your privacy | Vivaldi Browser Our latest minor update includes the addition of the Qwant as a search option. Read more about our …

: In reply to: Catalog of Internet Artist Clubs | Kicks Condor In reply to: Catalog of Internet Artist Clubs Kicks! Great find. That is one of the best done …

: Like: Reply to Ryan Boren et al on the WordPress Link Manager, Calypso, and Indie Blogging Oh there’s just so much to say about the start of this thread, and it gives me so much hope …

: Hey Indieweb: Update on State of Webring Hosts 2018 I was checking out the webring stub on and the list of hosts. As of 7/18/2018 here is …

: EU, Google Antitrust Decision Despite my dislike and distrust of Google, I use an AndroidOne phone. The EU’s ruling that …

: I’ll say one thing for Wordpress: there is no shortage of boxes you need to check/uncheck …

: 7/18/2018 I had all notifications from Mastodon turned off. I just turned them on. Because? More and more …

: 7/17/2018 Added a “Podcasts” category to my Blogroll page in addition to the blogs. Not a lot …

: Opinions Wanted: What to do with Old, Ancient, Obsolete Blogs? I’d like to get the advice of other bloggers. I have 2 ancient blogs from 2004ish on Blogger. …

: New Urbanism and the IndieWeb Share a Common Thread It just occurred to me that there is a common thread in both New Urbanism and the Indieweb. Both …

: Reading: Showplace Alleys Break Free From Seedy Stereotypes - CityLab “We’re starting to realize they’re just as powerful as a park or plaza.” Source: Showplace Alleys …

: Any Good Way to Get Rid of Rabbit Pests? I live in a subdivision that is overrun with rabbits and ground squirrels. Background: Every home in …

: Like: Creating a tag cloud directory for the Post Kinds Plugin on WordPress   Like: Creating a tag cloud directory for the Post Kinds Plugin on WordPress And it works! 😎

: 7/16/2018 For Micro Monday I recommend you follow @smokey.

: Joined: WordPress IndieWeb Webring WOOT! I just joined the WordPress IndieWeb Webring, which is for Wordpress users with Indieweb …

: Reading: EU’s Attack on Android Boosts Rivals in the Battle of the Apps - Bloomberg Google’s latest European Union woes could mean opportunity knocks for app developers stymied by …

: Bookmarked: Growing vegetables in Containers - A life in the forest of dean with a what's on section Source: Growing vegetables in Containers - A life in the forest of dean with a what’s on …

: Bookmarked: Alternative Search Engines That Respect Your Privacy | This is a really well done list of privacy respecting search engines. Lists those that exist but …

: A Blogroll Solution After much discussion I came up with a new blogroll. Ta da! Not perfect but a bit easier to …

: Reading: The web’s bloated middle — Duncan Stephen Website publishers have been incentivised to do exactly the opposite of what could have made the web …

: My Brief and Sloppy Affair with Indiewebring Wow, that was some rabbit hole I went down last night. Background: About a week or so ago I tried to …

: Thoughts: Indie Privacy Search Engine Last night I took some time to play around with the search engine. It’s UK based, …

: Bookmarked: Foundations of a Tiny Directory Bookmarked: Foundations of a Tiny Directory Two things hit me straight off: 1. I love the analogy of …

: No Good Wordpress Blogroll Plugins 7/12/2018 Flash Feh. Apparently there are no good blogroll plugins for Wordpress. I did look …

: Added a small link directory to my blog. I just added a small link directory using this plugin. I’m using the free version of the …

: Any Good Blogroll Plugins for Wordpress? Does anyone have a recommendation for a good blogroll plugin for WordPress? I’ve looked at …

: Listen ... Do you hear the jackboots on the pavement yet?

: Bomis webrings had important differences from other web rings Okay, I’m still on my webring hobby horse. Of all the ring hosts, the now defunct Bomis was …

: 7/10/2019 I like the idea of the h-card. But, it seems, that if you include your email address there is …

: In Reply to: Kicks Condor Cataloging Horror Fiction In Reply to Kicks Condor Cataloging Horror Fiction. Track Expired Links: Many directory scripts had …

: Rambling Thoughts on Cozy Murder Mysteries I used to read a lot of murder mysteries. As a lad I started with The Hardy Boys and Alfred …

: 7/9/2018 For Micro Monday I recommend following @kitt

: 7/9/2018 Self-doubt seems to put a damper on blogging. The only thing to do is blog through it.

