Switching to Kobo for eBooks

Last night I ordered a Kobo Clara HD ebook reader.   The confirmation email told me to expect delivery in 7 to 10 business days.  That’s pretty slow fulfillment in 2019.  This is not an auspicious start to what I hope will be a long term relationship.  Hopefully it will arrive faster than that. We will see.

I am already heavily invested in the Amazon Kindle and also the Barnes and Noble Nook ecosystems but I always worry about DRM and silos so I have been contemplating diversifying further.   My intention is that all new ebook purchases will be through Kobo, although I’m by no means abandoning Kindle.  Eggs/basket - all that.

Kobo has only a small market share in the US, but is popular in Canada, Europe and Japan.  Kobo’s hardware gets good reviews.

Before buying the Clara HD, I checked out the Kobo eBook Store and I liked the clean less cluttered look.  They have many apps for reading ebooks on Android, iOS, and other operating systems.  So I tried the free Android app on my Samsung tablet and liked it although the Samsung is way to heavy for comfortable book reading.

All that convinced me to try a low end Kobo ereader.  The Kobo Clara HD is a big step up from my elderly Kindle.  Both are 6 inch screen models but the Kobo has these improvements:

  • Paper white screen background. My Kindle is murky grayish.
  • Light up reading screen.  No light on my Kindle.
  • Nighttime reading light.
  • Lighter, thinner, faster, more memory.
  • Kobo supports a lot more ebook formats than Kindle.  This is key because I can import books from elsewhere and read them on the Kobo.  With more books finally entering the public domain in the US this is important.
So I’ll see how this goes.  My goal this year is to spend more time reading and if I like Kobo and the Clara HD I might even upgrade to something like the larger Kobo Forma.

Brad Enslen @bradenslen


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