A Blogroll Solution

After much discussion I came up with a new blogroll. Ta da!

Not perfect but a bit easier to maintain.  I used the Links Shortcode plugin to resurrect the “Links” function in Wordpress and let me put the links on a Page rather than a Widget.  I still have not fully figured out the formatting for the links lists but I got the core: clickable links, a description automatically arranged in alphabetical order.  Good enough.

I borrowed a lot of suggestions from Chris Aldrich.  Even though I didn’t use it, I like his use of the term “Following” page.  I think it fits better.  I stuck with “blogroll” because that’s what I’m used to.  I used a different plugin to resurrect the Links function but it gets the job done.  I copied his menu taxonomy and made my Blogroll Page a sub-page under “About”, not to hide it but to to personalize it and show ownership of it - that it is my list and should be equated with me.

Now I’m free to add blogs to the roll, so It will grow.

Brad Enslen @bradenslen


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