: Bookmarked: Channels of Visibility – SEO Theory Search engine optimization as we all should know is only one aspect of Web marketing, which itself …

: 7/8/2018 I feel a vacuum cleaner post coming on. No, really, about old school vacuum cleaners. 🤓

: In Reply to: Let Me Link to You What the heck, I’m in. 😀 Kicks, I’m real interested in what you cook up. Best of luck to …

: and Improving the Duckduckgo Powered Site Search I love and I love the Duckduckgo (DDG) search engine. If you have a hosted …

: 7/8/2018 The carpenter finished rescreening the screened porch yesterday, so today I need to paint while the …

: Like: IndieWeb Summit 2018 Recap Last week was the 8th annual IndieWeb Summit held in Portland, Oregon. It was a roaring success. …

: 7-7-2018 Favorite Single Malt Scotch: The MacAllen, 12 year, sherry cask. A near religious experience. …

: Bookmarked: phinde, my self-hosted search engine This is an Indieweb conforming site search script. Very interesting. Very powerful. Site search is …

: Bookmarked: Robolinux Lets You Easily Run Linux and Windows Without Dual Booting The number of Linux distributions available just keeps getting bigger. In fact, in the time it took …

: Bookmarked: Search Engine A comprehensive overview of the history of search engine technology companies. Read about …

: Replying to: Kicks Condor Replying to: Kicks Condor. Horror directory: This was really a faux directory. Every category was …

: 3 Count'em 3 IndieWeb Webrings I’m geeking out! There really is a webring revival. Who would have thunk it? If you are doing …

: Launched: IndieWeb Writers Web Ring Grand Opening: IndieWeb Writers Ring. Check out the requirements and feel free to join. This is an …

: More Thoughts on Webrings. This is a continuation of my earlier post on webrings. Start there for context. I used the analogy …

: Replying to Kicks Condor Replying to Kicks Condor. Thanks for replying. If the Web is our social network, then the question …

: The IndieWeb, Discovery and Web Search First, let me say, I understand that the IndieWeb movement already has a lot on their plate and that …

: Human Edited Directories vs Google I am looking at, which is the continuation of the human edited Open Directory Project …

: 7/4/2018 Ice cream! 😜

: What the IndieWeb on Wordpress needs What the IndieWeb on Wordpress needs is to be much more robust. Or it just needs to be more robust …

: Bookmarked: Why ActivityPub is the future Bookmarked: Why ActivityPub is the future. This reminds me that - many roads lead to Rome. …

: Another Web Ring Host Still Operating: Webringo After posting my previous post, I dug a little deeper and found a webring host still functioning …

: Thoughts on Webrings Past and Webrings Future There may be a webring revival afoot. Webrings had their heyday back in the 1990’s. Good …

: In Reply to: Chris Aldrich - Webrings have come back to the web. In Reply to: Chris Aldrich - Webrings have come back to the web. Gah! This brings back half …

: On Eco-Friendly Plastic Tall Kitchen Garbage/Waste Bags What is the purpose of a “tall kitchen garbage/waste bag?“ In my household, it is to …

: Reading: Shadows Over Baker Street Shadows Over Baker Street, is a crossover of Sherlock Holmes and the Lovecraft Mythos. The collected …

: America Future Navy: Drones and Submarines Since World War II, the naval aircraft carrier has proven itself to be the supreme surface combat …

: Art Deco We need more Art Deco. In general and particularly in architecture. If you are building a new retail …

: China has cracked down on what waste they import for recycling. They want better quality waste, less …

: A lot of our paper and plastic waste is shipped to China for recycling. I can’t help but feel …

: Thoughts on Eliminating Plastics by Use Category It seems to me there are several categories of plastics that we use so I thought I would list them. …

: We need something good to replace plastic straws I’m old enough to remember, as a kid, paper straws before plastic became the norm. I have to …

: It’s raining again. No yard work for me. And the crowd goes wild… SEO plugin still …

: My best guess ... My best guess is that it’s either the newly updated Post Kinds plugin or my SEO plugin or …

: Manspreading Is it manspreading if you are alone?

: There is definitely something to eliminating “friction” in micro blogging. Wordpress …

: GDPR and cookie policy: If they were oatmeal cookies nobody would object, except oat haters. But we …

: What is everybody doing about GDPR and Blogs? I’ll be the first to admit I know almost nothing about the EU’s GDPR. But after adding …

: Link: EU votes for idiotic copyright bill. Not content with plastering the internet with annoying GDPR pop-ups, the European Parliament is …

: Trump signs executive order ending child-parent separation President Donald Trump said he would be signing an executive order later Wednesday that would end …

: The early to mid 1960’s had the best looking cars. Late 1960’s were not bad but the mid …

: Exploring Free Hosted Analytics for Blogs There is probably a longer blog post coming about this, Real Soon Now but here is the flash skinny. …

: The Real Solution to Illegal Immigration I hope you all realize that the solution to most illegal immigration is fairly simple: pass a law …

: TSA, ICE and Child Abuse A few years ago, when the TSA detained, for hours, a preschooler because his name was similar to a …

: To stop endless war, raise taxes - Vox This is so true. via To stop endless war, raise taxes - Vox

: Local American Revival and the Third Wave of the Internet - BBC News A grassroots movement getting few headlines could yet herald a new American age of change. Source: …

: In 1937 Hitler Youth Spying in Britain. During the summer of 1937, Britain was so full of spies that posters were put up in public areas …

: Creating Vegetables by Executive Order #1 Executive Veggie Order #1: Pork and Beans, Refried Beans, Baked Beans are a vegetable. They might …

: The Plot Thickens: Roger Stone suddenly admits to meeting with a Russian national to seek dirt on Hillary Clinton - Vox via Roger Stone suddenly admits to meeting with a Russian national to seek dirt on Hillary Clinton - …

: The “summer job” vs. the “fancy internship” (revisited) « Minding the Workplace Internships aren’t all they are cracked up to be. One of my best life experiences was working …

: Once Upon a Time I wanted a Conspiracy Blog I’ve toyed with this idea for years, and maybe somebody is already doing it, I wanted to start …

: Local Weekend Weather Index At least 4 scoops on the ice cream index.

