Exploring Free Hosted Analytics for Blogs

There is probably a longer blog post coming about this, Real Soon Now but here is the flash skinny.

  • Jetpack stats is great to get you started but it is very basic. Need something more.
  • I hate Google so I’m avoiding Google Analytics.
  • I do not want to install scripts on my server. I want a remotely hosted solution with the data on somebody else’s server.
  • I don’t have high traffic and I’m not selling anything or serving ads so I don’t need anything fancy.
  • I hate companies that do not say straight up how much their service costs and if they have a free option.  Obfuscation has become way too prevalent in the marketplace. They want you to sign up first then tell you what is available.  Not worth my time.
There are some really good solutions out there but they fail on one or more of my points listed above.

Many of the old players have gone dark. There are many new players that I’ve never heard of.  We’ll see.

Any suggestions as to who is good any why?

Brad Enslen @bradenslen


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