Stocking up on Canadian and Mexican Products Before Tuesday

Last chance to stock up today:

  1. Voortman Cookies - These are made in Canada. I like the Zero Sugar cookies. I better stock up before the Trump Tariffs hit tomorrow, because I doubt they will be replaced.

  2. Oatmeal - I read somewhere that like +90% of high quality oats are imported to the US from Canada. Time to stock up.

  3. Eggs - these don’t come from Canada but I’ll buy an extra dozen just because I don’t trust Trump not to fuck things up. You know?

  4. Coffee - yeah again not Canadian but I’ll use it up eventually. Can’t hurt, because coffee and you don’t ever want to run out of coffee. It’s a rule.

  5. Gasoline - I’ll top off the car before the SHTF tomorrow. Big Oil will look for any excuse to raise gas prices in an instant.

I’m sure there are other products (Canadian or Mexican or otherwise) I should be stocking up on but I can’t think of them right now, but this will do for a start.

Brad Enslen @bradenslen


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