My Gutenberg Migration Planning

I have several blogs: 1 x hosted blog plus 2 x Wordpress blogs.  After the Holidays, I’ll probably migrate my main WP blog (you are here) to some other blogging platform.  No matter what I do I will lose my Indieweb features on that blog.  But that said, I forsee it becoming increasingly hard for the Indieweb moveement to continue to support Wordpress in the coming months and years.

So here are some options I’m considering:

  1. - this is kinda cool.  I like that you have a backup of each post on your harddrive plus on Dropbox plus on Blot’s servers.  I like that it is compatible with txt files and Markdown plus HTML. My problem is I currently have 2 laptops in rotation and my Blot post files would be scattered between the two harddrives.
  2. ClassicPress - I know I’m going to use this in the future that I wanted to build with WP.  They have a plugin that should convert most WP 5.0 sites to ClassicPress.
  3. TikiWiki  - the admin panel stretches beyond the horizon.  It’s a full blog, wiki, discussion forum, article poster, static html page creator, FAQ generator, web directory, newletter engine and more stuff I can’t remember.  You just turn the features you are going to use on as needed.  Not for beginners.
  4. - I already have one here.  I use it mainly for quick Tweet-like posts. Frankly it’s under utilized.  I think that will change if I move to any of the three platforms above.  The main problem, for me, with is that anyone that wants to comment must do so on which means that a friend from university following me on an RSS reader (it could happen) can’t really comment on a post or participate in a conversation.  MB might get those capabilities someday just not for now.  I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out how to overcome this but I’m not coming up with any answers.  I do know that if I move to TikiWiki or Blot I will use my existing hosted blog more.
Right now TikiWiki looks the best.  It’s got nearly everything and then some.  It updates to a new major release every 8 months so it is well supported and not a beta.  I can syndicate out to Twitter and Mastodon via my account.  I’ll have to give up Indieweb magic until I can figure out how to add bits of that to it. It has comments protected with Akismet.  Still thinking.

I’m just posting this to give people a snapshot of my current thinking.  This could all change tomorrow. But if you are stuck on Wordpress you might want to explore these as options for yourself.


Brad Enslen @bradenslen


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