@bradenslen @help Nevermind. I found where it now resides. Thanks.
@bradenslen @help Nevermind. I found where it now resides. Thanks.
@help I'm looking for the place to edit the footer. It's been years, but there was a handy place you could add stats counters, webrings and such without screwing up the whole theme. All those webrings and such are still there but I can't find the footer area that has the code(s) I put in.
@dejus Great video. I'm glad you got out of there before it got worse.
@cheribaker The problem is, potentially waiting all weekend for activation does not make me inclined to want to use the service. I wanted to spend the weekend fiddling with it on my pages and not in some kinda weird cyberlimbo. :)
@cheesemaker Thanks that's a great page. Although you are right, I try to avoid Github as much as possible.
@frankm Yes. And I guess we have to hit bottom before we start climbing out of it. If we climb out of it.
@pratik There is something to be said for using third party and not putting all your eggs in one basket. The trade off is keeping track of a lot of different services.
@bradenslen Using Micro Blog would be easiest, but I could also use Nekoweb or Neocities and build a one page profile website.
@pratik Very true. That's always been a problem with Web 1.0 is getting things to scale.
@pratik Status (dot) cafe
@adders Good find.
@BramMeehan Good comic explainer! Thanks for that.
@johnjohnston Please be of good cheer, John and happy and warm.
@adders Thank you. This is very well written.
@vincent Thanks for posting.
@adders I hate guilt by association and I don't admire Adam's conduct.
I'm a cynical old git, and I noticed Adam is a competitor, which surprised me at first, but that thought never leaves my mind.
@manton Thanks. Good post.
@danielpunkass I agree. Who elected Adam Newbold king? I'm not willing to throw Manton under the bus just because he didn't jump high enough when this Adam character snapped his fingers. Manton has always been decent to me over the years and I intend to return the courtesy.
@news :thumbs up:
@cheribaker Nom nom nom. Looks great.
@adders Perhaps he was having a Random Scots Interlude which is quite understandable.
@JohnPhilpin Well at least you are alright.
@adders Sooner or later schisms happen in all organizations and communities. The problems come to a head faster online. We humans never learn.
@adders I keep wondering how people who profess to be Christians, somehow, always forget things like the Golden Rule and other teachings directly from the mouth of Jesus Christ. Of course there are those that know not God but pretend to believe for their own profit.
Well, we know Trump now.
@adders I tracked down his last post here which I see repeated elsewhere. I think you are right, he's gone. That makes me sad, I'll miss him.