@cheribaker How long do they have to soak or whatever before you can eat one?
@cheribaker How long do they have to soak or whatever before you can eat one?
@odd It looks like the original 1927 editions of the first three Hardy Boy books are in the public domain in the US. I should try and hunt them down and read them even though they are problematic due to racial stereotypes. I've always been curious as to what the 1927 versions were like.
@mitchw I like the whole Dresden series. The books keep getting better and better as the series goes on. I hope you enjoy it.
@odd Same here.
@cheribaker Pickle freely and without fear!
@frankm I think you are right on this.
@JohnPhilpin Blues Night sounds so good. I hope you were able to stay for it.
@dshanske I use Classic Press on one blog and it works well for me. As for WordPress I can't see a way forward with the block editor and the direction WP wants to go.
@ceciliapeartree.bsky.social Kobo link here: store.kobobooks.com/en-us/Search...
@cheribaker Thanks for posting this. I just got a reminder yesterday of how much Amazon has declined as a place to find DVD's when I went looking for an obscure British film. This looks a lot better.
@cheribaker Fact.
@cheribaker Both procrastination and rationalization are underappreciated forms of Art.
@odd Yikes!
@JohnPhilpin $8 a bottle is outrageous.
@cheribaker I hope you like Mojeek.
@odd Reading Doc Searls is richly rewarding.
@chrisaldrich This takes me back to a time when giving a bottle of booze was very common. 1960's - 1970's. Heck, my Dad would put a gift box bottle in the mailbox for Bill the Mailman.
@bradenslen.bsky.social Thanks. I too am a @blog.system76.com.web.brid.gy customer. And I see they have a sale going on right now.
@odd I think this is the best solution. We've been hearing about recycling plastics for decades, it never quite happens and the problem keeps getting worse. Time to move away from plastics.
@ChrisJWilson True. Certain inefficiencies are built into government at all levels, on purpose. (ie. 30 or more days for public comment on new rules, gov't business being conducted in open, public meetings, asking for bids from contractors, etc) These delays can be frustrating to someone coming from the business sector because in gov't everything takes so long to do, but they serve a purpose and help weed out backroom deals. It also helps weed out public fads, which come and go, and sometimes don't look so smart after a year or two.
@cheribaker That looks great.
@manton A quote I like:
Because creation is #resistance. Making things is additive. And in a subtractive time such as this, you must balance the void with its opposite. That is an act of defiance. And we need more defiance.
-- Chuck Wendig
@odd Since English is really a pidgin language (2 - 3 languages haphazardly bolted together) we always blame any English language weirdness on the French. Because French.
@JohnPhilpin If they were just tracking their cheese using blockchain this would not have happened. Ever. Heh.
Second thought: nobody is trying to steal Velveeta. Just saying.
@chrisaldrich Great article. It makes it far less daunting for someone to get started on typewriter repair.