Creating An Exit Page on a Website

Today I made an Exit page.  So many people end their visit by hitting the Back button on their browser.  The exit page is a last attempt to get them to explore the Blog Directory to find an entertaining blog.  Or failing that to try a search on a search engine they may have never tried before.

A directory isn’t much good if it does not provide traffic to the sites listed in it.  So I’m obliged to drive traffic to it.  As for the search engine, I’ll probably rotate different search boxes every few weeks.  Exploring the Web needs to be fun again. We can make it so.


It’s not that I’m inviting people to leave.  This was always one of the worries about webrings, that you were inviting people to leave.  That is a false worry. Visitors leave when they are done with your site.  Like a webring, the exit page, if they chose to use it, is intended to make their exit more productive by sharing traffic with other blogs or introducing them to a search engine other than Google.  With the directory link it’s a chance to reintroduce “surfing the web” as in bygone days.  And maybe it gives the act of leaving a small element of - adventure.

It’s a bit of whimsy that uptight corporate blogs and blog magazines wouldn’t dare.  😈

Brad Enslen @bradenslen


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