: All this flower planting is too stressful. I'm going back to paving everything. All this flower planting is too stressful. I’m going back to paving everything. #perennials …

: Link: 8 Ubuntu Flavors Compared If you’ve heard about Linux, then you know about the most popular version for desktop users: …

: Dear Democratic party: it's time to stop rigging the primaries | Heather Gautney | Opinion | The Guardian If Democrats want any hope of voting Trump out, they must fix the broken primary system before the …

: I see mowing and landscape work in my future for today.

: Well nobody is lobbing nukes this morning so I guess the NKorea summit went okay.

: Remember, that fire hydrant is the doggy equivalent of Twitter or Facebook.

: The more we get into the 21st Century the more I miss the 20th Century.

:   Like: It takes work to keep your data private online. These apps can help - CNET

: Thoughts on Fun Liberals want to require a full background check and a three day waiting period for anyone having …

: Listen: Santana - Smooth Santana - Smooth | Youtube

: Link: Mysterious illnesses to US Diplomats, 4 theories. - Vox One of them is an attack from a “sonic weapon.” Interesting theories. The sonic …

: How many naps can you take in one day? Is there an allowed limit?

: CountryTime pledges to pay fines of kids whose lemonade stands get shut down for operating without permit What I find appalling is that towns and cities are busting little kids for lemonade stands. …

: In reply to: Intertextrevolution In reply to: Intertextrevolution Thanks for the kind response. I’ll answer here your …

: Ubuntu Linux vs Pop!_OS Linux 2018 In 2017 Linux computer maker System76 introduced their own flavor of Linux called Pop!_OS and …

: More Americans in China say they’re victims of mysterious health attacks | Ars Technica One identified victim says the attacks were not isolated events—and the US knew. Source: More …

: Practical Documentation: What the Indieweb Needs for Wordpress What the Indieweb really needs is some practical, plain language documentation to lead end users …

: Your Phone Is Listening to You We know the Facebook app tracks where you go via GPS. Ithink it is safe to assume the Twitter app …

: 'For the Betterment of Mankind' Being an Adult Sucks I really wanted to buy a theatrical fog generator for my front porch. I think it would be cool to …

: My Gun Control Proposals 2018 I thought I should put myself on record as to what I consider to be reasonable gun control …

: Researching Perennial Flowers Currently researching perennial flowers. Need something NOT yellow. Bloom late summer. Suggestions?

: Watch 60 Free Film Noir Movies Online I’ve only seen a few of these. Some are simply brilliant. Now I have a lot of movies to watch! …

: Listening: An IndieWeb Podcast: Episode 5 "Indieweb Summit and More" With the IndieWeb Summit coming up at the end of June in Portland, David Shanske and I discuss it, …

: Sharp to buy Toshiba's PC business - Liliputing Toshiba has scaled back its PC business in recent years, but the company continues to offer a small …

: Listening: An Indieweb Podcast: Episode 4 “Webmentions and Privacy”.

: Listening to: An Indieweb Podcast: Episode 3 “Syndication”.

: Like: The erosion of Web 2.0. I’m not sure this will happen across the board but I hope large …

: Today I planted - A Shrubbery. “Ni!”

: Now I want to watch "The Americans" Because of this post: Themes of work and employment in “The Americans” I want to watch this show. I …

: Reading all these posts from the WWDC gave me this thought: I think Apple is the only company out …

: Reading: Neil Gaiman’s, Death. This is a compendium of the major stories featuring Death, one …

: How 5G is going to make smartphones ugly again The first 5G mobile devices should finally arrive next year, which means that smartphone …

: Wordpress and Emoticons, Smilies and Emojis Sigh. I’m finding the stock Wordpress emoticons (aka smilies) to be rather boring. I’m …

: Testing Smilies Default Smilies: :) ;-) ;-) ;) Are these supported in WP?

: I’m still wrestling with how to describe to someone who has never seen it. …

: Current Social Network Syndication from This Blog Here is the current syndication scheme from this blog: To: via RSS Twitter via …

: The US Border Zone is Un-American I’m calling BS. There is a law on the books that creates a ‘Border Zone’ inside …

: George Foreman Grill and Me Rooting through a cabinet I found my George Foreman grill that I have not used in 3 years. Later, …

: Pluto the Planet(toid) Gets No Respect, But This is Cool This landscape is both familiar and deeply weird. Source: Frozen Pluto has wind-blown dunes made of …

: If you have a Wordpress blog and would like cross post and interact with, Mastodon, …

: Canned pork and beans are a veggie right? They count?

