Micro.blog and Wordpress blogs living in harmony

I’ve got these two domains: ramblinggit.com (here) and rantinggit.com (now a Micro.blog (MB) hosted blog).  Both represent me.  Both post to Micro.blog.  I guess that makes me the “Git”. 😐

Brief History of rantinggit.com:  I started it on Wordpress.com as a reaction to the crazies on Facebook.  Later I just quit reading FB and so a lot of my desire to rant about things disappeared.  I decided to move the domain and contents to MB and use it for quicker interaction with the MB social network.

Ramblinggit.com with it’s more extensive support for on-page comments and web mentions, will be used for long form posts and some micro posts: Like, Bookmark, Listen,  Quote, Read, etc.

Both blogs are linked together in their menus with redirects.  In Wordpress I used the Page Links To plugin.  On Micro.blog I followed Manton’s instructions.

Both blogs crosspost to Twitter.

I think this is going to work.

Brad Enslen @bradenslen


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