Dear Democratic party: it's time to stop rigging the primaries | Heather Gautney | Opinion | The Guardian

If Democrats want any hope of voting Trump out, they must fix the broken primary system before the next election
This is so true it hurts.  Elitism is not supposed to be part of the Democratic Party, but the weight given to Super Delegate, Party elite, votes disenfranchises the rank and file members.  The game is rigged is right.  The numbers reported in this op-ed are shocking.

Parties lose political legitimacy when they are seen to no longer represent their members.  The Democrats are deep into this and heading deeper.  It will take longer for their support to melt away, because they are the only other choice against Republicans in a rigged two party system, but that day will come.  It’s already happening.

Source: Dear Democratic party: it’s time to stop rigging the primaries | Heather Gautney | Opinion | The Guardian

Brad Enslen @bradenslen


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