: I’m missing National Doughnut Day!

: Note: Deactivated plugin (crossposting to Twitter. Activated crossposting to …

: The more I experiment, hands-on and learn this Indieweb stuff the more in awe I am. This is how …

: Testing Wordpress plugins that remove of hide titles. In this case Title Remover.

: The Problem of Media Reporting of Mass Shootings There is a problem. Alive or dead, media attention is one of several key elements these shooters …

: This article inspired me to install the Post Kinds plugin for Wordpress. This is a reply. I have no …

: Indieweb Wordpress Plugin Rocks Thinking of converting your Wordpress blog into an Indieweb compliant instance? Setting up a new …

: Watch, it will start raining just as soon as I have to go outside.

: Is there a legal limit as to how many bottles of hot sauce one can have at any one time? Asking for …

: Is there a legal limit as to how many bottles of hot sauce one can have at any one time? Asking for …

: Wow. Been down the rabbit hole at Plugins Directory. Fascinating and unsettling at the …

: Hm, must be the holiday weekend, the “Sponsored Posts” ads on Facebook, have gotten …

: Hm, must be the holiday weekend, the “Sponsored Posts” ads on Facebook, have gotten …

: So what is the suggested replacement for Roundup?

: So what is the suggested replacement for Roundup?

: Stuff I Need for a Web Presence: Ratings: 10 = goody, 1 = meh. On page comments. 10 Organic site …

: Hi, I’m doing a bit of an experiment on blog discovery, and so I sort of …

: Hi, I’m doing a bit of an experiment on blog discovery, and so I sort of …

: I don’t think anyone delivers ice cream around here.

: I don’t think anyone delivers ice cream around here.

: I should be thinking of brilliant things to write but the best I can do today is color commentary. …

: I should be thinking of brilliant things to write but the best I can do today is color commentary. …

: I should have bought ice cream this weekend.

: I should have bought ice cream this weekend.

: The Utility of Crossposting to Smaller Social Networks. In re.: cross posting. There is something to be said for cross posting to smaller social networks. …

: The Utility of Crossposting to Smaller Social Networks. In re.: cross posting. There is something to be said for cross posting to smaller social networks. …

: Brad Rule #2 - Anyone younger than me is “young”, anyone older than me is …

: Brad Rule #2 - Anyone younger than me is “young”, anyone older than me is …

: I stand corrected, there is a forth search engine besides #Google, #Bing, #Yandex that is actively …

: I stand corrected, there is a forth search engine besides #Google, #Bing, #Yandex that is actively …

: Wow. Cool. I just broke out the Macbook and downloaded the Mac app. Very nicely done. Now …

: Wow. Cool. I just broke out the Macbook and downloaded the Mac app. Very nicely done. Now …

: I’ve been hiding from the US mattress tag cops for years, the EU privacy policy police will …

: I’ve been hiding from the US mattress tag cops for years, the EU privacy policy police will …

: Back in 2011 Google said they will know what you want before you do. I think this was when I quit …

: Back in 2011 Google said they will know what you want before you do. I think this was when I quit …

: Buying a New Cheap Laptop: the MacOS vs Windows 10 vs Linux Choices My elderly iMac died. I didn’t use it much anymore, but it was holding down the fort in my …

: Buying a New Cheap Laptop: the MacOS vs Windows 10 vs Linux Choices My elderly iMac died. I didn’t use it much anymore, but it was holding down the fort in my …

: I think it’s been more than a decade since I used SU, but it was fun. There is a replacement. …

: I think it’s been more than a decade since I used SU, but it was fun. There is a replacement. …

: Surprising news from Canada. Restaurant explosion in Canada injures at least 15; search for suspects …

: Surprising news from Canada. Restaurant explosion in Canada injures at least 15; search for suspects …

: Winter dirt and muck all hosed off the screened in porch. Now it’s all drying. I’m …

: Winter dirt and muck all hosed off the screened in porch. Now it’s all drying. I’m …

: I don’t remember a rule that says we have a right to feel comfortable all the time.

: I don’t remember a rule that says we have a right to feel comfortable all the time.

: Dear Internet, nobody has read a single privacy notice.

: Dear Internet, nobody has read a single privacy notice.

: I’m thinking we need to lure some Linux (and Win. I suppose) software writers to to …

: I’m thinking we need to lure some Linux (and Win. I suppose) software writers to to …

: School Shootings: There Something Deeply Wrong in this Country, Part 1 We are facing something unprecedented in America, premeditated mass murders plotted out by teenagers …

: It’s still hard for me to believe that @bing does not have free easy site search for …

: Quietly, A Third Privacy Search Engine Enters. Stage Left. News to me. There is a new privacy search engine in town using an old name. HotBot is back and this …

: Quietly, A Third Privacy Search Engine Enters. Stage Left. News to me. There is a new privacy search engine in town using an old name. HotBot is back and this …

: Provided that I had financial backing and good search programmers… If I were going to build a …

