Bad Musk and Trump news is coming in quick and fast. In the wee hours of the morning I thought about just ignoring all this bad news and not post it here or on Link Punk.
But I realized, Musk and Trump are doing this “move fast and break things” strategy for a reason. They want us to get overwhelmed, they want us to tune out, because once we quit paying attention they can do the really nasty stuff, the criminal stuff, the corrupt stuff, and things like taking away our rights. Like jack booted stuff.
So ignoring Trump, tuning out, plays right into his hands. If we ignore Trump, he wins.
To the 5 people reading my shit, I’m sorry, but I can’t back off and only post happy news. It sucks but some of the time the world really sucks and this is one of those times. We can’t abandon the watchtowers and the battlements right now.