When Amazon Kindle's Fail, Preparing for Storms.

The weather forecast is possible ice storm tonight. So I figured I’d make sure both my ebook readers were ready just in case I lose power or internet.

I have not used either my Kobo or Kindle readers in some time. Kobo needed a software update and then sync’d just fine. Kindle won’t connect to WiFi and I don’t know why. I’ve owned Kindle’s for years and never had this problem. Reset wifi router, turned off Kindle, numerous things and no joy. I’ll let it set for awhile turned off. I have the Kobo so I don’t really need the damn Kindle. This is the stuff that causes unrest.

Fortunately I have a bunch of unread books on the Kobo, so I’m ready should the power or internet fail. (I doubt they will but you never know.

Brad Enslen @bradenslen


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