: Meghan Markle’s Diet and Fitness Revealed | MotleyHealth…

: Meghan Markle’s Diet and Fitness Revealed | MotleyHealth…

: What the EU should do about web search and the Google Monopoly. Break up Google inside the EU at …

: What the EU should do about web search and the Google Monopoly. Break up Google inside the EU at …

: Fines shmines. Just break Google up. We need real choice and competition in search and search …

: Fines shmines. Just break Google up. We need real choice and competition in search and search …

: Plan to Act Out for rest of the week. Wed. Culturally Appropriate something. Thurs. Say something …

: Plan to Act Out for rest of the week. Wed. Culturally Appropriate something. Thurs. Say something …

: I filled out my regional planning commission’s Vision 2050 survey. Then I realised: I’ll …

: I filled out my regional planning commission’s Vision 2050 survey. Then I realised: I’ll …

: EPA prevents three news organizations from attending conference on water contaminants …

: EPA prevents three news organizations from attending conference on water contaminants …

: RT @SEO_Theory This subject has come up re. blogging and I had no idea where Google currently …

: RT @SEO_Theory This subject has come up re. blogging and I had no idea where Google currently …

: As a certified grownup, I’m pretty sure most extreme sports ought to be banned. Especially …

: As a certified grownup, I’m pretty sure most extreme sports ought to be banned. Especially …

: Florida city warns of ‘extreme zombie activity’ during power outage | US news | The …

: Florida city warns of ‘extreme zombie activity’ during power outage | US news | The …

: Sweden sends out leaflets on how to prepare for war - BBC News…

: Sweden sends out leaflets on how to prepare for war - BBC News…

: I used to call all those sites, “the street fair of the Internet.” Mostly gone now. All …

: I used to call all those sites, “the street fair of the Internet.” Mostly gone now. All …

: I almost need a separate (m)blog for snarky posts to Twitter while still owning my content. For when …

: Good list. The 100 Best Fantasy Novels of All Time - Unbound Worlds …

: Good list. The 100 Best Fantasy Novels of All Time - Unbound Worlds …

: Looks like rain all day which means more blogging. And the crowd goes wild, Yay! Also, morning …

: I pretty much spent the day blogging. It felt good.

: I pretty much spent the day blogging. It felt good.

: My worry is if this catches on in UK Church of England, they will lure all our good Episcopal …

: My worry is if this catches on in UK Church of England, they will lure all our good Episcopal …

: I’m guessing that beards for men are now “in”.

: I’m guessing that beards for men are now “in”.

: “Sombody, somewhere is having too much fun. This must be stopped.” - Unknown

: “Sombody, somewhere is having too much fun. This must be stopped.” - Unknown

: Publishers Kill Their Own eBook Sales Ebook sales by traditional publishers are down by all reports. Yet I think publishers have only …

: Publishers Kill Their Own eBook Sales Ebook sales by traditional publishers are down by all reports. Yet I think publishers have only …

: I never belived this bit of Public Relations BS. Corporations are amoral. Google removes …

: Android: switched to Blue Mail from that awful Gmail and Yahoo apps. So far I like it. Testing for …

: Android: switched to Blue Mail from that awful Gmail and Yahoo apps. So far I like it. Testing for …

: Most smileys are lame these days. Yahoo Messenger had the best. Full List of Yahoo! Smileys or …

: Most smileys are lame these days. Yahoo Messenger had the best. Full List of Yahoo! Smileys or …

: web interface: I kinda wish spell check (the red wavy underline) worked in the post box.

: Brad’s Rule #1: everybody is telling only part of the truth, the part that serves their own …

: Santa Fe Shooting: The Real Questions You Might Not Like I am going to predict that the gun banning crowd will stay muted on this tragic indecent, because …

: Done, all cross posting feeds to Facebook disabled from all blogs.

: Done, all cross posting feeds to Facebook disabled from all blogs.

: Next cull is Facebook Pages that I follow.

: Next cull is Facebook Pages that I follow.

: Fritz Leiber’s world was wonderful. Gaming in the World of Fritz Leiber’s Fafhrd and the …

: Fritz Leiber’s world was wonderful. Gaming in the World of Fritz Leiber’s Fafhrd and the …

: A very nicely put introduction. I’m enjoying being back on Linux. A beginner’s guide to Linux …

: A very nicely put introduction. I’m enjoying being back on Linux. A beginner’s guide to Linux …

: I take it, the Royal wedding is this weekend?

: I take it, the Royal wedding is this weekend?

: I culled many sites I was following on Twitter last night. The “fire hose” was becoming …

: I culled many sites I was following on Twitter last night. The “fire hose” was becoming …

: Britain: You Still Got It People, nations sometimes go through a period of self doubt and angst. As I read the headlines from …

: Retail Apocalypse: the Numbers…

: Retail Apocalypse: the Numbers…

: Why we are still in Iraq in 2018 Why is the United States Army still in Iraq in 2018? Because about a dozen Islamic State terrorists …

: You don’t need to have a blog to - blog. TinyLetter is blogging by email. Free. …

: You don’t need to have a blog to - blog. TinyLetter is blogging by email. Free. …

: Weblog Discovery: Using a Blog as a Directory of Other Blogs I had an additional idea after my post on weblog directoriesand blog discovery. It’s bit like …

: Weblog Discovery: Using a Blog as a Directory of Other Blogs I had an additional idea after my post on weblog directoriesand blog discovery. It’s bit like …

: Morning coffee: Seattle’s Best - Post Alley. Dark. Smokey.

