A Look at Known: social publishing and Indieweb

Publish blog posts, photos and media to your own site, and syndicate it to your social networks. Keep everything on your own site.
Source: Known: social publishing for groups and individuals

I’m looking at Known this morning.  The website has that Silicon Valley - Apple vibe to it - lots of short sentences - completely lacking in key details. How many templates? Any screen shots of templates? Buried: yes they do have comments but no word on what kind of spam protection or what moderation looks like. Also buried: you can get a free Known site on a subdomain or managed hosting on a Pro plan - except no pricing anywhere for the Pro plan.  That tells me they are not serious about that service.

What I like about Known is the core support for Indieweb stuff.  The rest of the blogging features look a bit light weight, as far as I can tell from the scant details on the site.

But still we come back to the Indieweb stuff.

It begs the question, How important are the Indieweb features to me?  I think they are very important.  But I have to weigh that vs. blog script features that I have to directly use, hands on, all day long.  Indieweb sort of lurks in the background and you don’t notice it until another Indieweb user comments or mentions your post. Indieweb can get you discovered and engaged in conversations but it does not write the posts.  The actual features of the blog or CMS script outweigh having Indieweb goodness.  It would be nice to have both out of the box but I don’t think that is possible.

Brad Enslen @bradenslen


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