: I realize I’ve been using Twitter as a feed reader and it’s not very good at it. I only …

: There is a value, I think, in having an email subscription feature on your blog. A lot of people …

: The Problem of Weblog Discovery in 2018. Time for Blog Directories Again? Back when blogging first took off, there soon followed a host of discovery tools: blog directories, …

: “Hyperlinks subvert hierarchy.” - The Cluetrain Manifesto True. And because of this …

: “Hyperlinks subvert hierarchy.” - The Cluetrain Manifesto True. And because of this …

: Liked: An Independent Web that is More Social than ‘Social Media’ by James Shelley

: Liked: An Independent Web that is More Social than ‘Social Media’ by James Shelley

: Watched the first episode of Inspector Morse last night. 1987, how time flies. I only saw a few …

: Watched the first episode of Inspector Morse last night. 1987, how time flies. I only saw a few …

: Brexit: No Comment Like everyone interested in world affairs I have been reading about the negotiations for Britain …

: The Day Google Killed Geocities and the Free Web. I was remembering when Google killed Geocities in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs for short). …

: The Day Google Killed Geocities and the Free Web. I was remembering when Google killed Geocities in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs for short). …

: Oh fudge! I just realized that with a new phone I have to now pair it with my car infotainment unit. …

: Oh fudge! I just realized that with a new phone I have to now pair it with my car infotainment unit. …

: The thing is there are two ways to look at 1. as a blog, 2. as a social network. …

: Who is Footing the Bill for Parkland Students Travels? This question has been on my mind for a long time since students from the Parkland school shooting …

: Having the date in the URL (Permalink) of a blog post is becoming more important as the Web ages and …

: Bathroom Use and Gender Identity I know I’m in deep do-do with this post right from the start, because I don’t even know …

: I loved the original Rocky and Bullwinkle. Amazon’s Rocky and Bullwinkle remake revives an old …

: I loved the original Rocky and Bullwinkle. Amazon’s Rocky and Bullwinkle remake revives an old …

: Dave Winer is so right on this: Scripting News: The Internet is going the wrong way …

: Dave Winer is so right on this: Scripting News: The Internet is going the wrong way …

: Well, it highlights the danger of being stupid. Family Chased by Cheetahs Highlights Dangers of …

: Well, it highlights the danger of being stupid. Family Chased by Cheetahs Highlights Dangers of …

: It ain’t #Eurovision unless there are flames shooting out of the stage. It’s a Rule.

: It ain’t #Eurovision unless there are flames shooting out of the stage. It’s a Rule.

: New term “pancake perk” this is the rate pancakes absorb syrup. #science #foodjargon …

: New term “pancake perk” this is the rate pancakes absorb syrup. #science #foodjargon …

: Complain as we might about the corporate silos of Facebook and Twitter, they have helped break the …

: Complain as we might about the corporate silos of Facebook and Twitter, they have helped break the …

: Blogger @iamjeffperry suggested a community of indie bloggers.… That …

: Okay @Jeep I leased a #Jeep in 2013. About 2 years into the lease I started getting phone calls …

: The more I think about it the more I think I should keep my pull-no-punches political posts on a …

: The more I think about it the more I think I should keep my pull-no-punches political posts on a …

: I think my Bridgy experiment is failing. Oh well, I’m not out anything. I’m …

: I think my Bridgy experiment is failing. Oh well, I’m not out anything. I’m …

: Self Musings on Consolidating My Old Blogs I’m slowly plotting my migration and consolidation of old blogs. I plan to move my old posts …

: Self Musings on Consolidating My Old Blogs I’m slowly plotting my migration and consolidation of old blogs. I plan to move my old posts …

: Librem 5 Privacy-Focused Linux Phone Will Feature a GNOME Mobile UI Shell …

: Librem 5 Privacy-Focused Linux Phone Will Feature a GNOME Mobile UI Shell …

: “Pro-Beyoncé” vs. “Anti-Beyoncé”: 3,500 Facebook ads show the scale of Russian manipulation …

: “Pro-Beyoncé” vs. “Anti-Beyoncé”: 3,500 Facebook ads show the scale of Russian manipulation …

: Everyone is just cattle to the TSA. TSA Expresses ‘Regret’ After Asking Trudeau Minister to Remove …

: Everyone is just cattle to the TSA. TSA Expresses ‘Regret’ After Asking Trudeau Minister to Remove …

: Judge questions warrantless electronics searches at border…

: Judge questions warrantless electronics searches at border…

: “Small starts” to spur big growth - National Resources & Technical Assistance For …

: “Small starts” to spur big growth - National Resources & Technical Assistance For …

: Site search on a blog: The more content, the more posts and comments, the more you need site search. …

: Why you need good site search on your blog Site search on a blog: The more content, the more posts and comments, the more you need site search. …

: According to Amazon, I should be getting the new US version Nokia 6.1 (2018) phone on Monday. …

: According to Amazon, I should be getting the new US version Nokia 6.1 (2018) phone on Monday. …

: Back before Google, most search engines, there were about 6 - 8 of them, were pretty bad. We largely …

: Back before Google, most search engines, there were about 6 - 8 of them, were pretty bad. We largely …

: The Trump administration just forced smartphone maker ZTE to shut down | Ars Technica …

: Midsomer Murders Season 20 is getting in the way of my blogging.

: Midsomer Murders Season 20 is getting in the way of my blogging.

: We need a third global search engine that does their own crawls and keeps their own database. Heck …

: We need a third global search engine that does their own crawls and keeps their own database. Heck …

: Notes for Total World Domination: Must decide on army. 1. Army of Invincible Robots? Expensive. …

: Notes for Total World Domination: Must decide on army. 1. Army of Invincible Robots? Expensive. …

: Morning: Buy Mother’s Day card. Mow lawn Plot Total World Domination Afternoon: Nap during …

: Morning: Buy Mother’s Day card. Mow lawn Plot Total World Domination Afternoon: Nap during …

: Reminder: go to dollar store tomorrow and buy Mother’s Day card. … What?

: I wake up this morning, check my phone and after I unlock, the camera app is running. I don’t …

: 6 Surprising Perspectives on Big Box Stores — Strong Towns…

: 6 Surprising Perspectives on Big Box Stores — Strong Towns…

: I ran across an example of the importance of having site search on a blog. I was blog surfing, for …

: New batteries for the electric lawn mower. Now they have to charge for about 30 hours and then I can …

: Right. I just hooked up two blogs to Bridgy and I’m still not sure what’s going to …

: Right. I just hooked up two blogs to Bridgy and I’m still not sure what’s going to …

: Sometimes there are no winners and there is no way to make a bad situation right again. Colorado …

: Sometimes there are no winners and there is no way to make a bad situation right again. Colorado …

: The beauty of, is that it focuses all attention on what is being written. From a post …

: People are not going to leave Facebook in droves. First they need some place to move too. There has …

: People are not going to leave Facebook in droves. First they need some place to move too. There has …

: Midsomer Murders, season 20, is on Acorn TV now. Hello my old friends, welcome back, I missed you. …

: Midsomer Murders, season 20, is on Acorn TV now. Hello my old friends, welcome back, I missed you. …

: Yup, that would be a cat.… #catlesscatpost

: Yup, that would be a cat.… #catlesscatpost

: If Shakespeare were here, he’d be short.

: If Shakespeare were here, he’d be short.

: Nokia: So the Nokia 6.1 (2018) is officially being released in the US. Unlocked GSM, which means it …

: Nokia: So the Nokia 6.1 (2018) is officially being released in the US. Unlocked GSM, which means it …

: So what are the current “best practices” in long form blogging now in regards to visitor …

: So what are the current “best practices” in long form blogging now in regards to visitor …

: $2.69 for a rising crust pizza at Aldi. And they are good too. Win!

: $2.69 for a rising crust pizza at Aldi. And they are good too. Win!

: Crikey! I registered a new domain last night and I can’t remember what it is. #facepalm

: Crikey! I registered a new domain last night and I can’t remember what it is. #facepalm

: This sounds very promising. I like the Android One (pure Android) bit. The Nokia 6.1 launches in the …

: This sounds very promising. I like the Android One (pure Android) bit. The Nokia 6.1 launches in the …

: It’s chili-burrito supper Friday. Yea! Recipie: Heat up can of chili. Microwave a couple of …

: It’s chili-burrito supper Friday. Yea! Recipie: Heat up can of chili. Microwave a couple of …

: I can only applaud the #Indieweb movement and the many scripts they are producing. However, …

: I can only applaud the #Indieweb movement and the many scripts they are producing. However, …

: I’ve either ordered, from Amazon, an inexpensive sealed lead acid replacement battery for my …

: I’ve either ordered, from Amazon, an inexpensive sealed lead acid replacement battery for my …

: This is creepy. Are your phone camera and microphone spying on you? | Dylan Curran | Opinion | The …

: This is creepy. Are your phone camera and microphone spying on you? | Dylan Curran | Opinion | The …

: Thunderstorms off and on all day. I doubt the landscaper is coming today.

: Thunderstorms off and on all day. I doubt the landscaper is coming today.

: This sounds like progress. While Facebook Flounders, Women Build Their Own Social Networks …

: This sounds like progress. While Facebook Flounders, Women Build Their Own Social Networks …

: A connected and walkable suburb | CNU…

: A connected and walkable suburb | CNU…

: The Best Mobile Payment Apps of 2018 |…

: The Best Mobile Payment Apps of 2018 |…

: Privacy Badger, the browser extension everyone should know about. Basically you install it on your …

: Privacy Badger, the browser extension everyone should know about. Basically you install it on your …

: Procrastination Projects: Phasing out my use of Yahoo Mail. I’ve had an account with Yahoo …

: Procrastination Projects: Phasing out my use of Yahoo Mail. I’ve had an account with Yahoo …

: Yes I think the #indieweb is important. The web is drowning in corporate faff, where it use to be …

: Yes I think the #indieweb is important. The web is drowning in corporate faff, where it use to be …

: The ultimate guide to walkable streets. Lots of good stuff here. …

: The ultimate guide to walkable streets. Lots of good stuff here. …

: Tech firms have replaced government as biggest threat to privacy, ex-CIA director says …

: Tech firms have replaced government as biggest threat to privacy, ex-CIA director says …

: Comments on blog posts: my experience is, they just get spammed by link droppers. Comments seem to …

: Comments on blog posts: my experience is, they just get spammed by link droppers. Comments seem to …

: Agreed. ‘Simpsons’ Creator Says of Apu Criticism, ‘People Love to Pretend They’re Offended’ …

: Agreed. ‘Simpsons’ Creator Says of Apu Criticism, ‘People Love to Pretend They’re Offended’ …

: As Facebook Shows Its Flaws, What Might A Better Social Network Look Like? This article brings out so many good points. You really can’t quit Facebook unless you (and …

: High SPF Sunscreens Really Are Better…

: High SPF Sunscreens Really Are Better…

: Great article! BBC - Travel - The secret green shelters that feed London’s cabbies …

: Great article! BBC - Travel - The secret green shelters that feed London’s cabbies …

: Phone maker settles charges it let partner collect text messages.…

: Comcast is boosting Internet speed, but only for customers who also take Comcast TV. …

: Todo List: Register new domain(s). Hunt down more RSS feeds. Write review of #Mastodon Look at …

: I’m using Inoreader as my RSS reader now. I started going back through Facebook Pages that I …

: T-Mobile and Sprint to merge. I’m not sure how I feel about that. …

: Huawei may have a backup OS in the works should it lose access to Android. Makes sense, always plan …

: Review: Friendica Social Network I managed to play with the decentralized social network for part of the afternoon and I …

: Like in the dirt world, in the cyberworld if the powerful want what you have they can take it. …

: Mmm. Nice afternoon green tea.

: End of an era. Way back when blogging was brand new and I was trying to figure it out Cre8asite …

: I found Mastodon Twitter Crossposter . So now I post to my blog at which syndicates to …

: How to ditch Google on Linux.…

: Truth.…

: Wow a lot of people I follow on Twitter appear to have quit posting. Pity that, many were …

: Internet Radio: Right now I have 3 stations programmed in, [UK 1940s Radio …

: Android One could be my next phone. I’m looking into my next phone. I actually have a perfectly good phone that I’m very …

: Interesting invention. I hope it works because we have to face the plastics pollution problem. …

: Another Chrome browser extension that really works well: . Which is important for …

: So, duh, I just discovered Pocket I’d seen it around for years but never really …

: How Blogging has Changed. Once upon a time, when web blogging was new, the rule was to “link freely” to whatever …

: Jewel Food Stores @jewelosco Signature (house brand) frozen butter milk pancakes are now about the …

: Just installed and configured @vivaldibrowser (Linux) and I love it. It’s like coming Home, …

: New System76 laptop on the way. I’m going back to Linux because Windows is out of the question …

: I wonder if getting to post to Mastodon has been considered? Twitter is good, Facebook …

: I’m glad I did not pay for that in Bitcoin. Er, not that I really know what Bitcoin is, how it …

: They have this all wrong. If you want to stop illegal immigration you should also arrest the plant …

: Mysterious sunstones in medieval Viking texts could really have worked | Ars Technica …

: Methinks Russia doth protest too much.…

: Cities ought to look at it this way, will food trucks fill a void and will they enhance the appeal …

: Russian ex-spy told he was on Kremlin ‘hit list’…

: The sexiest woman in the world is whichever one is walking towards me with a pizza. Truth. …

: I just bought a 6 pack of Coke Zero. I have no idea what makes it different from Diet Coke but iI …

: Archaeologists discover 81 ancient settlements in the Amazon…

: These are the 25 most powerful militaries in the world — and there’s a clear winner …

: Russian spy was poisoned by nerve agent on the door of his home in England: police …

: Putin Finally Went Too Far…

: So everybody, including me, has their pitchforks and torches out for Facebook. Now some tech experts …

: Do graham crackers have any nutritional value? Asking for a friend.

: Good thing we banned explosive devices. That worked so well. Thankfully no one was hurt. 6 …

: A New Cold War With Russia? No, It’s Worse Than That…

: Check out @Puri_sm’s Tweet:…

: Federal Flight Deck Officers: The airline pilots trained to shoot hijackers - …

: This column is well thought out. How The Second Amendment Prevents Tyranny …

: Facebook logs SMS texts and calls, users find as they delete accounts…

: Great movie.…

: Posting from my phone. The web app works just fine with a nice simple interface. can …

: Trying out



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